Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 24, 1986, Page 3, Image 3

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    Mayflower hearing reset
A public heariiik regarding whether the Mayflower Theater
building should be given historic designation that originally was
set for tonight Ims been rescheduled to March 4
The public hearing, before the Kugene Historic Review Hoard,
was delayed because city planners had not gathered necessary in
formation about the building The board has IT* days following the
hearing to decide if the building should be designated historic.
Sacred Heart thmeral Hospital is planning to demolish the
liO-yoar-old theater, located at 7HH K. 11th Ave.. and build a joint
venhi re laboratory on the site at a cost of about $T> million,
• ; '!A historic designation .iVouI'd -make it difficult for Sacked Heart
to ilestfo-v the building, but the hospital would have ,10 days to ap
peid’.the board's dradsioii and could demolish tin* theater while the
aYi|M*aJ.-wa'»-;|mlrtgV-p'f«K:i}ih»«hi^^V,’V,;:: '-V;-.V'...y
V The ‘Mjivflovyer • Theater. \vhi< Ipdpened Sept It), IttjiS. is the
. i .i i .I f t l«. l its 'ft.'.. r. I I I. a,. I 4 I . 11 .Is I ■ . K. n I
wonId ia• an apptopriat
q3trd (-°nt»nu<?<* t>aK« i
both thn natural history
museum and the architecture
school io April, constrtu tion of
Science V to begin in Septemlier
and construction of Science VI
to begin in December
Because President. Reagan
withdrew'from bis new budget
this year’s $M Vmillion ap
propriation for the University
project. University officials are
not sure when the relocation
and construction will begin.
The board also learned at the
meeting that it will receive only
about HO percent of the lottery
funds that Were allocated to four
programs The 1MHS state
legislature allocated $7 million
for equipment and remodeling,
e n dower! chairs, t h e
agricultural experiment station
at Oregon State University and
the (iregon Center for Advanced
Technoiqgy (education.
Hut because of a lack of lot
tery funds, only $4 million will
he available, said David
(Juenzer. associate vice
chancellor of budget and fiscal
policies. The University's
$12-million allotment of lottery
funds for the two new science
buildings has not been; affected'
Also. Chancellor Hud Davis
announced that four University
fai ujty members have won
President ia i You n g I n -
vestigative Awards, which are
awarded nationwide each year
•to 50 faculty members for
outstanding science, research
arid 50 faculty members for
nutstanding engineering
The awards have twain given
to Ceraldirie Richmond, an
associate chemistry professor;
Vicki (.'handler, an associate
biology professor: Judith Risen,
an associate biology professor;
ami Steven Kavan. who will
join the physics department in
Also at the meeting. Batiste
announced the results of the
board's evaluation of Davis' job
as Stale System chancellor.
Batiste said the bourd conclud
ed that Davis has done a superb
job since he took the office in
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