Suitability of Hanford as waste site debated By Linda Hahn Of ttw Kmeraid New criteria for choosing sites to be tested for the perma nent underground storage of nuclear wastes should be developed by the U.S. Con gress. Gordon Goles. a Universi ty geology professor, said Friday. Goles and five other Universi ty representatives debated the suitability of Hanford for waste storage with Gail Hunt, a spokesman for the U.S. Depart ment of Energy, as part of a symposium. “Hanford: The Nuclear Age in the Northwest." Hanford was chosen because Congress requested that the energy department look at sites with existing facilities, not because of their geologic suitability. Hunt admitted. The Hanford nuclear reservation, located in southeast Washington, was built during World War II and presently is host to the largest stockpile of nuclear wastes in the world, ac cording to pamphlets from the Survival Center, which spon sored the event. When asked by biology Pro fessor Stan Cook if Hanford would have been considered if the site had not been previously used to store radioactive materials. Hunt said. “No." Hunt said that five more years of testing at Hanford must be completed to determine site suitability. Testing of the Han ford site in southeast Washington has already cost the energy department $300 million since Hanford was chosen last year. The price tag for testing prohahly will reach $1 billion before the tests are completed. Hunt said. Two other sites. In Texas and Nevada, also are be ing tested and probably will cost about $1 biilton each before suitability is determined, Hunt said. Hunt admitted he would prefer locating a nuclear waste storage site on a hard type of rock, such as granite, instead of p University Neighborhood Dentist p Gentle care for students for 14 years D Student Discount Available J. 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SALEM 362 9663 SOUTH SALEM 362 7499 S.E SALEM 581 5491 the basalt roc k that lias beneath Hanford. Because Hanford is located at a fold in the mantla crust, the site also may tie prone to earthquakes. And Cook said that Hanford's location in a flood plain saturated with groundwater next to the Columbia Kiver also could cause problems. The situation could cause seepage of radioactive material to the afr or i. to groundwater, he said, . •' "Ideally, one woold want to put this stuff where it is arid and things can’t he leeched." Cook said.. "It is a mistake of Congress to coptniit us there:’,'. • Hunt said Hanford Is,the only site • lining, considered 'that' js beluvr . the : water table‘. Two .other possible sites a.lSo liiiing tested in Nevada.arid’Texas,are above the water ’biblrpTu'/suid •"-Water is . jhe’Ta.tal . flaw." . jiuirt said, ‘"Kor a repositorv to be .selected , "w-g/. ha'Vet. to • "demonstrate • .that the Abater •.mcjvim so slowlv thfcUt doesn't ntatter'". Again..Hunt slid tests presentjv -belng dryie;. by the enefgv department'- il»MIit"v• ' .However.’. Coins ' ‘said ,;the ‘testing should. bo-stopped. and Congress should-He’ .asked to .' review its division, . . * • ;'|t jesmi to me that, cifi/eris are lining handed • a, .| '--decision ll is likely, there will . 'be a repository onthetiU'.'Nune of. the.sites', is fiestY aiid il is /possible to find ijne,is l*-i [. ter:” (ioles said' f \\ deed l< > pUI pressure. on. Congress, to review their det isit»n• 4h'd' look 'at. their set of -criteria -so vve don’t get .caught in this” bind . ..again." ", . ■ • - ,8ut Hubt .questioned how good is. grind enough.' . "We cnn’i study the' whbfe .world." Hunt said'. "GCs find a suitable site w in-re there won't ■ la- releases Into'th»v biosphere t; a'li'd , determine if it is ,. acceptable." '/ . According t«» the Nuclear Waste Act' l,ollcy--of ,168?, site suitability must tie determined • by-l****:» and completed by 1998 However, Hunt said the energy 'department has missed every date.on tlie timetable Congress set up, : . • .‘'We've been • -.late due to ' public involvement." Hunt ‘- .said.'. The process is set up with public involvement at all levels. The licensing process precludes a political decision." /•" ' = Et al. I.KC .TURKS/WOR KSHOPS/ FILMS The public; is invited lu a discussion tonight al 7:30 on Ballot Measure 5, the measure lo roinovi! criminal penalties for the use or growth 0f marihuana for personal use in Oregon. Event is in Room 101 EMU • 'Prospects for Effective Prevention in Health Care" is the topic, of a lecture today at .1 p m. in Gerlinger lounge. Creative Salon r i i i i L. SYD'S PERMS $ 19.95 long h»ir axlr. » good thru 3T28/86 1122 Aider * 485 8597