I Coma* 'S«> I •Ktow trow **• rsac rad Maart addition nj^i aadlBBEbaa Phone % 343-6234 lF_ 1 aaaaaaaaaa £ I ,w I./« aaoaoaaooa J\plvmg JtJurBAVJr*\ I ^jaoaooaaaooaaooaoooooooaaaai^ I*- Special Paklng Dinner For 2 or Mora ' aHu aood Mon.-Thur. cav/c io (v I I I I I SAVE *2.00 $3*5 offer good Mon.-Thur Includes Egg Flowers. Velvet soup Appetizers: Fried Wonton Fried Shrimps Mar Far Chicken Entree Chicken Almond Sub Gum Chow Mem Pineapple Sweet & Sour Pork Barbecue Pork Fried Rice Tea or Coffee & Fortune Cookies Now Serving Beer, Wine & Cocktails Try our $4 95 Special Lunch M-F ■ (open 7 days a week Irom 1130 to 10 00 pm) Rag. *6.00 I I I I I I A College Degree and no plans? Become a Lawyer s Assistant The UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO, in cooperation with the National Center for Paralegal Training, dffers an .intensive 14 or 36 week LAWYER’S ASSISTANT PROGRAM This Program will enable you to put ybur-education to work as a skilled member of the legal, team ■ ‘ \ - • Specialties ottered in the following field*: Generalist •• • ° . ° Litigation Corporation#-4 Real Estate • ABA Approved ' ” w ; \ ■ • Internship- v • Employment A#alstance •• For a free brochure about this career opportunity call (619) 260-4579 or mail the coupon bgtow to:•- • IhivrrMl v n *• Room 318. S4rrs Mall LimerNiy ce oan ytc^. Sa(| 0l Q CA 92110 Lawyer's Assistant Program ■uo Name Address 1 State -2> p -Phonei. Summer Program- q . F'a.l 3 June 2«-Auo 29 y Sept P-Dec 12 . The University o» San Diego doesnot discriminate o? W»ol race. ten. eofor, religion. age. national origin, enceelry. or handicap in *» poncwa and programe Rare whale found on beach LINCOLN CITY (AP) — An extremely rare type of whale, which has a dolphin-like head, has been discovered dead on an Oregon beach, a finding that has been called a breakthrough by marine scientists. Bruce Mate, an Oregon State University researcher, identified tho 15-foot adult male animal as a Stejnegar's beaked whale, one of 30 thought to exist. “Never before has there been an intact skeleton collected from an adult mole of this species.” Mate said. “In fact, fewer than 12 skull specimens of this species have ever been recovered." Mate said the species is known for a “saber tooth, about the size of an ax. which sticks up from the lower jaw” The animal was found Sunday by a resident near Cleneden Beach. Mate and other volunteers of the Nor thwest Marine Matronal Stranding Network planned to strip the flesh from the dead animal and save its carcass. Mato said tho skeleton will be prepared at the Hatfield Marino Science Center in Newport and will eventually be put on display at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. D.C. lames Mead of the Mammal Division of the Smithsonian said very little is known about the species. "Wo presume they inhabit deep water, and they are shy of ships, end wo also presume they have tho capability to remain submerged for up-to on hour." ho said. "With those (ac tors. it's not surprising wo have very little data on them." Mead suld tho Smithsonian currently has skeletons of throe juveniles and two adult females.of fh« species. .. ..'Thomas K Coughlin, of the National "Marino Fisheries-Service in Seattle said it is the second: time ,-that a. Stojneger’s beaked •'' whale'has boon.‘found on’the Oregon (.oast. - The Oret joccurred at .Yaijuinii -Ha^ln 1904: , ■' {• } *. -iClEiETINGS ' ';'''/•.■ ; „ . Thfi AISlip^’Eltectibhs * Board' I ■ meets today- at 5 p.m. ’CheckI , ° EMll.