dance! friday WHEN February 2 IMS'30 pm WMEWf 1238 Kmc aid (behind UO BooKaiora) 2 21 GET A JUMP ON YOUR CAREER JOURNALISM CAREER DAY Saturday Fab 22nd 6:30-noon U of O Law School Donna ol proleaatenata •tom all araaa ol Journalism iHaewOlInf: * loll a a a i rh lialoataa ■ 300 saaren siraitfiat . AeeumealCover Lallan I TleketaAnlormallon an available In room 201 Allen UH Advance »3 At the Door 0000221 The mamma lor FoHcy Studies and . the Council loot Human fttghte In ' Latin'America prfeeant a benottt shore m«oi MiS MADRES (Tha Mothars) tvary near I ha mothan ol the draco peered gathered m lha Plata da Mayo end demanded Hud the brutal military government ol Argentine account lor their miaamg eona and daughters Thia la then courageous and true story NOMINATED FOR AN ACADEMY AWARD; BEST DOCUMENTARY Sat Feb 22nd 2 PM at Cinema 7 99 W. 10th (Atrium Building) $3 Gen Adm. $2.50 Students For Info 484 5*67 SOM 2-21 [ntiktainmcnt STRANGE SNOW Tha lander story.ol • Wat Nam imt'a Struggle to go on trying February 20-22, 27,28 ft March 1, 6, 7, 8 ARENA THEATRE (Viltard Hall) 8 PM All ticket* only M SO each COD IN4UI lot reservation* -CAUTION: Thl* play contain* >lrong language Presented by apodal arrangement with Samuel French, ln« _«OOT 2 2\ FRIDAY Paul Montagna OVtR J1 KEGS TO GO BIG SCREEN TV Sunday Nlght-Froe Pool Tuesday Hot Dog Night Thursday Boar Night Friday Niohl Dart Blind Draw Saturday Duck Gam* Special* Pliia/ltallan lood avallabl* Irom our aarvlca window ol Plus Polo'* Italian Kllchon. Black Forest Tavern 2657 WILLAMETTE 344-0816 UiiCMA7£'33" Student* w/I.D. SI SO All Show* Mon tl 00 i SVJB\N.IV]t1 lugona Frootloio thru Fob 27 snow* Fit. * Sal 7 M t t:30 Sun « Mon TDO • S00 Tub* thm T huf* S 00pm 7(00) Franco, don't mi** mi* highly onlorUlning aoOuclKo, "loch no pop” IhrWtof RANK AND FILE w/ REBEL KIND FRI FEB 28 Condon School Auditorium XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Descendents D R I DEATH SENTENCE HARDCORE 86 EMU DINING ROOM SAT MAR 8 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Tlx are $5 Adv $6 at the door mm Altered States Sat. Feb. 22 150 Geology $2 ADULTS S1 KIDS TONIGHT Alfred Hitchcock's THE LAPY VANISHES HI* 1*1* British M»*l*rpl*c* 7 A 9 pm 150 Geology $2 Adults/S1 Children SATURDAY "Cam* ••• A He* when »h*» t*n t**t t*N" 4 pm matinee & 8 pm 180 PLC $2 Adults/Si CHildren SUNDAY Th* R*n*tt**nc* ol Am*ric*n Film FILM NOIft in«maty Imrii' GUN CRAZY Con*M*ra« on* ot th* graatMt AmwtcM Film* ot *11 timo THE BIGCOMBO 6 pm only 180PLC 81.80 for ell TIIE BIJOU 492 « 13th «»24< t FREE POPCORN TUESOAY II.mi l.i A ill'l l.i Si li\”iilln. \\ inkier Manfiin’llN* xmm Imll.i'o SMITH MADNESS I .tint* >n.hmtr\ 1 urn fin \ ifnnhl* nf ih ting I tnt-mnniftlr . nun H « Irirfn n Nrim«. I l»m Erl. Sat. 715 4 5:50 Sunday Bargain Mai. 4 pm Sun Thura 5:45 * » :00 BIJOU LATE NITE By Popular Demand (Wa don't know why) LET THERE BE ROCK Thura. 11:15 pm $2 Fri Sat 11:45 S2.50 Players Cabaret EUGENE’S EXCITING ADULT NON LIQUOR CABERET Wad . 4:30-2am ladiaa N^hi ladtas ara iraa 4 30 4 3 Friday S Saturday Parly aH mght “ ' K 4:30-4am7 Opan attar hours: Muaic Top 40 R & 6 danca music, Rock'n'roll youre gonna danca THE NIGHT AWAY at Players Cabaret Call Player* lor Limousine Sendee. Parlya. and apacial event* 1045 Wlllamalla 443 22*8 TUNE IN TO Personals PROBLEMS? Crlais Cantor. U ol O talaphona homne 24 houra 7 days Strictly confidential Call 4444444 3144 Itr PAEGANT? WE WANT TO HELP >rer Pragnancy laslmg Confidential Bir ihnght 687 8651_ _3 KS2 I CARTER: Good one Who helped you think ol j|7 Krialin 221 CARTER: You should Hie lucky that she acknowledged you al all KRISTIN S SISTER 2 21 E.C.K., Am looking forward to Sat nil#! I toy you. Simply! AB.0.221 SMOKER TONIGHT 8:00 PM Eugene National Guard Armory *21 COOK IKE MONSTER; Happy 3 moo ms and bologna kisses SUPER QROVER _ 221 DZ Colleen Just a little note to say hi", looking forward to getting together Saturday night' LOVE. YOUR ROSE BUDDY _____ 221 Brian Kokes Have a super B Day big brother1 TERRY. TODD. _2-21 Congratulations Newlyweds Bob Saltz and Julie Collins (Saltz on Sunday) Does this mean we can play poker el your nouse now? PS I have what's left of your "winn Inga" from Wednesday night do you remember Wednesday ntghP A