Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 26, 1986, Supplement, Page 2B, Image 10

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Continued from Page IB
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^ \ <1 Take note of the music news in The Friday Edition
his tools of imagery. focusing and various other
relaxation techniques.
Although he is trying to develop a higher
state of awareness in people. Firing says he is not
necessarily trying to take them to a higher state of
Instead, he tries to remind athletes what they
have been able to accomplish in the past and what
they are capable of accomplishing in the future
their peak performance.
In the literature Hiring gives to clients, he
says, “Recent reports from the Soviet Union and
Hast Block nations indicate that athletes in those
countries devote up to 75 percent of their pro
gram to mental training, including imaging,
relaxation and goal setting. Unfortunately, such
training is sadly absent among Western athletes."
By Alien l.a/o
Ultimate teams to host tourney
By Craig Harris
tK til* t.mrrttld •»
The University of Oregon men’s and women’s
Club Sports ultimate frisbee teams will he kicking
off their seasons this weekend with their annual
Henry O'Callahan tournament. •
More commonly’ known as. the.Mud Bowl, the.;.
tournament will feature ultimate frisbee teains..
from up and down the West Coast. Expected par-. .
ticipants for the men’s division include teams .
from Seattle, Evergreen.' Salem- i'orva-llis,
Ashland: Chicip State, Humbhldt State/ind' laid
-year.’s Mud Bowl champions from Portland:. V -
The Oregon men’s team has. high hopes of tak- :‘
ing this yeai.'s tournament crown, as- teamV
member jay Janin’confidently states,. Vwe expect',
to win the tournament .” As fdrthe women?. “We
expect to win that one., foo.” laninadds'..
The women's division isn’t quite'as/large .with°
only four other teams having bee.h ipvited . “The/'
women's collegiate division has just started to get;
going, although there have :been club Women's
divisions for quite some time.” Ja'riin says.; ad->;-'
.'ding.'“the club division has. a me c:h higher stanV
dard than'collejgiate’fboth me.it and women) and
■quite a lot better. V . . " . .
This weekend, the tournament will start at to
a.m. Saturday and*Sunday, and will conclude.
. between 4 and 5 p.m-r
The games’will, be held, orj both of the in
tramural fields, ’ the. lacrosse field (18th and "
Ag#te}..and the West Hunk field.. located neat the
Autsen footbridge. . .. • „
Also located hear-the Intramural fields will he '
"Frishee Centr«l”'where frisbees and t.shirls will- -
be sold.. : -■ ■.. \. V' '.'‘
Ultimate frisbeeconsists.of soVetiplayersonti '
side, and-it is across-betweeii soccer,and foot butj
There Is ho physical -contact. .and the garni), is Very
fast I'noving.' /V•’ • . C &■ '
. Since thiire,arf ho referees,-teams'call me itown w
fouls, fanin says'thi's’keep_sthe.gaide,going>ar\dlt,.
is kept inline.without referees-iiV what .hiKcailii
tiie "the spirit.‘of.t he-Ciaine : * •’ i -
■ The object of thVsport’is lt> move the frisbee up
and down.the field and,thernhrow. it into'tiie tip
ponent's goal Bach goal is w’ortli.pni* point. End
games are.usually played*-to.e(thpr 'l3 or tSv with
jialftiiiui coming at .st'Vi'o. i'Miihts.'. .. tf
• r>.' ' • '•' ■ \ ’ ’ . 1 ^ ■
• After Ibis.weekend, hoth’ulHmute‘tea 1115 will‘be'■
part 11' 1 paiiMg' ih°l burnaments -jivery! twcKto tbrerr-;
.weeks To' gea’r ^^'fb^-theJ.nMiif^c^Northwie.st'COd^
legiate Corifefeiu.»Y(:hampibriships: which will be
held in.early'April. * f' „
|ahin al<ui encouraj(es others torpid the. team.'
‘■.We're -just starting "the collegiate season- and
how is'thotimc for,both mehand' wh'men,to come
put and ‘practice: "The .skills' /needed are gmid
quicks. speed, and-aco-ordination df passing and
r^tchings/risbee.--'. , ' V: ■
Practice is held Tuesdays anti Thursdays at
•I:.10 p m on the intramural field
Fencers place at individual championships
The Oregon Club Sports men Vfencihg'team
took, four of the 'top eight places jh (he Collegiate
Individual Championships Saturday at Clatsop
iOnhmunity t4}|lege"in Astoria: v -
• Freshman Jeff Hill led the way as he captured
'second, place in men’s foil. Teammate. Andrew^
. Herdine followed in third place while Josh Dale
"finished in fourth. Otto Kelton brought.home the
other spot for the men as he finished in eighth
' 'place. •. •'••••
• For the .women’s team. Elizabeth Kelton
. finished info Orth, and although the event was an
- individuaTtournament, team scores were tallied
•' by virtue oi individual performances
, ;; The men’s lnam finished in first while the
women's team, by virtue of anot her fifth place in
dividual victory b^ irbegituiing fencer. took se
cond in the tournament
Tae-Kwon-Do club
brings home wins
•The OregonClub Sports Tm-kwoii-Do club
traveled to Mount Moot! Community ( College in
Portland Feb. lr> to compete in a tournament.
|ohn Heijmans took second in the black-belt
heavyweight division. Bob Danzer won the
colored-belt middleweight division, and Dave
Yoshimura captured first in the colored-belt
heavyweight division.
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