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U0 • Tefal ter l ’ Tetat 200 6 ■ OFe „_VIS* _ (Personal Checks must be ctesred pror to shoment) •Me ttepe leet erSert Feeee »tl*, et the teeter erSereS etete feveetery eeS reerfy re ke skieee* iri 14 Filipino news official shot to death at home GLENDALE, Calit. (AP) — An executive of the Philippine News, a newspaper opposed to the regime of Ferdinand Mar cos. was shot to death at home Wednesday after receiving a threatening note, authorities said. Several shots were fired in Oscar Salvatierra’s bedroom at his single-story Chevy Chase Canyon home, police Sgt. Ran dy Tampa said. Salvatierra’s elderly mother, who speaks no English, was in the house about to miles north of downtown Los Angeles and called police to report the crime after she heard gunshots, he said. "From what the mother was saying over the phone, she said shots plural." Tampa said. Police fanned out through the neighborhood, but no im mediate witnesses were found. Tampa said. Chris Lopez, a spokeswoman for Sen. Alan Cranston, said the senator was notified by the San Francisco headquarters of the Philippine News. Salvatierra, 38. a naturalized American citizen with four children, had received a written warning Tuesday, said Ben Amceto, Los Angeles editor for the Philippine News. Salvatierra was Los Angeles bureau manager of the newspaper. “Philippine News is a disgrace to the Filipino com munity in the U.S..” Aniceto quoted the note as saying. •Through your paper your un warranted accusations and ties have attacked your own coun trymen. You should be ashamed to call yourselves Filipinos. So for your crimes, you are sentenced to death by execution.” Cranston, a Democrat seeking a fourth term in the Senate, said in a statement that he had asked FBI Director William Webster to investigate “this atrocity." Cranston said he also asked Webster to protect Philippine News publisher Alex Esclamado in San Francisco and the paper’s sales representative. Stan Aragon, and members of their families after they received similar threats. A letter to Aragon said: “You are going to be next." Lopez said. “Director Webster assured me he will get right on this mat ter." Cranston said. “It would appear that we’re going to have an investigative interest in this matter.” said FBI spokesman Fred Reaga. Marcos was opposed by Cor azon Aquino in a bitter Feb. 7 election marked by violence and widespread allegations of fraud. The Philippines National Assembly, whose canvass is final, declared last Saturday that Marcos had won, but an in dependent poll-watchers' group said its count showed Aquino the victor. “What Marcos has done to his country is criminal,” Cranston said. Ill tM till Valuable Coupon INTIMATE AFFAIRE Ij 1 FREE LOVE LOTION Specializing in exotic, feminine lingerie 963 Willamette iacrmi from Newberry s Next to '$) ••rf GREAT PEOPLE. GREAT COPIES. Fast, friendly service on quality copies at affordable prices kinko's Great copies.Great people. Kinko's is open early. Open late. And open weekends 344-7894 37-year-old genocide treaty finally given OK by Senate WASHINGTON (AP) The Senate today approved a 37-year-old treaty making genocide an international crime. The vote was 83-11 in favor of a resolution ratifying the pact, which has already been approv ed by 96 other nations. It began as a reaction to the holocaust of World War II. when millions of Jews were killed by the Nazis. The vote was a special victory for Sen. William Proxmire. D Wis., who has risen on the Senate floor daily since |an. 11, 1967, to urge ratification of the treaty. He has made more than 3,000 speeches calling for ratification. The treaty makes it an inter national crime to kill or ln|ur« members of national, racial, ethnic or religious groups. President Reagan urged ratification of the pact in Oc tober 1UH4. and last December, he again asked that it be approved. Sen. Richard Lugar. R-Ind.. chairman of the Foreign Rela tions Committee, told his col leagues that "today is a day I know many have long awaited." Hut Sen. Jesse Helms. R-N.C.. called the treaty "a great con stitutional evil" and said that although he opposes genocide, he thinks the pact may infringe on American sovereign rights. 296 E 5th 485 2005 Sweetheart Sale MANICURES ¥ Women's. Men's.«700 Sculptured Nails, reg. $30.00....®25°° For appmntmnut m ifutruumt tall Julw at 40S-200S. ESPRESSO BAR Serving tine coffee, teas and a full service menu all day to LIVEN UP YOUR MORNINGS AND RELAX YOUR AFTERNOONS BOOK and TEA open 104 (telly • 10-5 Sunday on frt* southasal cornai of campus 1846 E. 19th • 344-3422