Help Wanted cruiseships hirinoi tt» 00,000 Carrlbsan. Hawaii. World! call tor guide, Cassette. newsservice' (916) 0444444 Xuoregoncrulse 724 AIRLINE HIRING SOOMf 'lM S39.000I Stewardesses. meervatloniets' Call tor Bum*, cassette. newsservice (0i«i 944-4444 XUAW17B 7 2H UNIVERSITY or OREGON UPWARD tjOUND Program aummar positions Resident Group Councelora. Instruc tor* m hioh school math marling ►filing, E8L. science. health. speech, i,octal studies Full lima, aummar ses aion 190ft only Salaries 61SOO lor 0 week aummar aaaaton (June 27 Auguat 10) Job descriptions available at Up ward Bound Office, 1009 E 15th Umvar ally ot Or agon Eugene OR 97403 Deadline March 3. 1900 Egual Oppor tumtyi Affirmative Action Employer _ 0430i2l SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Colorado Mountain Resort Employat ia seeking mala and lamala applicants lor Ratal) Sale* Pood Sanrtca and olhar ratati orlantad |obe Openinga from May thru Saptambar Local ad In Ealaa Park. Col or ado For tun hat informal ion write Na tional Park Village North c/o Mark Schlf lama. 740 Oalord Lana. Fort Colima CO 00020. __ 2_21 PERSON Wl T H EL EC TRONIC S background to modify court reporting machine 400 1902 before 9 pm 2-20 WORKSHOP INSTRUCTORS NEEDED The SEARCH Office Is looking tor peo pie willing and able to ah are than eiper lisa II you're interested M teaching a Spring Term workshop, contact us at EMU MHO or call 60S-43O0 The daadtma lor Spring term workshop pro posal a is February 20 at 5 pm 0004 2-20 Protect Saterkte Part of I he ASUO i rap* prevention pro. (•cl i* now hiring • coordinator Duties include scheduling of vohmlaar (invar* public ratal Ion* work and managing monthly advertising Application* availaMa in Sulla 4 EMU Deadline Fab 74. i pm Apro* 19 hr* par week. 1179 month non-workstudy poaillon Attn (native Action/Egual Opportunity Employer 9009 2 24 STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPORTER WANTED The Oregon Daily Emerald I* looking lor a dedicated, aggrasstve reporter with a tleriW* schedule lo I HI the student government Asaoclale Editorship Post non require* 3040 hour* per week and It non-workstudy Job description* and application* are available in Room 300 EMU Application* (please include cHpt) are due Tuesday Fab 39 The Emerald it an equal opportunity employer Woman and minorities are encouraged to apply _ I K COMMUNITY/POLITICAL REPORTER WANTED The Oregon Dally Emerald it looking tor an e«penanced hard working parson to till the commmumtyfpoMttct Associat# Editorship Position requires 3040 hour* par weak and applicant* should have pnoi eipananca Application* end a (Ob description are available in Hoorn 300 EMU Application* (piaaaa include clips) *»* due Tuesday Feb 29 The Emerald is an equal opportunity employer Woman and mtnontias era encouraged to apply 2-25 LOOKING FOH THE SEST Parltim* |Ob in I own? The Naval Reserve it now actively tasking 17 34 yew old* tor part ttme position* ovenable in Eugene Bonuses Reserve Ol Bill now available Can Jack/342 7909 __9043:220 ASSISTANT COORDINATOR FOR MK>« SCHOOL Visitation Program! Poaillon involves contacting local high sc hoots, organizing visitations to lhase high schools, and enlisting college Student* to visit these high schools At an assistant, you will gain valuable a* parlance In management and public rata!Iona skills Avaiiabt* tor work study Ot upper division Internship cradii Pick up and return application to Inform* lion Booth. first floor Oregon Hall Deadline Is 6 pm Friday Fab 29. Direct any quasi Ion* lo Kon Millar High School Visitation Coordinator, at 699-3201 during tha office hours ol Monday and Wednesday 2 304 30 Of Tuesday It 30 t 00 9079 2 29 COMPUTER GRAPHICS ART 1ST Wanted to produce computer animation lor inOy sci/ti advanlura Him Erpenses paid Call LaGranga Films 496 7019 ■ 2-24 Roommates SEEKING ROOMMATE TO Share two bedroom apartment Four .Mocks .from PIC Furnished living room. I sundry iecllillet 8137 SO/mu Call 343 3981 _22» PREFER FEMALE TO share two bedroom cabin wllh loll 5092 Whiieaker Wood heal, nicely turnialv ed. washer/dryer, appliances included. 