Ramsay’s job secure says owner Weinberg PORTLAND, Ore. (AP)—Coach Jack Ramsay's job with the Portland Trail Blazers is secure despite a ten-game los ing string, the president of the NBA squad says. “We’ve got the abilitv to turn this around.” Larry Weinberg, team president, said in an telephone interview with The Oregonian from his Beverly Hills. Calif., home. “1 think we have the wherewithal to do it.” Portland suffered its tenth consecutive loss Monday night, falling 119-113 to the Denver Nuggets. It was the Blazers’ 13th setback in their last 14 games. When asked how long he would wait before making a change if the Blazers continue to lose, Weinberg said. ”1 don’t think you can say, 'What if 1 had a headache and I took aspirin and it didn't go away?' What if it was a brain tumor? You can't play that kind of game.” . "I desperately want to win and I'm sure Jack doesn’t want to win any less than 1 do.” Weinberg said. "He's doing everything he can right now.” ”1 still believe we have the players to get it turned around.” Weinberg said. "We've got super players anci there's still enough time to turn this into a great season," "These are tough times." ho added. "You go through them in real life, in business and In professional basketball." Monday’s loss in Portland dropped the Blazers to 29-32 and 14 games behind the first place Izis Angeles leakers in the Pacific Division. j Sports Shorts Oregon senior center lerry Adams was named Pac-10 player of the week Monday after the Ducks split a pair of Pae-10 Conference games over tin* weekend with the Arizona schools. The 6-foot H player from Compton. Calif, scored 46 points and pulled in 26 re bounds on the weekend. 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