fuses Still others have pursued entertain ment careers through commercials and performances on such television shows as "Saturday Night Live” and "Hill Street Blues"; one even helped produce the Broud way musical "Ain’t Misbehavin'.” first barraht: Clown College has produced many changes in the business of career clowning The new recruiting system has lowered the average age of clowns from 58 to 23, ending an era in which clowns came to the circus after becoming too old for other performance careers "With the old clown, that was his last hurrah, the end of his cureer,” says Duane Thorpe, the 62 year-old clown’s clown who has been with the circus for .’18 years. "These young clowns are slurlmf’ theirs " Today clowns come to the circus from College-theater groups, from word-process ing jobs, even from the legal profes sion Kighteen-year-old Barbara Pike was studying to become u medic when she audi tioned. " After 1 saw the show I thought, this is magical," she says Pike, who is one of only eight women among the 52 clowns currently with Kingling Bros., says, "In the circus it doesn't matter whether you’re a man or a woman, if you do your job well. I feel like I have thousands of brothers." Yet for all its new professionalism, some things aboutdowning never change Stam ina is st ill a must; last season the circus was on the road for 48 weeks and gave 535 performances. And the satisfactions are still very similar to what they were when old-timer Thorpe started out. "It’s all been very gratifying," he says. "Some author said the circus is the only mysterious thing left in civilization I haven’t solved it yet .’’ When the arena is tilled with the laughter of children of all ages, it’s easy to under stand why he keeps trying J t n N i r K s (' k c 11. in tUiMt Rutherford. N.J KINDI.INI i mills ANIlllAKNI'M * IIAII4CY i'UIWNIXH4JV1K Class clowns: Warming up for acrobatics ASTUDYIN HOW NOT TO STUDY Admit it. This could be you. Sweating, swearing, and swigging cups of cold black coffee as you prepare for your grad school entrance exams. Not necessary Stanley H. Kaplan has prepared over 1 million students for their entrance exams. Without cramming. Without chaos. The fact is, Kaplan students have a better chance of get ting into their first-choice graduate school. And you know what that means. A better shot at a better job with a better life when you graduate. Kaplan prepares you for the LSAT, GMAT, GRE, GRE PSYCH, GRE BIO, MCAT, DAT. ADV MED BDS.. NURSING BDS., CPA, and NTE. We even offer programs in SPEED READING and INTRO TO LAW SCHOOL. Interested? Call Kaplan toll-free for information. Or circle Kaplan on the attached card. And start having fun at night. I KAPLAN STANLEY H KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER LTD 131 WFST 56TH STREET. NEW YORK NY 10019 212-977 8200 OUTSIDf NY STATi CALL TOLL FBII 800-223-1782 DON'T COMPETE WITH A KAPLAN STUDENT -BE ONE Kaplan also prepares students tor the PSAT, SAT. and ACT Tell your kid brothers and sisters