Radio scriptwriting subject of courses Award-winning radio scriptwriter Devin Wallace will be teaching eight-week courses in radio theater for adults and children ages eight through 12. beginning in late February. The classes will expose students to old and new radio theater forms and will include work in scriptwriting, basic sound effects, music production, acting and recording skills Wallace will also provide information on funding and distribution sources in radio. Students will work on solo and/or group projects, aiming toward possible actual broad cast experience Teachers will be trained to use radio-theater projects to help enliven their classrooms. The adult class will meet Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 10:00, beginning February 26. The children’s class will meet Saturday mornings from 9:30 to noon, beginning March 1. The courses cost $40 for adults and $35 for children. Chases are held at Wallace’s home. 1230 W. 10th Ave in Eugene. For more information or to register, call 343-7095 during the evening. u© praMirtt ALTERED STATES -mtmrnrnm0t otimiw, nrlrtna wary. atUlt twifrtk." -hy Tims a pa*aa*^al *a**^^p^a^ aaa^aaaa^ai aUarf* «- *.*-—. —-* — fk- ——-*» ..ill fu'l_ -- —-*-k||i> ** * W w^m aaR|fP»aS WW* w*w f — to* toarf SATURDAY FEBRUARY 22 150 GEOLOGY 7:00 & 9:00pm $2 adults $1 kids r *i HANFORD 1 I AN! < >41 > i ianfor i > I I/NTMf < >l< I > I !ANI < >R I > H A NFC >R I > HANI’( >R I > FRIDAY FEB. 21, 1986 KEYNOTE ADDRESS 10:30 - 11:20 Norma Jean Germond past presideni Oregon League of Women ‘voter* "Hanford a kale lde sc ope of issues' WASTE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AT HANFORD 11:23 - 12:15 Don Paine - Phd Health and Phytic* and manager of the Office of Emergency Preparedness 12:15 - 1:00 Dr. Robert Alvarez of 0k Enviromental Policy Institute, Washington, D.C. HANFORD AS A FUTURE NATIONAL REPOSITORY 2:00 - 2:30 Slide Show - U.S. Department of Energy Panel Discusson - University Moderator 2:30 - 4:00 UO Faculty - Gail Hunt - geologist and manager of the Waste Site Department USD O.E. ROOM 167 EMU esssoess* Pno. It-lA rjuu. The palettes are found in the bytes him? her computer knowledge with her artistic talents “Your mind works in the same way; it's )ust the way your hands respond that is different,’* Craig says "The creative process is. still there Craig has two works in the show Both an? done on rice paper, which gives the images a hand-finished look Her thesis involves the theme, of rebirth. using an animated process. Craig writes her own programs, using a VETRIX with an Apple lie host. Donna Cohen is another VVISTKC computer art exhibitor. “There is something very special . and different about working on the computer,” she says. “The first time I worked on a computer, I was using a new part of my brain, a part I had never lapped before I watch the manipulation of my picture and respond to the new image the computer has emoted.“ . • • The artist sits down to create The painting is in his mind's eye. He chooses the colors he wants to use. and the size of his brush. His palette: a program with a possible 16.5 million colors. His canvas: a computer screen. Computer art It was bound to happen and with computers becoming increasingly affordable the idea has worked its way into the classroom.. "I think the computer has gotten a lot of bad press:" says Craig Hickman, University assistant professor of arl. "Most people think of data pro cessing when they think of the computer. They don't think of art. yet computer art is potentially as revolutionary as photography." Hickman and Ken O’Connell, head of the University art department, put together "Com puters and the Creative Process,” an exhibition featuring work by 25 artists from across the U.S. and Canada. The exhibit is currently on display at Several local computer-scientists and artists spent many hours in front of the "tube" to create works for the current computer graphics display at W.ISTBC. Willamette- Science and Technology Center (WISTEC). . With its storage capacity and ability to manipulate and modify images, the computer is a tool that some artists have begun to use. It allows artists to try out ideas, provided those ideas can be reduced to numbers, images can be altered, combined and recombined and colors from a cur rent of 16.5 million can be chosen as artists ex periment with relastionships of color, shape or structure. "Computer art is so broad, and it encom passes so many things," Hickman says. He ex plains that one purpose of the WISTEC show is to demystify how computer art is created. "Normal ly in art it is not as important how things are made." he says. The computer is not restricted to one medium. With a paint program in its memory, it becomes a paint tool; with a digitizer, it becomes a camera; with an animation program it becomes a movie machine and with a 3-D program it becomes a tool to explore spatial relationships. The computer can also be the planning tool for an artist 's finished work — using it to design but not necessarily produce the finished work. Patricia Craig, a graduate student in visual design, is using the computer for her master's thesis dealing with animation. Craig was first in troduced to computers through data processing at work. She realized, after seeing a Vic-20 com puter graphic demonstration, that she could com The wonderful thing about computer art. however, is that one need not know how'to pro gram. In fact , most people who create artwork on the computer don't write their own programs. A person merely needs to know the basics. such as how to communicate with the computer through a series of ' menu" choices. Artists can use digitized images, which originate from a standard video camera rather than from the computer itself The computer, with the aid of extra hardware, converts the video image into numerical values so it can understand it. Hickman likens the process to dictating a pic ture done on graph paper over the phone. "We see the process often, such as those im ages sent back from Voyager." Hickman says, referring to the satellite which sent back pictures from Uranus recently. Computer-assisted art is yet another applica tion of computers. Computers are being hooked up to weaving looms, photographic enlargers, animation cameras and power cutting tools, ac cording to Hickman. There are some pieces in the show that employ that style. "These pieces are examples of how the computer can lie used in the creative process, but not necessarily appear in the final product.” Hickman says, Story by Amy Moss Photon by Harvey Young Continued on Page 7B