THE ARMY RESERVE GIVES YOU AN EDUCATION AND HELPS PAY FOR ONE. TOO. If your plans for the future include college, the Army Reserve can fit nicely into your plans. You’ll get hands-on training in one of hundreds of potential careers, from communications to elec tronics to engineering. You 11 learn from experienced, first-rate instructors. And you’ll hone your skill by working on a Saturday and Sunday each month at a Reserve center near your college. Hie money you earn (an average of $1,500 a year) will help with your expenses. In addition, you may qualify for educational benefits—up to $5,040 in student aid from the New GI Bill, and a student loan repayment program. Find out more about the Army Reserve. If you’re headed for college, it’s a step in the right direction. See your local Army Reserve Recruiter today. Or call toll free 1 -800-USA-ARMY. ARMY RESERVE. BE ALL YOU CAN BE.