Sports ICE CREAM SPECIALS! ! MONDAY Duck women get NorPac lead by leashing the Huskies, 85-67 By Capi l.ynn *, ; v; "OC «b* Kii»»r»ldV,./ ■ - . • This Oregon wpniH'hvs ^skat^ !• ball team snatched the' Norl’ac . GohfeWftce'ilead ffcpn the.' ' t{diversity* df'Washington; on. Saturday night as (t registered • -/an- vjctory •’ovdr!‘: t,he . Huskies. at; McArthur ..Quirt • *•. before a roaring crowd <>17,735 .Thu Ducks s‘)-t i(i the NorPac. ; and- 20-ti• overall,' avenged an earlier, overtime . loss ■ to the .. *• Huskies apdthickenedthecon .; ference cbe.mpiodahip.race and •.battle for', the h«»!«j automatic V •.berth•.toibe-fyCAA tournament . . .Oregon now holds. a, ha|f . game lead over Washington* 8*1 and 20.-4 overall If both teams . v finish the season with no fur ther losses, they will ' be declared co-champions and the. ' automatic NCAA hid will ap patently- Ih; dedided by edriipnr \ingi lHe. ; 8ti^ng(h -of- the. two , :reams\(^hii>dulfiiT£. ■'*’ K • >.\;fhb Duckstjuiriptul out early .. •against the 1111stias-aueri! ubleto/jump-out fq thet(arly'|ead'a'qdj main tain It?*! * said'()h)go’n"«:dach‘KIwin Heiny: '"Everyone,had Ijeeri waiting for this game and We ?shpWed we - were readyto^phiy.''... The Huskies' timeout didn't curh' the fJucks' mdttiahtufn. as, they pushed their leiid to 22-11 just before point-guard Tammy Richard went dovyn with an in jury while pulling .up. on the bVeak.: * •' : i. “ ,.h • . 1 ' Richard; was diagnosed as having a medial' collateral tear in her left knee anci possibly an anterior-cruciate tear; much;like; / 1he ; one suffered by? Carol J Drouet. also a point guard*'in' the San. Jose -Statel University.: game, more than a week ago '- ' . The injury delay did's.ldw.ihe .Ducks., as Wash ingtonwas. abler; to. puli within si'* at 27-21 with' ' .'5:53; the firSt half'; ' i. ... ; But .the ' Ducks: rose . to the challenge* and- squelched the Husky 'rally. Senior. Heather McDuffie. scored four, poirits. Kris {Hidden chipped In two. in sjde buckets and freshman Shel ly Kay gathered an offensive re bound for an easy two in the final five minutes of the first half to overpower Washington’s surge and * give the Ducks a 37-28 halftime lead The Huskies came out early in the second half and made another run at the Ducks, pull ing within seven at 41-34. But Oregon's Lauri Landerholm and Gabi Neumann countered, the Washington rally as they made nine of the Ducks' 12 field goals in the second half and 32 of the Ducks' 46 second half points. The two combined for a nine of 14 performance from the floor and a 14 of 14 showing from the free-throw line in the second half (if play. The Ducks secured their.11th home victory against no losses this season by shooting superbly from the charity stripe in the second half (22 of 23 for a .957 percentage). In the last 3:40 of the contest. Oregon con nected on 14 of 14 from the line to tuck away the win and sole possesion of the NorPac lead Landerholm topped all scorers with 26 points, in cluding a perfect to of 10 from the line, while Neumann also made her presence known by adding 18 points, including Hi in the second half. Sue Brown and Amy Pet tersen chipped in 10 points each to round out the Ducks’ list of double-figure scorers. Continued on Page 14 Photo b> l)srr*l Hawill Oregon‘s Kris GliUden goes over two Washington players on the way to two [Mints in the Ducks victory over the Huskies. The win gave the Ducks a halt-game lead over the Huskies in the NorPac Conference race. 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