World news Iran claims Iraq shot down passenger plane TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran said today an Iraqi jet fighter shot down an Iranian passenger plane on a domestic flight bet ween Tehran and Ahvar.. Ira nian officials say they believe the plane carried 46 passengers plus crew, and all people aboard were believed killed. The official Iraqi News Agen cy quoted an Iraqi military spokesman in Baghdad as deny ing the Iranian claim. The agen cy, monitored in Cyprus, quoted the spokesman as saying Iranian “reports in this respect are sheer lies," and adding that Iraqi air attacks were confined to military targets along the war front and in southern Iran Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations, Kajain khorassani. said in New York he believed them wore 4K passengers aboard the downed plane in addition to the crew. Them was no mason to believe anyone survived, he said. The ambassador said the plane crashed 11 miles from Ahvaz, and wreckage fell in a nearby village. 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The Senior Desk Assistant works an average of 20 hours per week, divided between desk and supervisory duties. The Senior Desk Assistant must live in the U. of O. residence halls and be registered for a minimum of 8 undergraduate or 1 graduate credit hour(s). APPLICATIONS: Applications are available at all Area Desks and are due back to any Area Desk no later than 5.00 p.m., February 24, 1986. Only completed applications will be given consideration. The University of Oregon Housing Department is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Institution. khorassani said he did not ex pect I ho United Nations to take the necessary action to punish Iraq for this "criminal act" and said Iran “is firmly determined to even accounts in Baghdad." An investigation crew was sent to the crash site, the am bassador said. Iran’s official Islamic Republic News Agency said the Fokker Friendship airliner was shot down at about noon local time. It had been chartered by Iran’s domestic Assertion r Airlines, the news Agency said, and carried several members of parliament and a representative of Iranian leader Ayatollah Kuhollah Khomeini, IRNA identified the hho meini representative as Ho jatoleslam F a d h I o 11 a h Mahallagi of the Revolutionary Cuard Corps In liahrain. Persian (luff avia tion sources who spoke on con dition of anonymity said tin' plants was a turboprop Fokker Friendship - used by Iran for compares to Grenada invasion ; ST. GKQRGK'S, Grenada (AP) — Under a da/.xling Caribbean sun. President Keagan an Thursday retraced the stups of American invasion forces that ousted a radical Marx ist government from; this tiny island 27 months ago and vow en use of 11.8. military forces — could hardly be con strued as comforting to the leftist government I.SOfi miles lit the west ) Administration offic ials have said repeatedly they have no plans to invade.Nicaragua, but they are making a concen trated effort let gain congressional’support for $100 million in aid for rebel groups Irving , to overthrow the Sandinista regime in Managua. . . . Reporters with advance copies of Reagan's speech asked him liefore it was delivered whether he had any plans to use military force in Nicaragua. . . \ ; * ’ "No." he replied.- "I think it’s an entirely different situa tion. We have no plans." '. Hut in his speech. Keagan said: "Today in Nicaragua we see a chain of events similar to what happened here We hear the same excuses made for the communists, while the people of Nicaragua see their freedom slowly but surely eaten away.” . - Grenada's prime minister. Herbert Blaixe. declared a na tional holiday for Reagan's visit. I I I ■ o r; tJ o o TJ o z I I DON’T MISS THIS WEEK’S GREAT SPECIAL! SYS PIZZA FREE DELIVERY AND STORE TAKE OUT COUPON Order any size pizza, choice of regular or Extra Thick Crust or Deep Dish Sicilian and Receive $2.00 OFF any size pizza PLUS 2 FREE LARGE SOFT DRINKS COUPON GOOD FRIDAY THROUGH SUNDAY STONE HOURS 11 30 Midnight Monday Friday 3 30pm Midnight Saturday & Sunday DELIVERY HOURS Spm Midnight Monday Sunday 1211 Alder on Campus • 686*9598 coupon oxpiros 2/23/M I I I ■ z o a. 3 o o CL 0 ■ 1 I military purposes. Ahvaz is alMiut (i() miles east of lr««| and about :*1U miles southwest of Tehran, the Ira nian capital. Both sides reported increased activity by their air forces Wednesday despite bad weather on the warfront. Iran claimed to have shot, down Jour Iraqi jet fighters. . while Iraq said it. downed, one Iranian jet- and a . four-engine C-130 plane used as an airborne radar command post • • Federal study . gives, education -V good report card ; • WASHINGTON (AP) — * Education Secretary William Bennett gave the states a report card Thursday on lest scores, dropout rates and other measures that he cited as proof America's schools are on the rebound. He said rising college en trance test scores, and slightly lower school dropout rates, show that “the excellence movement has clearly helped our poor and minority imputations." In releasing the Education Department's third annual chart ol slate education rankings. Bennett was following a tradi tion that his predecessor. T il Bell, started to the dismay of some slate school superintendents. "When you have this kind of chart, some people are going to come off looking hotter than others It's inevitable." he told a news conference. But he added. "This is big news It is essentiel not to keep these findings a secret, to tell the American people how we are doing " Oregon. New Hampshire and Vermont led in SAT scores in the 22 states where more students take that test: Iowa. Wisconsin and Minnesota set the pace in the 2H slates where the ACT is dominant. Give Life. Give Plasma. Your blood plasma is a vital ingredient in the fight against injury and disease Become a paid plasma donor and save lives It Pays To Help Hyland Plasma Center 40 E. 10th St., Eugene 683-3953 Recycle Thle Paper