Roommates ATTENTION Famala loommM wantad to «h*m ? badroom apt on iWh and Mill *13TSWmo Mov# In now and gal Fabfuary Iraa Cad Jaan M7 Mm o» Trtah 3441043, m Adelphe House A Ciuiatian Woman a Co-op la accae Imp appnpMlona lot Spnng latm Call ■' taf: 1639 Michalla oi'KtU 219 SEEKING AOOMMATl 10 Shan. twq badioom apartmanl Foot Mocka from etC ."FonHahad H*mg room laund'y lacHdiaa H37 Wmo Cad 343 MSI . , • ■’ • Ml ■ WANTEO FEMALE TO SHAKE 7 bd9*' |iee living ml H bea.t Neel jampot” , ■6MB lln ••BENO SKI MOUSE. Three bedroom, lut o 'H-' lymianad? tpa eauna tieept B" . 166 (lOQlpeV dlr 3691835 ' V 3 7 ■: ;..»«MNITY OB THE BO At SI •" ?.»Bgioom>i'.vllai6-' ,'*Wbvft3lS . CoprnlA*Draped . . ■ Sauna A'Pool Evreilent' Su% Service ■ ' ■■■.. •"Forfcei ViHaga • . ■ V . Sail^noai 68? 13 IB . » a. »" f * ?.""• ^ . o ^ 71 "BOANlSHtOjLAAOf H2 bedroom" cam ' cpua;. s?«v»ms ; no r oak :»8S mi ’ "°M)dHT|N’:diiUr NOME'mrer im»•' ■’ ■ ;ipua' p.tu’rnithed. • J,i Jt' includet Ulililiia iaufully .cable-end .'eiira* 6. 0 I. 9. HEEOMY Lt^Sf iali.en oyer lo. ■mg4l»im >On* ‘bedroom rireniae'e . twagiac*, behind t ampul- -. Qlanwood■. call #344 942*. 7 Men* = >19 AIM”OF-,CAMPUS Charming union: ’ nK,'?0”i,be bath trom *189 Bob or Kelly 1644 Alder no 21 344 6713 Bldg managed by SI Clair Propertiea 6882 tin KAMPUS QUADS vy block trom campus S1S9/mo, ulililias included 1866 Harris. Mgs number 4 342-4281 6379 lln Dorm Contracts fMf BEEN AND MONEY 10 anyont who buy* my dorm contracl ‘>u» WM44 ?J, Lost a Found FOUND KEYS IN 3rd Moot ladioa fOOm m EMU building Match atiachad Call BBBSSH 220 Food a Drink fii.fmn FAU. CREEK BAKERY WVVWWWWVVVVW NIST TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with Uai TODAY S MENU: • Ham A Chaaaa llllad croiatant • Egon Sand croiatant with Mcatla Hard Chaaaa • Broccoli A Fata Chaaaa cralaaant Straight form Iho eaari 1100 am Ml /j0A00 • . 'SAVE .'iMh BMurOwiH . • 4B4IBB2 Fl'I.ENFS FALL CREEK BAKERY frfllW«l!BWWBUVVWW|| Nirr to uo bookstore Your. Bread A Butter... FfWinh Hrewt ylm e — a Italian Hath Monday A Thuraday . Wliaianlual Imlaaa ‘ Man, Taaa. Bat BtilS, nai I Hi Ml Adi Cal a.aiiabta in rod* and etaaalc loavaa HE 7X490 aatE 13th Saturday A3 4A4 IBA2 Events I . You'ra tmrttad to aubmit QUESTIONS '. lor tha SCHLAFLY VS WEDDINGTON DEBATE ■|0 Darryl at.Ida Cultural Forum Suita 2 .EMU by Mandat Fab 24 >'• Task Fore* GET A JUMP ON YOUR CAREER JOURNALISM CAREER OAY Saturday Feb 22nd 8:30-noon U of O Law School Ooimi oi professionals Irom *11 area* el Joumattsm discussing •Job Search Strategies • AesumesrCovet Lallan •Internships. and moral Tickets/lnlormatton are available in room 201 Allen 12 50 Advance S3 At the Door _ _6009 2 19 Legal Issues For Gay Couples and Families Two speakers will discuss astale plann Ing. wills, power ol attorney atlarnatlve lamtlies Sal Feb 22nd. 9 am 3 pm There will also be a brown bag lunch For pre-reals into, call Carlos 464 4435 or 345 8050 (eves) Sponsored by Las (nan and Gay law SUidemi A . Exciting Whitewater Action The o' Whitewater and Kayak Wave Suiting on Oregon I cowl TODAY 12 3Q Outdoor Ptogr err and 2 3G 138 Gilbert Hall FREE . 