MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOC. INVITES YOU TO ISLAM AND THE PALESTINIAN PROBLEM BY: OMAR AL-SOBANI “A Founding Member of Islamic Union of Palestine” FEB. 26th at 7:00 pm SCI 123 (SCIENCE 1) . UO Students: ; . \ . •• - ^ , Tell Your Friends Who Are ‘ / Not Now Attending the UO ;.. They don't have to be.admitted students to attend'the. *• UO this spring The University of Oregon Community Education Pro gram opens regular University courses to area residents who are not" admitted .UO students, Community education students can register for up to seven creditsper term at reduceb tuition No admission requirements Credits earned applied toward degree programs’ • • Community education registration-for spring term ’ . . classes is.March 11-1-5; Classes begin April 2. For a free brochure call 686-5614. Si ’ of OREGON ••...# t J the Ur**** & i*apr • maahdtfHmjp* ;» aor. • <•***.«, . "" ...— —T1 1 '• " 1 ■ SIERRA CLUB Cards Now available in the card section at the U of O Bookstore. Your purchase of these cards help support the Sierra Club in its efforts to protect our environ ment. 13Wi ^ Kincaid M-F 7:304:30 SAT 10 00300 Supplies 0004331 [ Check "every"page"of the Emerald for money-saving coupons. Fraternity boxing event raises more than $1,000 for charity By Robert Col lias Of thr Kmorald The annual Phi kappa Psi Smoker, hold Friday night at the National Guard Armory, was a success for charity that raised more than $1,000 for the March of Dimes "It was definitely a success,” said Phi kappa Psi President Thomas liilley. .‘’There was a bigger crowd than we usually have.” . - . ... More than 1.000 spectators were treated to some exciting matches. The smoker is design ed for fighters with little or no experience; byt the ’ matches kept the fans entertained. ■' . Although the event did not bring, bock memories of |oe. Lo.uis of Mohammed All, it did. •give fans a lot.of entertainment • for the $2.50 admission price. Because the each fight was only three one-minute- rounds,’ they we.os. usually action packed.. . . „ ‘ •' • .* ”We didn’t, want any profes sional fighters' out ' there.” referee Ken. Larson said. “This was strictly 'for the amateur guy*.'’' A total. of 24 , competitors entered the ring in four different weight classes: the lightweight class. 145 pounds and under; the middleweight class. •, , O .■ ftmtu by K»mn suIUwh) A large crowd enjoyed the excitement of amateur boxing h'riday at the Phi Kappa Pal Smoker, which brought in more than $1.000 for charity. °. \y . 1 4 0*1® 5 po u nds ; I h e heavyweight .clasti, 166-185 pi 6 u n d , s V a n d. I h e superheavyweight class.1 18ii pounds and over Middleweight* kicked off the night with five first-round fights. The fourth fight, of the night brought the evening's on ly casualty. Sigma Chi’s jay I’m* dislocated his shoulder in his fight with Phi Kappa Psi's Scott Brown and was forced to leave the ring' King announcer Ryan flora gave a special feeling to the fights as he shouted put the an nouncements with all the en thusiasm of any New York Madison Square showman - The event was a chance for the fraternity members to show some spirit for their favorite boxers. Chants of Kappa Sigma. ” Sigma Phi Epsilon or the like prevailed most of the evening "It really psyched me up.” said Kappa Sigma’s Chris Welborn. who was the runner up in the heavyweight division. ”1 really felt g«»od when I heard the guys cheering for me." The winners in the four weight divisions received trophies for their efforts and the spectators' respect for going in to battle. In the lightweight final. Theta Chi's Don Heechcraft defeated Sigma Phi Epsilon's Scott Hamon. Phi Kappa Psi's Shoo I.intiley captured the middleweight division with a win over Phi Delta Theta's Dennis Espinosa In the battle of the heavywightx. Sigma Phi Ep silon's Philip Parody defeated Kappa Sigma's Chris Welborn. In the final match of the even ing. Tau Kappa Epsilon's Frank Miller IhjuI defending champion Charlie Spencer of Phi Delta Theta. A •PINO'S SPBGHETTI HOUSE PIZZA /C\ r-A