World news_ Schultz says Marcos welcome in the U.S. WASHINGTON (AP) — Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, en route from power to a eluctant exile, is “welcome to come to the United States.” Secretary of State George Shultz announced Tuesday. He said the United States had officially recognized the new government of Corazon Aquino. Shultz said U.S. officials had "a great deal of interaction" with Marcos as the long-time Philippine leader mulled over The Town Quacker Announces The University of Oregon Housing Department is now accepting applications for the position of GIRLS STATE LIAISON QUALIFICATIONS: Previous experience with a girls or boys state program; a stong interest and some experience with housing magagement: the ability to relate well with a wide variety of people; the ability to work well under pressure, a broad knowledge ol the University of Oregon; some ex perience of automated office equipment; the ability to complete tasks in an unstructured work environment EMPLOYMENT PERIOD: Part time work, beginning April I, 1986 and running through the Oregon Girls State Conference. July 6 12, 1986. Flexible work schedule averaging 4-8 hours per week. Near full-time employment from July 1-15. 1986. REIMBURSEMENT: $4.12 per hour. Room and board provided dur ing the Oregon Girls State Conference. APPLICATIONS: And complete job descriptions are available at the front desk of the Housing Office. Walton Hall, Due no later than noon. Monday. March 10. 1986. Interiews will be conducted March 13 and 14. Final selection should occur March 17, 1986. ] FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Greg Harris. Manager. University.Housing. 686-4277 An EtatMrf OworttmtiirfAlfiinmiw Art ion Emptoyv* • Conference J his decision to Mee the island nation. The secretary, speaking to reporters at the White House shortly before 10 a.m. KST. said Marcos was at the United States' Clark Air Base outside DIM 11 ^$195 Sushi Lunch Special Dim Sum co o e Lunch And Trv Us For Dinner CHINA BLUE Restaurant . 879 E.; 13th:. 343-2832 Get a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY . . . (Ju«t atk for Ihr •p^citlh ' 0* ‘ 0 ’ ’ • (Add'I • 0 ' 0 Why settle for less . than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery ereai £ 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. Manila, adding, "1 don't think any decision has been made" as to his destination. Marcos' first stop was to be at a U.3. base on Guam, a congres sional source said. “Obviously. President Mar cos was reluctant to leave his post," Shultz said. "At any rate, he did leave." Asked what he thought coh-. vinced Marcos to leave. Shultz said, "I would suppose that, if you conceive of yourself as governing a country people switching over, (you) have to conclude (you are)" not. .aide to govern! • • ‘ "But basically." he said, ‘.’this is not something the United States has done — this is something the people of the Philippines have done," , "Of course.." he said. "Am- . hassador (Stephen Bosworth) had many dismissions with the principles involved.” Ho said Reagan confidante Son. Paul i.axalt, who undertook a special mission to Marcos last year, had spoken with the embattled leader Monday "I'm not going to get into details of the conversation," which Marcos initiated, Shull/ said. At another point, he said he was not "going |n get into the process" that fed to Marcos' departure lie praised the peaceful end of the Marcos era, which began with Marcos' claiming victory in the Feb. 7 election amid . charges of widespread fraud. Shulfz said of the Philippine people, "They have resolved . this issue.non violently and in a. way thai does them honor.” . Marcos relinquished power just hours after taking the oath for a new six-year-term as presi dent.." Court tightens: rules to limit pornography WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme ' Court,-bn Tuesday made it easier forthe nation's communities to restrict the Inca lions of adult- movie theaters and" other adult-entertainment attractions. By a 7-2- vote in a case from Renton; Wash., the court said communities can use their zon ing powers to "preserve the quality- of urban' life" by relegating all adult movie houses to one isolated area or by requiring that the theaters la scattered. .The. court said, basically the same thing in.-1976. but Tues day’s decision is a key one because it frees communities, ;, ‘ especially smaller ones, from having to wait to see what effect adult movie theaters have . before restricting them. • .The justices said Kenton, which had no such theaters in 1981. when if passed a restric tive zoning ordinance. lawfully could rely on the exjieriencas of other., larger cities to assume that adult theaters would i>e harmful. . Although the ruling discuss ed only adult movie theaters, its rationale is applicable as well to adult bookstores and other establishments featuring sex ually explicit materials. To all those concerned, UO STUDENT SENATE will be meeting WEDS, at 3:30 in Room 167 to discuss the ADD DROP ISSUE. Th« Student Senate in currently working to lengthen the add drop deadline. If interested, please attend. Student imput is of great value to this pertinent issue. MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOC. INVITES YOU TO ISLAM AND THE PALESTINIAN PROBLEM BY: OMAR AL-SOBANI "A Founding Member of Islamic Union of Palestine" FEB. 26th at 7:00 pm SCI 123 (SCIENCE I)