3187 501 mo double car garage Phone evenings. Stephanie 342 7331 2 21 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING, married couples and single parents. posslMlity of im mediate occupancy or place yourself on walling list Westmoreland furnished apartment. 2 bedroom *144/mo. 1 bedroom |115/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom 1120/mo Future openings expected all areas Contact UO Mous ing Dap! 886 477/ 4942 tin EUGENE MANOR ONE 8 TWO BEDROOMS High rise living al II best Near campus 4H4 744 1 6386 tin BEND SKI HOUSE. Three bedroom lul ly furnished spa sauna, sleeps 8 866-1100 per 389-1836 V 3-7 THE SERENITY Of THE FOREST •2 Badroom 1Vy Bath -WOO i 6315 •Prlvata Balcony -Fully Apptlanc* Carpatad t Drapad Sauna • Pool -Eioallant Bua Sarvlea Foraat Village Call now 687 <318 _64202-21 FURNISHED LARGE 112 bedroom cam pua 1246/6326 No pata 485 2823 _6433:ltn RIM OF CAMPUS. Charming untumlah ad 2 badtoom houaa (alova t'tg) dock. 6363 Idaal lot coupla Evenlnga 6878776 2 21 DOUSLE ANO TRIPLE SPACES ftlll avallabla at tha Studanta Coopatallya Aaaoctatton ftataa vary competitive maaia mcludad Talk lo a mambatahlp coordinator at Campball Club 683 3463 or Janat Smith Houaa, 683-3777 __ __ 6006 2 24 NEWER OUAM, LocaMy owned. v> block Irom cam pua 6168rmo ulilmaa In cludad 1886 Hama, man agar apt 4 342-4261 3643 ttn unoeanew manaoenint WOOOSIOC MANOR 1816 HARRIS Furniehed quada now evaiefeWe with ahared bath or private bath Utiimaa paid, covered parking and laundry lactliliaa avallabla IDEAL CAMPUS LOCATION FROM 6186 Martagera no 136 344 2667 Bennell Managamant Co 1143 Oak SI Sulla 300 ‘ 486-6661 ;• 3666 tin QUIET COUNTRY LIVINO In tha aouthwaat hitla Baautitul 1 and 2 badtoom apt a with yin a lannta. pool roc room, laundry Cloaa lo city bua Itna Proapacl Park Apia 1710 Nor Ihvlaw Had 464-6663 6446 2 20 HILYARD QUADS Well maintained unit available tor immediated move-in. New matrass, nice kitchens on-site mgr. $155fmo rent plus deposit %b0 cash rebate (or move in before Feb 15. Call Jay 485-6120 after 3 pm or visit no 24, 1750 Hllyard. 604$ l*n Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 4U»i one otovi hwh ns# itDr ary felnei iaaIIiui ■ WtnitAi t —„ „, wow * ennng wmier r srni PrivM* retngarator and H bath Irom (1M Bob or Kelly, 1644 Aider noli, 1444713 Bldg managed by SI Clair P'opartta* 8862tln 1 Dorm Contracts fMI SEER ANO MONEY lo anyone who buy* my dorm contract Sue 4668644 221 Lost a Found \ FOUND: KEYS IN 3rd door ladle* room in EMU bunding Watch attached Call 6665611 _230 FOUND BE HIND iAMAJJTS, amNI. dully Mack dog with brown lace Call 663-6415 2 21 Food a Drink TONIGHT 25* Gourmet HOT DOGS '*"> * *6A*» 1661 H E I6lh EUGENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Your Broad A Butter... French Bread: Mon Sat Hatton Marti Monday S Thursday Wholewheat Anedama Mon, Tuae, Sat. Whotawtiaat Buttermilk Wad, Fri. Rye Broad: Wadnaaday Challeh Friday Available in rolla and classic loavas MF 7 30® 00 881E 13th Saturday 8-3 484 1662 El'GENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY’S MENU: • Turkey 8 Chat so tilled croissant '• Spinach 8 Choose tilled croissant Straight trom tha oven 11:00 am M F 7 306 00 881 E. 13!h Saturday 8-3_ 484 1662 Evbnts Legal Issues For Gay Couples and Families Two speaker* will discuss estate pienn mg, wills, power ot attorney, alternative •amities Sat Feb 2?"d 9 am 3 pm There will alto be a b wn bag lunch For pre-regie into, call -,arlos 484-4435 H 245 8050 I or 345-8050 (eves) Sbtx ored by Let bian and Gay law Stud- it Aaaoc 2-20 Oregon Troops In Honduras? Come hear about one men's Honduran mission of peace Slide presentation and discussion by Springfield resident De Wayne Tiller, 8 00 pm Friday. February 21 at Kotnonla Center. 