6010219 Entertainment EMU Cultural Forum FiUni TONIGHT Ingmar Bergman s RE R-S.O.N'A This powerful study ol I wo women, and actress who one day tall* man' and-the youg nuraa charged with hat •acovary it considered • one ol Bargman t masterpieces 7 pm only 15 Geology Admission only S1 Players Cabaret EUGENE'S EXCITING ADULT NON LIQUOR CASE RET Wad * 30 2am Ladies Night Ladies are tree t 30 9 30 Friday t Saturday Party ad night Open attar hours * 30 4am' Music . Top 40 ft * B dance music Roc* n-rod the NIGHT AWAY at Players Cabaret Cad Mayer's lor Limousma Sareica, Fartys. and special events 1045 Willamette M322M TUNE IN TO kjQjm, THE BIJOU Mann.i \nu«la N'lninilfa W inkier « I '» __ F«6C POPCORN TUESDAY \l.ir_Mnrllir uni Iroll.i-. SI II I K MADNESS t .i1nn*nltmir\ ItHuiuts #*//#• tin” I lUt'tmtniiUi tUtu U I».lnw Vt/r>» iilhtt' *•<#., Fri. Sat. M* S t JO dumlaM HaMala Ual J ■. ■■■ WiTtwn. WtMO BIJOU LATE NITE By Popular Demand (Wa don't know why) AC/DC Lat There Be Rock Thurs. 11:15 pm $2 Fri Sat 11:45 $2.50 Ufttv**«(ty Thaatre Second $#«*<>« preaonl* STRANGE SNOW The tender story of a Viet Nam vet’s strug gle to go on February 2fT22, 27,28 l> March 1,6, 7.8 ARENA THEATRE (Villard Hall) 8 PM AM Mctet* only I2.S0 mcX CaN 000-4101-lot lOtOnoilofM •CAUTION Thi* play' contain* M;y> Catnnoi f «awr ti Inr ^■10*• Oo*ttw«1 » * Iflo . 600? 2-21 RANK AND FILE w/ REBEL KIND FRI FEB 28 Condon School Auditorium ,;' 'v , , xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Descendents D R I DEATH SENTENCE HARDCORE 86 EMU DINING room : • i 8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tlx are $5 A«lv v: $6 at the door M •*' ■ * • 6449' Personals PROBLEMS? Crist* C*nt*f. U ol O telephone hotline 24 hours 7 days Strictly confidential felt 60* 4400. . 3144 tin IF YOU'RE IN DOUBT About pregnancy call Birthright 687 6651 _ 3162VV MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO Riches buy* contigni mo Mm 360 E 11th _*960WMF PAST LIFETIME REGRESSIONS S20 Astrology chert readings *30 What is your Karmic destiny* Call Tom 3*3-3009 _ 5096 tin LAURA: I love you BARRY ~ 4 9 FI (SIGH) BILLY THE SAILORMAN ANO SIR LANCELOT: Saturday night •rest! mg or what* Wtias * the dif We don't remember anyway' We call it actsot In toiication Why don t you retresn our memory with pti/a and wet our apetnes with beer To lock or not to lock, that is the question Only we hold the KEY When* the rematch* KIMPS Hope your biles healsoon]_ 2 19 PHI PSI SMOKER . . . Friday Feb 21 8:00 pm at Nat’l Guard Armory . Admission $2.50 Beer and Champagne Coolers served with . proper ID Proceeds go to March of Dimes: Come support your favorite boxer! Call 680-5277 • for more info '• ■ ' , • ■_'■ 3-20 Coming Soon... Greek Days. of Giving Feb 23-Maf T ; i Let’s all get involved and • make this year better .than ever! * ’ ' • 90002 19 MILTON. * I want to see that, smile and a little in . creese'in your PM.A' ENJOY the rest ol winter quarter'. . - mmm