Syngenetic Ice Wedges from Alaska win College Bowl title - By Michael Fisher (K Itw Kmftald . "Ybu’wf in them if; you get - caught , between ; Scylla and ” Ghary.bdial and you’re listening to them if you’re hearing "■ ■' !Money for -Nothirig. ’ Name ; ; then*.-: ; *•: ;.»* .They, -hung,back,;. waited for vthb; '"othej. team- to; make . .inistakeisf then calmly executed «'• thbirga as alternate. The game involves teams of four answering trivia questions on sports, entertainment, literature and a variety of other subjects. It originated as a television show in the ItttiOs and has regained popularity over the past 10 years. The Ice Wedges — Mike Fon tana. Dave Rausch, (im Menard and team captain Henry de Ment — said awareness of each member's strong subjects helped them the most. "Our game strategy was to let the one who knew the most about each subject answer each question." Fontana said. Presentation focuses on legal aspects of family issues for gays and lesbians By Kirsten Bolin Of I hr Knutrild Although artificial insemination, paren ting and adoption are pertinent issues to gays and lesbians, these practices are often viewed as departures from general legal procedure, said Gretchen Miller, a University law pro fessor and Eugene attorney. The legal issues surrounding gay and les bian families are often ignored by state laws and statutes because this legislation was created only for people in traditional nuclear families. Miller told about .ft) people Saturday during a presentation of legal issues that con front gay couples and families. ■‘The first responsibility is being aware of what the law provides." Miller said. “But we're not just stuck with what the legislation says — we can use our own tools." Lesbian couples can encounter legal dif ficulties when a child is conceived by artificial insemination from a known donor, she said. Problems arise when the father wants some parental rights to the child, but the mother wants these rights exclusively. Miller said. Even if a verbal contract giving exclusive rights to the mother was agreed upon beforehand, the courts will probably rule in the father’s favor if he changes his mind and wants to play some role in the child’s life, she said. With gay or lesbian couples who have children, the non-biological partner has no in* herent rights to the child if the couple breaks up. even if a lot of time, money and energy has been invested. Miller said. In these relationships, the non-biological partner is advised to enter into a legal agree ment with the biological parent that would give him or her some rights to the child in the event of a breakup. Regarding adoption, gays and lesbians have the legal right to adopt children, despite public uncertainty about the issue. Miller said, in Oregon, the law gives any adult the right to petition to adopt another person and take on those responsibilities. Miller's presentation was sponsored by the l.esbian/(’>ay I,aw Students Association. Cash For Textbooks Mon. - Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 EMERALD COMPUTER INTERNATIONAL Come, see what everyone in town is talking about... the locally manufactured BLAZER Manufacturer * Showroom open Monday-Friday 9 AM to 6 PM, Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM lugono ’• Only Manufacturer l Showroom 540 Oak Street, Eugene • 343-9303 CAMPUS ADVERTISING REP Be responsible for placing advertising materials on your campus bulletin boards. Work on exciting marketing programs for dients such as American Express. AT & T, Sony and Sierra Club. Choose your own hours. Good experience and great money* For more information call, 1-800-426-5537 9-5 pm. (West Coast time) Representative Program . American Passage 500 Third Ave West Seattle,WA 98119 * . '**•*.»'** „ „ "° . < • ••*' *%,„• • °. .• *•* * CHICAGO DALLAS USI ANGELES MCW YOU o SEATTLE CALL US - WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT FOR LUNCH THE PIZZA ANSWER 687*8600 ANY ONE ITEM 12” PIZZA ONLY $4.00 Plus one free 32 oz. pop Good lunch only 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Mon-Fri. one coupon per pizza ■—liO Bookstore--. ITS TAX TIME “How much money did YOU make last year? Mail It in." Need some help? We’ll make it easy for you. l^^Accounting supplies •Tax guides*Files •Calculators*Lamps Get it all at the Bookstore 13th & Kincaid F 7:30-5.30 SAT 10:00-3:00 Supplies 686 4331 Your store since 1920