World news Marcos struggles to keep power as Reagan calls for resignation MANILA. PhiltppinesfAP)— Soldiers, fired'. c>U./a' jeering crowd. -oari^rT .today . near the • ' palace; of Ferdinand ’.Marcos. " who struggled desperately to re • 'layeiit, finl.d 'on power ‘ lhaiOte’l !nlied States said is no ' longerrightfully-' Ms. ‘.V . Kig hf-peop I«j;jye re * .wo u iuled •" Indhe .sho'ptiiig, smd. five were .•injured whilejtrv'ihg Id'flee the VgUijfiit). i[i'w8pjtal officials' »<3id. • Hundreds : df- 'thousands (if civil iansdefipdadusk-to-<)awn ’ •’ ^curfew ip form human shields around - the • suburban camp (if .. military.rebels,- who proclaimed (•;(ira/.dn A(piin'o president, and '•. around the. rebel-held govern : merit television station. Chan • .* net 4. '/•••■..... _• Wiinesses'ssiid.masses of peo pl,e .id the ^television station drove Back seven armored per sonnol . ca'rriers loaded w ftli loyalist ipIdierN at ^nildhight Monday . • ' • \S;'rv" Tv Marco#. jttppda led.- to., cjvilrun loyalists-Monday. id bj'fnit'thelr, guns, tothe ca p i t a I;idh I - pmt ih C hin}. Iii' a brdnjlcttsf on' privalt! - Channel.0 televiiipmowWd'.by • aii associate.Ve said,. \'Vye'„wilj „ defend tjjje’,. lost: breelh of aur lifei the. lasi dr'dp . of our blood. '!1 ' .. Several top government,; of-. ficials resigned Saturday Some diptomat# . serving •" ,a.brbad declared aHegiancetdAqfuino.' who WXUMW-. Marco* bf using" fraud and violence to vy;iii the; fob. 7 presidential election in 1 which she opposed.him.; Both Marco#, fell, and Aquino. !»;t. scheduled inauguration cerembnies for today . , ' President Reagan s dramatic Eastern Airlines to be bought out by Texas Air ■ \ MIAMI (AP) — Racing against strike? deadlines from . unions and default .threats from creditors. Eastern Airlines announced’Monday .that it would be? taken, over by ag gressive .-.cost-slashing entrepreneur Frank Lorenzoand his Houston-based Texas Air COrp. I Inion officials said they understood that lorenzo. whose company also operates Continental Airlines and New York Air, would continue Eastern, the nation's third-largest car rier, as a separate airline. Charles Bryan, president of the International Association of Machinists local that represents 12,000 Eastern workers, sent Lorenzo a telegram offering cooperation.. Bryan, who also sits On Eastern’s board of directors, said Chairman Frank Borman told other board members he would resign front the company following their IT:45 p.m PST vote on Lorenzo's offer ,Borman, a foriner.astronaut, hits headed ttte Miami-ltased carrier since 1075. Eastern spokesman Glenn Parsons said Borman and other company officials were unlikely to hold a news conference Itefore today. .Lorenzo did. not return, repeated telephone messages! ' Major creditors had given Eastern management a Feb 2H deadline to present, a long-term plan to turn around the airline. $2.5 billion In debt ken Mills, spokesman for ("hast; Manhattan, one of the largest creditors, said it had no com ment on the takeover. • Late Sunday. Eastern reached agreement with its 4.200 pilots to avert a strike threatened for Wednesday, hut there was confusion over the status of a tentative verbal accord With flight attendants, who could strike March t. The Texas Air agreement must Ire approved by Eastern's creditors, shareholders and federal authorities. A union source and a New York-based airline analyst, both speaking on condition they not Ire identified, said Lorenzo's effort to buy 51 percent of Eastern stor k could trigger a bidding war from other sources. The stock is reported to Ire for between $000 million and $700 million in cash and securities, the two sources said. Some union officials and Eastern employees were dismayed at the takeover, citing what one called lairenzo’s "anti-union " reputation request today for Marcoa to stop . down marked a reversal fo . Reagan, who two weeks earlit; \sajd .there, was a strong two part V. system in tb's Philippjnes that*-should (mVable to function. . ■ A rapid-fire series of events, set fri motion hv the.l'iih 7. e(ec' • diod.'iiid.the White 'House .to.', issue a .‘ pro dawn st a t ehient. ' which, said;..'?Attempts 'to : jjrth ’ long the .fife; of'-rhe. present ■;; violence are futiio. A: ' 'solutidn" to this’crisis* can' 'orily • ta'. atdiievedr through a'peacefuh.; '*'gayernftj6nt." ■ ° " , , A Washington congressional sbijtteaaid.the l lhiteri States of- .’ . .. fared; Marchs ii U^S aircraft to use' in .leaving the Philippines. The Stall?'.Department-'aijd 'Pen-' tagon ’ had no immediate comment. •' •’ Beggs criticizes New NASA chief NEW YORK (AP) The departing head, of the National Aeronautics and . Space Ad* , ministration says his interim replacement is unqualified to. run the agency. The Wall-Street journal reported today. "He's not qualified. . . read his resume." NASA chief lames ReggS. who is oii leaVe because of federal fraud charges, said of aiding administrator William Graham. Graham told the Journal he cpiild lead NASA, through its “very difficult crisis".caused by the explosion of the space shut tle Challenger. ' Iteggs took, a leave of absence in December after he was in dicted on fraud charges unrelated to his NASA post, lie vyas 'accused'.of improperly' charging the Pentagon for cost, overruns while ii vice president of General Dynamics. \ iteggs fold the Journal he planned to resign-from NASA soon because it "badly needs a leader." Although lie criticized Graham, he said he was not set ting any conditions on his replacement. "I have put no conditions on anything I might do." he said. "Obviously, I'd like to see an experienced, capable in dividual come in here." He said Graham had insuffi cient management experience, the journal reported. Graham's name is one of those raised as a possible per manent successor to Beggs. $1 off any pizza! nam« _ phone __ (Expires March 31, 1986) 687-8600 1432 Orchard • Eugene One coupon per pizza. / LTD. "WHERE ADVENTURES BEGIN" 198 W. Broadway. Eugono Downtown 683-5877 • EUGENE'S NEWEST DOWNTOWN STORE >*.. 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