Etal. Continued from Page 1A The OSA became aware of the complaints last December when students talked with Kittredge about the heating problem. In a letter to Marjorie Ramey, director of University housing, Kittredge stated the students had been utilizing University channels since Nov. 7. 1985, in an effort to solve the heating problems. In this letter, dated Dec;. 18. 1985, Kittredge asked for credit to the students' accounts for the period they were without adequate heat. This compensation request is mandated by landlord-tenant laws. In response. Ramey wrote a letter to Kittredge, dated Dec. 31, 1985, stating that though the amount of heat has not been acceptable, there has been heat in the rooms. She also said residence halls are not covered under landlord-tenant laws. In conclusion, she said "we attempt to provide good services to our residences without the pressure of the law." • Though he does not know what went on between the students and University Mousing, Swan said hq will continue to investigate the case.' •'We will respond to the allegations, and before, we'II.try to find out what the beef is about." Swan said. ' . e #* Read Emerald Sports. 1 ^ Dispute Men’s network, a gay men’s discussion group, meets tonight at 7:30 at 1414 Kincaid St. The Willamette AIDS resource council meets tonight at 5:30 in Conference Room 3 in the basement of the Eugene Clinic. 1162 Willamette St. Women in Transition invites all interested persons to a brown bag lunch every Wednesday from noon to 1 p.m. in Room 318. EMU The Incidental Fee Committee meets today at 3:30 p.m. in Room 337. EMU. The lunior Scholar awards banquet is tonight at 7 in Gerlinger Lounge. All Mortar Board members should plan to attend. LECTURES/WORKSHOPS/FII.MS Pre-PT. OT. optometry students: two specialized workshops will be held today in Room 164 Oregon Hall by the Pacific University admissions director. PT/OT workshop will be at 5 p.m.; optometry workshop at 6 p.m. Sponsored by Academic Advising & Student Services. A forum on Iatin American perspectives will be held today at 4:30 p.m. in the International Student Lounge. ’’Personal Perspectives on Rape’* is the topic of three films and presentations by rape victims tonight at 7 in the EMU rorum Room. Ralph Smith, professor of educational policy studies at the University of Illinois, will speak on “’Reshaping Policy for Arts Education: A Response to Our Cultural Dilemma" today at 4:30 p.m. in the EMU Forum Room. "Infant Mortality and Cultural Practices in In donesia" is the topic of a lecture Thursday at noon in Room 353 PLC by Professor Geraldine Moreno-Black, associate professor of anthropology at the University. Two whitewater films will be shown today at 12:30 p in. in the Outdoor Program Resource Room 23. and again at 7:30 p.m. in Room .138 Gilbert Hall. MISCELLANEOUS lournalism majors can pre-register for spring term journalism classes today and Thursday. Details are available in Room 201 Allen Hall. ‘•New Proposals for Arms Control" is the topic of a presentation by John Moseley, University vice presi dent for research, today at 4 p.m. in Room 341 Gilbert Hall. The talk will discuss, among other things, the "recurring belief" that the absence of a World War in the past 40 years is due to nuclear arms race stalemate. The ISA I-os Angeles trip is being organized. All interested in attending the trip should attend a meeting today at 4 p.m. in Room 90rt PLC. 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OPENING’ >9001 'RUN •„ ME* Posinonjenlgil* dijtlverlrig copies ,1. *oi Advenitemehta’tci ciienft irTihe cSt? • nRpiitj “•Jouii‘i)«»lbl«,'PS*ilM?fi«cooW lead fo mwe.advanced Adyeitising won, •’ including-, sales' ntaiWling^ and9 •°copytMlirtga»'iime?*liow*'u* p*i »<>nc to'wme 'wdtidRala ? pjrvm Wmi • ;ton'0lo'wftla rijilcmals r Person 'mini ■ .*">■ willing \!p>oik*-itmg;ivju»*,V« astomq.iTiupn. leaponaitMVty'on'kty V W'\oi JsJiMfci* V-wCV .»Vi.k‘,u<»v ; AptWteationaTaiSd Wkhi d»»ciipll*n W, avaiiatiir: 'al-.iri*0DE' o,ffica.tRi>orriV30O*rMW?Osadiin« to<’ •PPScWMjn, Is yViKg F»b '’IH'.'TfA: fmsrato It an .Equal'-O'ppdr.iunitV f mplbysrt ; ’-r<-j \0“Q'V tH'N„*.« VT° JOSS .$ 15.000 ssooooryi pftssitM«',;<-Aii° oc •• ^tupsiioo*; cln- i atttarwoo.' lit. H'gen.1■.... >..»• 'mw '* Project Saleride '-V: •' Psyailableiin goila.4 f.Mu .t)««1iini\e|, .-.***? pm • Apr'o»’W5 hiV i>y ,»i r<| . minin' rvon'oorlij'liijyi'apnrsinpn' '^A'ltq •'majiva. AclioruEqual Opporlunity SjWoyir'* •>• V" o •. ”.v«dtn??J ;CtlMvTpn: STREET QUART ERtY ■> 11^1 phone subscription sinas "Commie • .tionvf.s'rgui JfM ton . ' . • Eng STUDENT GOVERNMENT • Reporter wanted Tbs Oregon Osiiy Emsiald il looking lex a dsdii nisei ‘aggiassiv* reporlsr.with a Itsubls ac'hedulr* to till tp* student ' government Assoc ills'Editor ship. Post lion isquiisa'»«9-l»( pro' week and IS nOnworktUidY. Job descriptions sod sppHtanont'Ws available in Room 300 EMU Applications iplsasr Includs clipai sis due Tuesday Fan 25 Trie Emerald. it an squat .opportunity smployst Woman and minodtls* ars sncouiaymi in apply i r> COMMUNITY/POUTICAl REPORTER WANTED TIts Oregon Dally Emerald i» looking lor an SKpanandsd. hard working parson to till lha cpmmmunity/poiitlca Aaaociats Editorship Position rtquirat 3040 dtourt par. wssk and applicants' stiould havq prior aipoiisncs. Applicationa and ajob dsacription ars available in Room 300 EMU Applicationa (plsaas include clipai ars dua. Tusaday Feb- 25 Tbs Emsrald is an equal opportunity smoloysr Woman and mtnedtjea are anqpuragjd to apply ■ j\ '. . 2-25. Doonesbury r T —I r BY GARRY TRUDEAU REGULAR OK VEGETARIAN SPAGHETTI Onl> *1.85 V"'«« h «r *ptithrMtm i»i*iii,'mrni irffir mhhv HHhli ihiilv with frrxh mkcIuNvs