Ducks heat up the Sun Devils By Robert Collies tit I Hr Kmxralri Th« Oregon basketball team heated up McAr thur Court Sunday afternoon with an 89-05 win over Arizona State University in a Par.-to basket balI contest. ■ - . The Puck, played like men with a mission all afternoon, and came out with the most convinc ing victory of their Pac-VO season The win moved Oregon to 4-11 in the conference and !>-lti overall, while ASU fell to 8-9 in the conference end 12-13 overall. ' . The Sun Devils are proltably used to warm temperatures as their nickname might imply, but the 8,831 specntators were probably not ready for the temperatures inside McArthur Court as the mercury rose to about 80 degrees inside the stuffy .building/. '!•. * . The fans didn't seem to mind much when ... public address announcer .Don Kssig jokingly said ■ the/air conditioning in the structure was kaput. They were baying to much fun watching the • Ducks avenge vyhat was arguably their worst’per-. ' formance of the season in a 78-58 loss to the Sun Ilevils earlier in the season in Tempo . . ‘ It was obviously good to Win at home/’ / Oregon coach Don Monson said “I. think this , reinforces a little bit of what the kids have i>eon . working for/-' i The Ducks were led once again by senior cap tain jerry Adams Adams hiis been on fire lately as his five-year career winds down lo a.close With . -*% , lurry Adams scored 21 points to go along #1}^' 14 rebounds including this one Sunday as ha" _ outdualed ASLJ’s Mark. Carlino in McArthur Court. ••• thru*1 games remaining. Thu fifoopH senior has Virtually come from nowhere, to lead the b«vri;; ference in rebounding this season, ai»d?- Kirs recently added an offensive prowess-to his reper toire Sunday he had 21 points and .14 rebounds: In the lasf four games. Adams has established -tlirtMt new;carear-highs in the scoring c.olnm'rt as ; tie has hit for HiVpoints in that fiHtr-ganu; span..;., “Kvorybody has been telling me that I'm stronger .than • most people we face inside.'" Adams said, so I have been taking it to the hole a little (letter’' . .. • ' ■ -r.v ': ’ -: Adams has been in the shadows mm h'of his. career al Oregon, and a big reason for that was'; that there were simply better players ahead'ofV him One of those players was at the game '.. day to gjve Adams and his teammates some encouragement’ Blair Rasmussen, who graduated to the NBA s Denver Nuggets last year.'couldn't" have l>een happier for Adams or the rest.of.the Ducks. "I have been hearing that these guys• were struggling." Rasmussen said. "Watching them today I couldn't have told that. )errv played the best I've ever seen him play." Munson surprised almost everyone when he started freshmen guards Steve Kanniger and Kevin Mouton in place of veterans David Cirley and Kick Osborn. Asked about when hi? found out about the starting assignment Mouton said. "I guess it Was about five minutes before game time." The move worked to perfection as both rookies played with confidence with Mouton run ning the Oregon offense smoothly in 22 minutes of action Mouton hit all three of his shots from the field enroute to eight points to go along with seven assists. Kanniger shot with a confidence rarely found in a freshman as he hit five of It from the floor and finished with 10 points. Photo by Rom Martin Oregon's Anthony Tavlnr catches some air. and a piece of Arthur Thomas on his way to the hoop Sunday in the Ducks Htt-ti!» win over Arizona State. STOREWIDE SALE 20-70% ofF WE LL MATCH OR BEAT ANY PRICE IN TOWN! 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