^hedylti or’SuiUr 4 EMI!. ' .;for ’location/^ * ;v . ■■ '• ; College Republicans will , ’ hold ‘ ■■ " general '’ membership meeting -jlocirfy yat/3V30 ’ pint. in . ..’Century, Edom ■ • •• 'The Incidental Fee Commit tee meetstoday from 4:3Q to . ..'7:30 ^mltdnTC^ntiiiy’IWohi A ;: : :-.'EMI:i' to consider budget re quests for aVei^ije. Off'. Campus, Housing. Pahhellenic CdunciIVEfAsy, FSO and SSA. The Undergraduate Economics Association meets today at 5:30 p m. in Century Room 0. All are invited I.ECTI RES/WOR KSHOPS »'•’ Planning an international ' bicycle tour is the topic of a free workshop tonight at 7:30 in the Outdoor Program room (EMU - basement) Sponsored by the Outdoor Program. • ' "• .* ... e ; “Disturbance and the Dynamics of an Intertidal Algal MosiaC* is the title of a lecture " today at 4 p.m: in Room 317 Stiebce III Guest speaker is Wayne Sousa of the zoology department at the University of ■ (California. Berkeley. A workshop for; people in-/ erested in circulating petition* or the Oit^on Econbniic Coh rersibn Initiative .'is tonight at r;3pV at the "kbinlnia Cleptar.. / 1414 kiniaid St: Barbara keiler jf Women's Action for Nuelwdr,' hsarmament vviij '.discuss this hitlative, . which. .Would haft production of. nuclear weapons ■.ompohents in Oregon by |an. I , 1900. and provide tax credits for retraining affected; workers if ' passed. . ’ • /... A one*hour PT/OT club organizational meeting will lie held Wednesday and Thu rsday in Room 104 Oregon Hall. Kveryone welcome. For more information, call 484-4891 or 686-3211. MISCELLANEOUS.> The undeclared/p re-major peer advisers are accepting ap plications for spring term Ap plications are available in Room 164 Oregon Hall Deadline is Friday. Have an insatiable desire to play chess? Come to Room 108 EMU every Tuesday from »:3f> to 11 p.m, INTERVIEWS Submit bids for campus inter views Monday through Wednesday each week in Room 244 Hendricks Hall. Sign-up space is still available for the following recruiters: Feb. 24-25: Black 8 Decker (sales-sales mgmt.) Feb. 24: Monterey.Institute of International Studies (graduate school) group meeting ~ 9-10 . a.m.. Room 110, EMU; Carna tion (sales mgmt. development program); Feb, 25: The Oregon Bank (financial analyst, commercial loan officer training prog.). Feb. 25-26: Peace Corps recruiting office (vqlunfeejr). Feb. 28: Rauf man #"(• ra ihue at mgmt. , ; \ • ° Fab. 27: Copeland l.uinfmr S.iinls. Iti« (mgmt trpiniH'); State Farm Insurance .Co (minority Internship with CPA 2 «ii.' Feb. 28: Public. Interest Research Group* • (campaign capr./polVtU-.a l writers/office i"Krs-l.’ '• ■ March 3: Citibank (fortign nationals for mgmt gaam:lat«|: Port Angela* P6blIt: Schools lelem reading/sec social studies/sec ltbrafian/R> 1.2/Spec Kdur'other considered I March 4: Battelle, NW laboratories (computer-related positions). First Interstate Hank (MBA s — specialized training program): tlarco. Inc. (sales rop.). March 5: First Interstate Hank (bachelor's — specialized train ing program); Univ. of Min nesota. Hospital Ik Health Cure Admin, (graduate school) group meeting — 12:30 p.m . ROorn 110.KMU. March 8: American C'.raduate School of International Manage ment; The Gap Stores |jr. acct. with'CPA 3.0); Pfizer. I nr., (pharmaceutical sales) group meeting March 5, 8:30 p.m.. Room 110-111. KMU. March 7: Burroughs Corpora tion (account representative); Memorex Corporation (financial analyst/accountant). Deadline for submitting Ft als to the Emerald front desk, KMl) Suite too. is noon the day before publication. Ft als are run only once, depending upon space availability. Event* with a donation or admission charge will not be considered Event* occurring nearest the publica tion date, and campus-oriented events, will be given priority. I I I I I 1183 oaracn av«. jc Monday Tuesday w4-forW Coupon Special C4rii J4J-9048 1883 Garden Ave 4-FOR-TH E-PRIC E-OF-2 (4 People, 1 Hour, $10) On Monday and Tuesday we're offering oof regular two-person price to groups of four Bring in this ad three friends and soak up the deal! HOUAIY HOT TUB MNTAl (off Franklin Blvd.) Eugene