DON’T FORGET WEDNESDAYS' Dining Room Special! Pizza & a Pitcher ’5.50 "Chicago Style” CiUonc and Pasta •921. • MS-4114 OPEN DAILY! 1 lam to 6pm Mon-Sat 12 to 5pm Sunday High Quality COPIES All Day ★ Every Day Collating Binding Print America 519 E. 13th 485-1940 0VE«> _% THE PIZZA ANSWER % with TH E PI ZZA AN SWE R I *3.99 for any 1 itesnl2w pizza + 1 free 32 oz. pop (Good this Wed. Feb. 26. 1986 oe!y! f name phone one coupon per pizza good wed. only 687-8600 1432 Orchard • Eugene ^ Coke, Diet Coke or Sprite NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH DDE Oregon Daily Emeraiu ODE (Oregon Daily Ernt-rr.:,; OPE Orxjpn Dally Emerald C Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Em Jaiiy Emerald ODE Oregon Dally Emerald ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Oregon D CALENDAR: Feb. 27 (Thursday): GYMNSATICS - Seattle Pacific at Gertinger Annex, 7 p.m. MENS BASKETBALL - California at Berkeley, Calif., 7:35 p.m. Feb. 27-March 1 (Thursday Saturday): WOMEN S SWIMMING - Nor Pac Championships at Portland. March 1 (Saturday): WOMEN’S BASKETBALL — Fresno State at Fresno, Calif., 7:30 p.m. ; GYMNASTICS - Spokane Community College and Boise State at Gerlinger Annex. 2 p.m. . March 2 (Sunday): . WRESTLING r- Pacific-10 Conference championships at Pullman. Wash., all day OUTDOOR ° . 'PROGRAM: Feb. 27.(Thursday1): . ' SKI DAY — Trip sheets for. a day of skiing goup. every Thursday for various’day trips-.-. Outdoor Program office. ‘ SOUTH AMERICA — A multi-’ media slideshow that ..brings alive the waterfalls, people, sunshine and Whitewater kayaking in South America. Presented, by Phif QeRelmer. 7:30 p.m., 150 Geology. " March 4 (Tuesday):. LADACH &’ MOLOKAI - A slide Show presented by Na-. tionai Geographic freelance. photograppher . Rick . Cooke about Ladac.h, in the Himalayas and another slide show about the Hawailn island of Molokai. 7:30 p.m., 150 Geology. RECREATION AND INTRAMURALS: EVENTS: Fun Run: Entry deadline: March 5. Start: March 5. Sports Photo Contest: Entry deadline: March 7. RESULTS: BASKETBALL: Tuesday, Feb. 18: Men's If: < Frosty Pounders d. Ducks for Bucks, 37-27 Raiders d. Sigma Phi epsilon II, 51-22 Lambda Chi Alpha A d The Hooters, 41-39 The Ultimate Dudes d: Army ROOT, 27-24 Die-Off d MARV!, 59-58 High Whites d Chi Pal B. 47-42 Men's III & Dorm Robbin s Redman d Hellcats, 41 38 Dred locks d. Pol Pounders. 82-32 Penguins _d. King James II &. Disciples. 54-35 Casuals d Net Flu*, 53-27 • Coed C.G.'s Only Hope d Bioha/ard (Killer Toxins) Women: Grand Slams d. Spankers. Forfeit Wednesday. Feb 19 Men 's I: N A F A d Team Chad, 69-54 Sigma Phi Epsilon I d Betas. 44 41 Air Lodge d Sigma Nu A, 47-44 Men 's II: •Big Time Major Dudes d Blue Thunder. Forfeit' .Swat Patrol d Phi Psi II. 50 44 Mitsubishi Corp. d .SAE III, 32-29 Men's III & Dorm Lou's Auto Body d DeBusk, 52 30 Philo Orangemen d Killer Toxins. 49-26 ■ Coed: Jacks and Jills d Net Assets, 89-41 \A/omen. Gmma Phi Beta d. Army ROTC, 40-18 Clark Halt d. Yellow Snow & 4 Dwarf 47-42 Diggers d Hooplas, 79-21 Thursday. Feb. 20: Men a I: M Train V d Twihe, 84-45 Kappa Sigma d. I-Felta Thigh. Forfeit Sigma Chi d. Sig ep I. 38-28 Men $11: . Busting Bombers d> Zen Hoopsters, 46-41 Blues Brothers d Lambda Chf.. Alpha B. 48-38 Theta Chi B d. Contraband Col onels. Forfeit %=*,■ Men 'a III A Dorm - Brick House d Philo Orangemen, • ° • 44 42 Fear & Loathing d Lou's Auto Body. 50-42 Bobbin's Redmen d. Casuals, 54-51 Penguins d, Dredlocks. 43 40 Coed . Jacks an Jills d C G ‘s Only Hope. 85-45. • Women ... •'./ Gamma Phi Beta d Pol Pounders. - - 19-12 Iriday. Feb 21: , Men's l Mewat Wagon d New Edition.. ■ 80-59.. Pikes d N A F A,.Forfeit Straight Shots d POT I; 40 39 .. Men's II .Enigma Nu's d B 52's. 42 40 Casweil d Sigma B. 44-29-.-. Finedine d Sweet ser Surgeons. -50-33 SAE II d The Gitballs. 56 38 Arc Shots d Kappa Sigma If. 45-29 Penumbras d Vanilla Wafers, 4024 Saturday. Feb 22 Men s II • Sutcidals jd Big . Time Major •; Dudes, 46-25 • - Rocky. V d Busting Bombers. 85*47 • • . • '■ • '; Mitidubishi Corp d . Tangly .Foot Five, Forfeit , iV k"-'German AUTO SERVICE VW’S MERCEDES BMW’S DATSUN TOYOTA Roitsb4e -service tot your' toreign-cer since 1963 ■ 342-2912 20i25 Franklin Blvd ■ • Eugana Ora 97403 Wave Continued from Pane 3B terproNporsonthorim *' litfirl Linil«rlm)in. an ex cefloiil hIi^hti«*r - innv shift to ; |M»inl guard lint that may hamper, her. scoring ability. and ■ she is. tori consistent working from the Ivisclihe-tb be kept out of the" offensive spotlight at pointguard 'Coach Heiny. has’ hix -work ciif put, for him now. as dothe t)ucks.lhems«lvft».But|f I ho - feriac.lfy ■ of. jho . Washington garne' persists.. watch out. The • hicks., riding a big wave ol season-long success, are on a roll; 0Q0C70 (1 University Neighborhood Dentist * .. . , Gentle care for students for 14 years . , ' Q Student Discount Available 0 J. Scott Baxter, d.m.d.. p c. ^ / Q 680 E. 18th Ave., Eugene - - - . .(] (corner of 18th & Hilyard) J44“0 Jl 1/i jjfJU^FoodSerejce D°EdLdI Sandwiches, Pizza, Fruits, Bagels, Croissants, Pastries, Soft Drinks Brownies & Chocolate Chunk Cookies 9am - 11pm Mon - Frl 8am -11pm Saturday 12am - 7 30pm Sunday <^w BMW 99 %PMUM GHIMESE ^ RESTAURANT Ufit*. Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs & Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M Th II 00 7 00, F Sa 11 00 4 3C Closed Sundays Hours: Upstairs Su Th 4 30 10 00 F Sa 5:00 10:30 1275 Alder Street • 683-8886