1414 Kincaid (across from PIC) Sponsored by Baptist Student Union 2-21 You're Invited to submit QUESTIONS tor the SCHLAFLY VS WEDDINGTON DEBATE to Darryl at the Cultural Forum. Suite 2 EMU by Monday Feb 24 The Battle of Chile (Pari I) In 187J, in* CIA backed a coup mat overthrew demoeiatically elected Chilean President Salvador Attend* TONIGHT 8:00pm EMU Forum Room Sponsored by the A SCO and Catalyst Films Foi mors information. call 686-3724 Entertainment University Theatre Second Saasan STRANGE SNOW The tender story of a Viet Nam vet’s strug gle to go cn living . February 2(T22, 27,28 ft March 1, 6, 7.8 ARENA THEATRE (Viilard Hall) 8 PM All tickets only *2 SO each Call 664-4161 tor rasarvaltons 'CAUTION: This play contains strong language Present** by special arrangamonl with Samuel French. Inc 6007221 BIJOU LATE NITE By Popular Demand fW* don't know why) AC/DC Let There Be Rock Thure. 11:15 pm $2 Fri-Sat 11:45 *2.50 *«#m Irulla* SHEER MADNESS / .ttntnnhnnr* . / n*nnn\ •ftinhti **/ lifting 1 nyni'tntliit nnn n imtf n Vro*. I tHtygr Ii*« » Frl Sat MS S 930 Sunday Bargain Mat. 4 pm Bun Thun 6.4S S MO BIJOU LATE NITE By Popular Demand (We don't know why) Thurs. 11:15 pm $2 Frl Sat 11:45 $2.50 Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Cantor U of O telephone hotline 24 hour* 7 daya Strictly conlldantlal Call NM4M 3144 tin PLANNED PARENTHOOD has an party pregnancy last that Is 90S accurate Call tor appl 344 9411 5543 H BECAUSE PEOPLE CARE Free Pregnancy tasting Confidential Btr (bright MT-S961_ 3162H THE NAMES OF Grope Age are Bert Bud, and Grape Ape2-20 CAPTAIN ROMANCE: I Heart You Hays a great day) POOPYHEAO._*20 MIKE P Thanks for being such a great big brother You're the best LUV, YOUR LITTLE SIS 2-20 JEFF: Happy Birthday Hugs and Squishes Betsy ' 220 MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appi: 344-70M 300 E. 110) _1948WHF Learn to Sky Dive Weekly Instruction at Discount Prices Call 484 9888 _ ____HFM PAST LIFETIME REGRESSIONS 320 Astrology chart readings 330 What is your Karmic destiny? Call Tom 343-3000 _ 5898 tin LAURA I love you BARRY 4-9 PHI PSI SMOKER Friday Feb 21 8:00 pm at Nat’l Guard Armory Admission $2.50 Beer and Champagne Coolers served with proper 10 Proceeds go to March of Dimes Come support your favorite boxer! Call 686-5277 for more info 220 HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH TOURNA MENT. UO Forensics seeks Judges for UO htgh school tournament 2122311 Paying 33/rd IEs 33 50/rd debate Forms available 205 VHIard Questions? X4180 2-25 i DON’T MISS THE DEBATE Phyllis Schlafly vs Sarah Weddington Do you miss Phone Calls that can coat you money? Are You Hard to reach during tha day? NOW Yo*i can be contacted silently for as low as 30* A DAY University HI-FI. Oft CALL 1-800-232-7070 TV I - f- . t iwe opuctrum TIPSY TEQUILA TOM QUINN Are you missing something? I have it Meet me at Fall Creak today at 4 pm LOVE. THE GUIDOS GIRL WITH BROWN EYES.2 20 OX Thanks tor a tun titled evening Saturday mghl . Let's do it again1 CHI O's. 6080 2 20 CREW NOVICE WOMEN Mooting Thurs. 6 pm EMU Rm 167 220 ONE WEEK ONLY: BRONZE GOD SPECIAL! Buy a 10^ ms won package at our regjlar price and receive 3 sessions FREE! OR buy a 20-session package at our regular price and receive 5 sessions -FREE! Offer expires 2/26/M Oaa offer per customer SumShower <•*2323 (74 E. 13th Up the stairs next to Kinko’s OPEN WEEKDAYS 7 me WEEKENDS • am fcs Congratulations All for getting rodeo" in Talking With LOVE. THE CMI O s. 6080 2 20 SHEILA B. Happy Birthday, you lit tle heart throb. P.B.H. ASUO Woman * Task tore* TAKE BACK THE NIGHT Rally and March Poetry, songs and music will kick oil the rally A march to the Cemetery lead by rape prevention dogs-wtli follow the rally Thurs. Feb. 20 8:00 pm EMU Courtyard Wheetchar accessible, childcare pro vided and hearing impaired accom modated Men interested in ioining in the march, call Men Against Rape *85-5901 ASUO Woman s Task teres FIGHT BACK Speakers from Rape Crisis Network and UO Campus Security will talk about rape prevention and self defense Come to the TAKE BACK THE NIGHT Rally afterwards Part of the ASUO Aqainta'nce Rape Awareness Symposium Thurs. Feb. 20 6:30 pm Geology Wheelchair accessible, childcare pro vided. and hearing impaired accom modated For more information call the ASUO 686 3724 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed H9ER PRESSURE... EMOTION AL CRJS6...100m OAM65.. UNDERARM HAIR... IT'S COMING AND I CAN'T STOP IT. ^ I&tf? y&\H/