FIV UNITED TO DETROIT .,»•> Spilng braah Roundtrip licltal *205 or bad o’ Id call Karina at 3454849 3 » N.Y.C. Plana lichat J2M roundlnp La**a Euoana March 19lh Malum March 2*lh Call Kavin 3437755 or 34* 01*5 maaaaga 3 37 Wanted YOU WANT MONEY? I want a akaiaboard Can «•* aiaa Help Wanted I Aim,INK HIRING BOOM' 114 »:)9 0Q0' reservation!*!*! Call lew , fluid* cassette newsservice (9161 944-4444' XUAWT7S •- , jit STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPORTER WANTED The Oregon Dally Emereld-tt looking Ipr a. dedicated aggressive reporter with a ■ Haaitua schedule to till Ilia studeni . gc*rAsiiof.iele . Editorship • Position ' • hours p#t week arid applnanla should have prior aapAnancp; AppiKjanofiVann'' a tab description ala available.m Room' MC EMU Application* (please int-fud* elipai are due Wednesday Feb 28 The’ ‘ Emerald I*, an equal opportunity . . ■ employer Women and minor me* .an* encouragea lo apply • - :2 tt assistant coordinator for HIGH SCHOOL Viaiiatioh Program! Position involve* contacting local nigh . school* organising visitations to theea nigh schools, and enlisting coiieg*' students to visit these high school* As an assistant you will gen valuable ev .penenc# in management. and public - relations skills Available lor'work study or upper division internship credit Pick up and return appttceiton to Informs Hon Boom lust floor Oregon Hall • Deadline is 5 pm Friday Feb 78 Direct . any questions to Kon Miller High School Visitation Coordinator at 886J701 during trie office hours of Monday and Wednesday 2 304 30 or Tuesday 11 30 1 00 6079 2 28 ROCK 8PRINOS GUEST RANCH. Be OR will be recruiting loi summer employment on Tuesday. February 74. 1988 in Hendricks Hell Rm 744 Horn 9 am 3 pm Tha totlowtng positions will . be available Assistant Bakeuprep COOk. maintenance wranglers and youth counselor* ^ 7 75 COORDINATOR NEEDED FOR Utudeni Speaker* Bureau Position involves coordinating University students with fl'ade schools nursing homes and ser vice clubs lor speaking engagement As a coordinator you can gam valuable *> penenc a In public and community relation* Available tor work study or upper division internship credit Pick up and tel urn' applications to the Ad mission* counter on inn second boot ot Oregon Hall Deadline is 4 pm Friday Feb 78 Onset any question* to Angie Student Speaker* Bureau Coordinator at 888 3701 ._;_•' 8087 7 78 THE DEADLINE FOR EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR APPLICATIONS HAS BEEN EXTENDED an aslta week lo Wad Fab 78 Applies lions and a (ob deacflption aie available m Room 300 EMU Applications and dips are due by 5 pm that day The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal op poitunity employer Women and minortlies are ancotnaged to apply 7 78 HOMEWORKERS NEEDED St 00/week dr more lilting ordei* Send SASL to Vemco PO Bo« 10994 Eugene OR 974*0 774 SUMMER CAMP JOBS loi men and women at Hidden Valley Camp Inlei viewing Tuesday March tl see Emmett m JLC Office, tfttt Agate for appoint ment , . . ASSISTANT COORDINATOR FOR Be k Duck Foi a Day Program Poadlon in votves aiding coordinate! in organizing and faciiitiaiing two campus visitations tor high school students during Spring term Work Study eligibility required or available lor upper division credit Pick up and return applications to Admi* alons recaption desk in 770 Oregon Hall Deadlina it 5 pm Thursday Fab 27 Direct any questions to Tony Moms at 8883701 during tha office hours ol Tuesday and Thursday t2 30 2 30 BTOia-as OUTDOOR GROUP LEADERS Eugene based river outfitter needs mature river guides Ratling skills pretered but will consider apprenticeship! Good group and people skills required Write Leaders PO Bos 7771, Eugene OR 97401 3.3 Roommates FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTEO in thaie 3 bedroom house near Amazon parkway S133/mo. no pats Catl 343 7876 2 78 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING, married couplet and single parents possibility ol Im mediate occupancy or place yourself on walling Hal Westmoreland furnished apartment ? bedroom Sl44/mo, t bedroom St 14/mo Amazon unlurnished 2 bedroom S120/mo Futura openings expected, all areas Contact UO Houa mg Dept 888 4277 __49*7 tin EUGENE MANOR TWO BEDROOM 8 STUDIO High riM living •( II bait Naar campus 484 7441 63*6 tin BEND SKI HOUSE, Three bedroom. ful ly furnished spa. sauna, alaapa 8 S85 S100 pat day MB 1835 V37 FURNISHED LAROE 112 badroom cam put 8245/8325 No palt 488 2823 __8433 Itn NEWER OUADS, Locally owned V» block Irom campus 8158/mo ulttllles m cludad 1888 Harris, managar apl 4 342 4281 5843lln TWO BEDROOM ART. 1550 Mill 8137 50/mo February Iras' 887 8478 1255 Mill Sites* 3. badrobm apis. 5 blocks lo U of 0 Fur . nishad or unfurnished, soma fireplaces, heated outdoor pool- Laundry, balconies-, dishwashers, disposals: .' parking, garage Free cable TV ' 8350 8300 cal) Kan Shulman 345 4322. Charles Ellis Realty Rrdperly Manage ■ >he"l - V . 8097 lln HIIYARD QUADS Well maintained unit. available lor immediated move-in. New matrass, nice kitchens on-site mgr. $155/mo rent-plus deposit $50 cash rebate for move in before Feb 15. Call Jay 485-6120; after 3 pm or visit no 24] 1750 Hilyard. ■ -■ - •' -.8645 lln • UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WOODSIDE MANOR ■ 1810 HARRIS Furnished quads hoi* aveutiable won snared bath qr'pvivaie bath Oiiltiie* paid, covered parking, and laundry lacililia* available IOEAL CAMRUt LOCATION FROM 8155 Managers no'39- 3442857 Benneli Managameni <.x> 1143 0ak SI Suite 300 485 8991 • ' ‘ 5886lln Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS Just an# Mock from the library No* renting tot Wml.i Ton PrtMMe rotrfgerator and-v» bath (torn tlW Bod Of Kelly 1444 Alder no2\ >44 5/13 Bfdo managed by Si Clan Properties MM tin Dom Contracts PBCE CASE OF BEEB 10 whoever buy* my dorm contract Call Roy 485 9/Ob mm* i-r Food & Drink EI’CiEN’FS FALL CREEK BAKERY WWWWWWWWB NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY’S MENU: 1 • Tor*Ay 8 Cheese fIliad cmutant '• Spinach 8 Chaau Idled croittam So tight Irom the t»an 11 00 am M E / 308 00 881 E 13th ^aturday 8-3 _ 484 1682 TACO TUESDAY 35* • ■•pat !«