Bearhugt a Kitm Loe*. Shannon ■ .. * • JANICE M * ■ ’ T Boses’rFor you*} Yes' Ohti whai apret ■»y smile Still no sues s’ Well hm's a • ■ ctU* Mail On etn rerapT -fur. ichlamm ■ «*«»• ■. V ■■■•. -''2-19 ' V Philadelphia House ■ : Looking forward to your next Bool Beer Muggof! S«TEW« 8W CMj>»ST .2 19 ‘.I *OtLY; AfSO* JOE: Congratulations on" • you! pinning We'love' yob bolt! LOVE • KAPfAS. * - ' 2J9. Thanks lot .me trip Sooth Let s no) wait so long nexT time LOVE, THE KAPPAS. w • •' • 2 i9 nBo Get excited .To party this weekend' We Can t wait'LOVE YA, - * . kkf 2 t9 HIGH SCHOOL “ SPEECH^ TOURNA MENT..UO'For*nsics. seeks fudges lor* . »U0 high school tournament 2128 3/2 Paying S3/id. IE* S3‘50/td dedal* Forms '.a9aila6l*-20S,yttlard OuesliTws’. XA.I80 ‘ • CHICKIE LOVE Meet me -unde/ Greece I II*bring the ' ■, you’ bring the gumbalis -Hugs,* and. kisses:- MOTORCYCLE MAMA '. i'- ; ' • 219 R.A.Si: Where, were you Iasi night’ The F S M W L F F.A'G were oner Iasi night wilh' liowers icandy and * merching parid. all lot us I told them we were busy I hate it when that happens LOVE YOU. N O_■__ 2 19 HEIDI TYLER; You are a eronderlui per son' I am glad you Jond me B.P.S.2 19 I Vwmiin Center Homan < -athofir C Community «>i ihr l 'rtivrrsHy of Orrjjon 1IH EmnM Worship with us WMktftin 5 15pm Sundays MO am 11 00am 730pm M 300pm S» • 343-7031 TO THE GUV DRIVING I5N In the cream colored Honda ailh plate number ARB533 and the Van Halert sticker Sunday I would like lo meet you Cad 752 7194 ask lor me aid wtlh the white camera_ 2 19 LAL Happy Birthday npw you ha*e a an ei cu*a to be a wtno LOVE. THE CASTLE KI02 j_ .219 JU: Happy 72nd tor was it 401 it 71 Birth day Remember It s all down hill Irom here MARS > \$ex . . • Do you Mite h«m?.' . • * ’• ‘ • « 2 t9 ’• SME LITTLE SISTER*-Thanks tor the make up breakfasl You guys are great' ’ _ ’ 2l> CHI PSI SCOTT Thapks.lor makihg-Valenline s Day not * «*> Mack1 I. had a blast'' CHAW ,2-K Congratulations and best- wishes to. Michael Wnght and Lisa Lindley on therr engagement? 19 Congratulations Pi Beta Chi Nancy Reed • '; 1986 Sigma Chi . Sweetheart Crew NOVICE WOMEN ' Meeting Thurs. 6 pm EMU Rm 167 220 MISS THE DEBATE * Phyllis.. Schlafly vs , » Sarah Weddington COLOR Take a 20 mmote escape from the rain *>d midterm's and enjoy the warm?he of our Wolff European sunbeds Con vente'ntfy located right nest to cam pus Sun Shower is the. quickest most economical way to relax escape and' get a little color before Spring Break - 0 Stop m today1 SumShowcr *•5 2123 (74 E 13th Up tha stairs nasi to Kinko’s OPEN WEEK OATS 7 am _ WEEKENDS • am BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed MELCflME BACK TO ♦SWIWWY NIGHT MAILING.T mMPO 1HC SAAAftAN ANP 1H6 AftA5K£P MA5H6R HAV6 iA/3f 3TARTEP RWNPOMC... pom oca emn wm a eon sum /., amp LOOK / me ffiASHfJt G#MS A rttrLAPVFROKTHe mmKXN mpmwu* amdo p&w iHt fpce AND NCCKL. Bunmtr/emeo HfiGMlBPa/TA CHEW WUCKMLB FROMMS trunks mp miesm MASHOi OUT WITH 0N6 Bcow-iD-meuMex dPINtf! ONCtPGMi me ref mssEsme. FOUL! WHXe THING.