■■■■■■■•COUPON i medium drinks THiS WEEKEND ONLY 2 freeBI with food purchase over $5.00 TRACK TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd. Good Fri Fee It. Sat Fed K an* See Fat IS ISM OMIT for • On* cat ■COUPON %M\ ” German £ AUTO SERVICE Reliable service lot your foreign cor since 1963 VW’S MERCEDES BMW’S DATSUN TOYOTA 342-2912 2025 Franklin BlvO Eugene Ore 97403 Willamette Science and Technology Center. 7:30 p.m. $1 college students ansi senior citi/ens. $2 adults, 75 cents children. Call ft87 3ftld tor further info, Art After Hours with Board Members from the Oregon Depart ment of Education and Lane County School Districts. Jacobs Community Room. Hull Center ft 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY. 2-2* Brown Bag Forum. EMU Forum Room. IL30 a m -12:30 p m Free THURSDAY. 2-27 South Americu Kayaking slide show with Phil DcRcimcr. Outdoor Pro gram 7:30 p.m. ART. ON EXHIBIT Gallery 141: Cerantic sculpture ex hibil'dedicaled to the late Betts Keves. by 30 faculty member's and' siodenls Through Feb. 23. 'Computerized ‘im-'\ ages. and. -color .photography: by .University, graduate students: Feb". 24 28- Opening reception Monday at 7 : • pm. ; Ift7 EMU: '''Humanity in Perspec tive: Ati-International Focus" Works • by line arts faculty and students -Feb,' 23 2ft. Artists interested in having . Iheif work shown.call'fthft-4387 •*. Museum of Art: "Australian Prmi KOYAANISQATSI. LIFE OUT OF BALANCE A spellbinding, hypnotic and utterly lascinating him which soars across the screen through vast wilderness vistas, teeming cities, and everything in between. Seven years in the making KOYAANISOATSI is a monumental achievement wedding Ron Fncke's sense Staggering cinematography to a mesmerising ■ sound track by noted iaz? composer Phillip Glass The result is a filmso rich in beauty and power that it defies description, and goes beyond the realm of ordinary experience "A «om»rtul him >ich m me ovm (wwvrmfl bMuir I wm VWH mi moml r>» >1 Omm SMk “4r in* Mown" FRIDAY FEBRUARY 21 7:30, 9:30 & MIDNIGHT 180 PLC U OF O ADULTS S2/KIDS $1 DO DUCKS HAVE EARLOBES? We’ll Find Out February 28th at 13th & Alder making The Stale of the Art" amt "Double Planes" painted wood con st ructions hv Richard Muller Feb 23 March 2.1 Opening reception Sun day from 2-4 p.m Photography at Oregon Gallery: Black and white portraits by San Fran cisco Bay area photographer Leon Borcns/tein Through March K lane Conimunity College "Lead Head " sculpture by Robert Gibney and Frank Fox. Feb 24-March. 14 . New.Zone Gallery; "Chairs in Art", works by sixteen Oregon artists; . "Mail Art" works sent in bv mail from the United States. Japan-. Greece, and hnglaml Through. Feb. 27- • Maude Kerns Art Center Works-by Jean Blackburn Through March 21 • • • .Keystone Cafe Urban art by Lee Read Through March K. . McDonald Frame Shop ami Gallery, "Writing vs uli Pictures illustrations b'y Robin Michul .Koonl/. ThriHigh ' February., ■ ■ • * . : Hull Center Lobby "Chariots of Color" canvasses and prints by Jeanne Gaudia, Through Murch 28. "Art by Women" Through March 31. Willamette Science ami Technology Center: "Jupiter ami Its Moons ' traveling exhibition from the Sntuhxo man, "Computers ami the Creative Proems" Through March HI: various hands on exhibits; plus planetarium shows on Saturday am! Sunday "Winter Sloes" at I p m and “Tire in the Sky" a multi media show on Halley's.comet, at 3 p.m, University. Muesum- of Natural'' History . “Natural History . Photographs." by- Ashley Foster'' •Through March 2*» "Indian Basketry , p! the Oregon Country.". "Continuity of Culture:. Indian amt Metis Heud Work ol the’ Northern Woodlands .and * .’ Plains," .'''Geologic History’ of' . Oregon'. apd "Stone ami ’ Bone Sculpture •Irom’ihe Columbia Rjver. ' Ihnmgh JutH' 14. "Thomas.Condon, >..•» I ather o'l Oregon' Geology" Through • June ': '• . . \. Editor 's note: The Fridas Edition is the Emerald's weeklyentertain ■ ment supplement published each Friday except during finals week and vacations Editor..... Copy Editor. Cover Photo*... Production. Photo Tech...*. ..Sheila Landry .Mike Sims Steven Gibbons .KaraOherst .....Ross Martin ! SYD'S | 1 PERMS »19.95 j 2 Iona holr nilr* • good thru 3/28/86 ” 1122 Aid*/ • 486 *597 GRAPHIC SERVICES □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ Suite 300 Oregon Daily Emerald 686-4381 ts Resumes * Typesetting ^ Layout Design ^ Photowork You name it, we do it with the quality you want at a price you can afford. □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ Students receive 10% discount □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ Open: 10-5 Monday - Friday 48 hour turnaround time