PtSCOVgm THflT v*ts HAyd/L puppy, BOBO, rtAP UOCKBDHlWOvr^THE CAR HE rented from national, RopneY RANp&ph SETTLES DOWN R)R A U>Nfe eVEN>N6,THAN*4R£ HtJ U^Ky ^RSTI^rPOBfl’j SHORT Lfi>5 CANT RE£c^ TVC&tf PEJ*L. $QfiOO PER WEEK l» W mt!« 1i« per Mil* for adrfituMt*! mi tat* S»«Htopwwtoblg rate app)M» to < 3**vv (*v«itn or simitar srar r*r amt « wbtM t to . hattgt without "•*»«* Kali* H.*htS highrr t,» " Anthropology — History — Literature — Economics — Political Science — Art — Music — Cuisine — Folkdance II. One or Two Semester Program in Pau, France Intensive French language (3 levels) French History, culture, literature, geography Basque Studies III. Six-Week Summer Studies (Graduate & Undergraduate) Intensive Spanish language and literature (3 levels) Intensive Basque language Anthropology History Sponsored by the USBC a Consortium project of five American and European universities. For an information packet, write to Dr. Urza, University of Nevada Library, Reno, Nevada 89557. or call (702) 784-4854. S__ r Et al. MEETINGS Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society in social science will initiate new members tonight at 7 in Room tot. EMU. The Ancient Order of Druids meets today at 5::t0 at Guido's. AGSSA meets today at 5:30 in B-99. Dr. Donald Fenton of Union Oil will speak. The Incidental Fee Commit* tee meets today at 5 in Century Room A. EMU. A Career Planning and Place ment office orientation will take place today at 2:30 in Room 237. Hendricks Hall. An internship information meeting will be held today by the Career Planning and Place ment Outer at 2:30 In Room:12, Hendricks Hall. Career Assessment Program will have a group meeting to day at 2 in Room 237,. Hen dricks Hall. Circle K Service Club minds tonight 7 in Ceiitury Room D. EMU- l ’• LECTt > RES/WORKSHOPS ‘'Infant Mortality and Cultural Practices in In donesia" is the topic of a lec ture, today at noon in Room 353 PlC./by • Professor Gaff Mine Moreno-Hiack, ajuacfete pro • fessor'of anthropology at tint • University..' . t *' An- interviewing skills workshop -will be held today from 1:30 to-3p.m. in Room 12. Hendricks Mat!. • "The Battle of Chile. Part I” will be.shown tonight at 8 In the EMU Forum Room. •' "Bare Bones*: Identification arid Interpretation of Animal Bones . from Archaeological Sites';’ is the topic of a lecture today at 4:30 by Ruth .. Greenspan.-archaeologist, at the Museum Of Natural History. J. Austin-' Quigley, candidate for'English department head, vyill-a K’ivt? -a . lecture on "-Wit Tgenstei.n. Literary,T.hnory and the English.Department" today at *3;30* i'nr Room 142 Straub Man;;', ':. ."Fighting Back Against Rape" is the topic of a self defense and rape prevention workshop at 8:30 tonight in Room 150 Geology. Represen tatives from campus security Haircut *1295 Includes Shampoo, Conditioning and Precision Cut 5a ve *2 on Mondays and Thursdays haircuts only $1Q95 561 E. 15th (Across from Max's) 485-4422 Tree Parting • Open Saturdays and the Rape Crisis Network will loud the workshop. A “Take Back the Night" rape prevention rally starts at 8 pm in the EMU Courtyard. Music, poetry and songs will kick off the rally, which will be followed by a march to the University cometary. "Choosing a Major" workshop will be offered today in Room 1H4 Oregon Mall at 3:30. A workshop for pre-business students with questions regar ding admissiou to the major and major options outside the Col lege of Business- Administration will be held today at 3:30 in Room 3il8 Gilbert Hall. MISCELLANEOUS journalism majors can pre register for spring term jour nalism classes today. Details are available In Room 201 Allen Hall. .' ; The Office of Academic Ad vising is now accepting ap plications for para-prnfcssinni positions. Applications available in Room tt>4 Oregon Hall Deadline is Friday. INTERVIEWS Submit bid* fur campus inter* views Monday through Wednesday each week. Room -244 Hendrick* Hail The follow ing recruiters will be on campus next week: Feb. 24: Black ft Decker .(sales, sales management): .Monterey Institute of Interna tional Studies (graduate school); Carnation (sales management development program) Feb. 2!i; Black ft Decker (same); The Oregon Bank (financial analyst, commercial loan officer training program): Peace Corps Recruiting (Mfice (volunteer). Feb. 26: Kaufman's (trainee at management level); Peace Corps (same). Feb. 27: Copeland Lumber Yards, Inc. (management trainee). Feb. 28: Public Interest Research Croups (campaign coordinator, political writers) Sign-up space is still available for the following recruiters: Friday: North Pacific Lumber Co. (same); Interstate Distributor Company (regional sales representative); Sav-On Drugs, Inc. (management trainee, store level). Deadline for submitting El als to the Emerald front desk. EMU Suite non. is noon the day before publication. Et als are run only once, depending upon space availability. Events with a donation or admission charge will not he considered. Events occurring nearest the publica tion date, and campus-oriented events, will be given priority. BOOKSTORE