Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 24, 1986, Page 5, Image 5

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    World n e ws
Reagan urges missile reduction
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■ s- 'r *v ;r
formal reply to Soviet , leader
'Mikhail' Gorbachev'# arm's; con-;
. tro!-proposal, President Reagan
has drafted a sweeping -plan
• ‘ .. -urging. elimination. of. medium
' , ; range missiles InKurope as a
■ 'firkt 'sfepVa^j'Sjofficial says., •
Tlie offlcial.^jhiakltig on con-..
’.i|iti<).:n "i '"doymitv!.said,
. ©Cl iihfl .i/si^nocl^GtvrrV.lhp.:
.weekend Thai' w)»ufcl‘fa; hiailed
f<i (airbill I ve vatlht- liiegiimjhg
ill th«- .‘A. jire'sidinitial
shdemeiuVi(Ktiie:iiat\oli also-’is;
|(laiiiied riie "said. . /
While I liiuse spokesman Men !
I.srrvt! Mndirmcil SiitorclHy’tKat
t lie VVhite'iiouse was r.ir--;.
« ulating Reagan's.' plan to G S
allies, kay' GprVgras# memliers
and the U.S. arms negotiating •
team in Geneva. .Mo dec ji pod to •
say when the hitter would in*
Mint to (Jorbadhev or to discuss
its cohlerits •• ' - '■
•Kt-.i gu n ' s jiifropostfl-to;
el I'njina to. m t« d i urn. r-a rtg <1/
lid asili;s v'hoic(s ouh0i>'.“’uf.
? oar Hast; jmrg'ress,".'tho oth'pr:pfr..,
ficial told the.Associated Press":/
Is. '. f "V-vyC..
' . ;-l'n»*Offi c, ij9 Lfjaid: Hi’pga rt\a lit)/
Reagan's Jettpr, also discussed
Jong range nuclear -weaVmYs J;.
8 pace-ha Red defense systems
and other aspects of the com.
plex arms race, lie safcf.
• Keagan based' his plan on the
premise advanced by most of I
his senior control advisers that *
• fiend loiV.-nt.- thn'jl'auinva/armii' —
! • ^gVdeijtat’^'iiMl^j'n^uirij^y^ p r!:\,
Weekend Wear
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from tin r.u r<>r\
Rugby Pants
-100*;*" iVytbn
Rugby Shorts
l/kV/ ColfVi.n . ■*
fiv/Cantebiiry l, •- • •• ., • • ^
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^4 W. Broadway • Eugene.
Eugene Downtown
ACLU says porn commission unfair I
\\ ASHI.NCTON ( At*) Aconstifufional
rights group charged Sunday that a por
nography commission established by Attorney
General hdWin Moose III dwells oii "bizarre
sexual practices'while disregarding fair'fact
finding method*. , .
“Our worst fears have laten surpassed,'
American Civil Liberties Union legislative
counsel Harry Lynn said in a it 1 page report on
the Attorney General's Commission on
"Ktieh though many commissioners c on
iede they have only a rudimentary understan
ding of the law. they continue to spend more
time discussing bizarre sexual practices than
in loarping anythingriibciu'l the\ first Amend
ment'." h«:»aitlV’ V ■*_*
TheJuslltveDeparJmBnt'issued a statement
from. cd^tjMib'iiiy^hairtnciii' ffeijjfy Hudson.
Arlington (loO'ntyyya-.'^prosiicutcjr.. saying- the
panel has .‘been fair ja'Jitt haVoonsiduroH a wide
variety of opinion
AC.IAI allog.itions were “not supported by
the record of the hearings conducted by the
commission." the statement said, adding that
tlocalise the commission has made no final
deefsibns on recommendations, spec ific com
men! on the ACU> criticism would Ik*
"premature and inappropriate."
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