Chiles Center causes redesign of bus depot By Kirsten Bolin CMUm EamM In an effort to create a bus depot that complements the Fade A. Chiles Business Center, University official and representatives from the Lane Transit Disjrict are currently negotiating a new design for the 13th Avenue and Kincaid Street bus stop. University representatives have re quested- that any new depot com plements the Chiles Center’s design, says Ed Bergeron, marketing ad ministrator for LTD. Construction of the new depot will begin this summer, and the structure should be ready for use by the beginning of fall term. Bergeron says. The depot is one part of the Univer sity’s comprehensive plan for creating a cohesive building and landscape design on the corner surrounding the Chiles Center, says David Rowe. University planner. ’’There is going to be a need to in tegrate the courtyard between the Chiles Center and the Computer Center.” Rowe says. Included in the comprehensive plan is the entire bus strip located across from the University Bookstore on Kincaid Street. The strip includes the depot as well as the curbside land that runs from the corner to the University Computing Center. LTD will probably pay the construc tion costs for the depot, and the Univer sity will provide funding for costs incur red from the landscape work. Rowe says. “There is a possibility the University will pay (for part of the bus depot) if LTD could not provide a structure well-suited to the whole design.” he says. , Federal budget allocations should allow LTD to proceed with the depot construction, but the recent passage of the Gramm-Rudman budget-balancing bill might stall the project, Bergeron says. “Money that had been allocated to LTD was held up. but supposedly all those problems have been resolved.” he says. Approximately 1.500 to 2.000 Univer sity students ride on LTD buses each school day, Bergeron says. This com prises about 10 percent to 15 percent of LTD’s daily ridership, he says. 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