World news Embassy targeted in Lisbon car bombing LISBON. Portugal (API — A car bomb exploded Tuesuuy night on the grounds of the U.5. Embassy, sparking a smoky fire in the garden and flames a story high. Embassy guards and other witnesses Said there were no injuries, A Portuguese security guard employed by the Embassy to check all vehicles entering the area said a man drove into the compound, jumped from.tJte.afr and ran out the gatesoin a matter of seconds , • „.•••• =' "I realized there was0a bon\b ;4n the car.'-so°l backed /iji:.'\sa id \ the guard. .whokfid°not give his •name, •• . ' ■ .<> >•;*. ■ ..The burniqgca'r was about" 20 - : feet inside Jhe dbmpoupd g^test' anil. thereV was136 apparehr « 'damage••-•to .MheV giiardhoiise;' soipe.-fO1 feet from,thc veliiclev. .or to other cars .parkrul/neaHiy > ; The' Embassy buibfin^ifsnlf/; a brick and% concrete ‘*t ructlife formally "'dedicated last ; y'ear-. was mpnVthan ioovardsaway ■ find was apparently untouched by the blast. Th« IJ.S. Kmhassy. which is headed by former U.S. Informa tion Agency Director Frank Shakespeare, is on the northern outskirts of Lisbon. Under con struction for more than four years, it replaced a downtown apartment building that was considered a security risk. • ’ • , *7 The hew -S't.rpcture was reported lo, hatfe been built.with ;;fuch^strici ’security, standards. ihat' w irjdow pa nnskwere Vh ick = .;^hojigh;frto.:.-prev^hf°. .|^)tentlaj^ spies with;-telescopes in appear.;1 °by*' ho\el- f rohift-t a k ijri g:l o n gv 1 e n $. " jjhotbg ra plis,of fdocu nun’ll s( bb ;• e m Mss £ di plbmats' desks. * ' .y .»lt.was the* thiFd time in.twro ; . years ihat'the^new embassy had " ."'beiin-tfie iargot'of an*-attack?In' »the'! first of1 the other two at tempts," a bazooka shot was fired these cond:V passing Car sprayed the » walJs> bF.;thei' heayjly. ^uanlful {c'pmpound with' bu I let s >v.y • : w -- rrusi-\ i v . dpn t/Keaga rt ,.sa yi n g tficaragu an : ...i jAbjliTvc|.*Vn6.t. -fight ’tht*." San- ;•■ > . iii'fllU' fgoVerrtwtiirt 'w.ilh •' \ fV-'jriWncl'.A‘id8//an|d ;. rtinsqu Ho *j s- 111ipfi.ii!i ‘’’hitm’an.itiiruin'V. '/:;./*rjd% am>rovtSd■ • fmv the "Tebels, ‘ ’’ ’ ‘kiuivvn'«sliSi)tr#f;'iitftijifitid.*ij. • . end to rfpstfir.t'ioris 'oh military •■/.sttUppbtjl.; v • ^ Although the. prnsidenCsaid •f -'-Vh ji t. . t h.iV /IrhnYa.n i’ r i ah 'assista-mie*- It.»s .helped "in.iittr "■// Ittiil Jhe Rresjtutn of rfisislrthco" to' the Sttiidinistas: he added i : (h»t. ‘.‘Wiohr e.ff«cliye"aid. .is ■J. /necessary. V- /, • •/; ;* . • ♦ '•/.'•You can t light attack, helicopters piloted by Cubans • with Hand-Aids find- mosquito nets," Reagan'said in:a. state ment read .to the lawmakers: ' Congress *in ... 1984/ ban tied military aid. or ammunition for the. Contras and required that . the money approved be used ex clusively for'medical supplies, clothing and transport trucks. Front the"end of 1081 until the spring of t‘»H4. the United States provided about $80 million in covert aid. rura gan, tv peat euiy na .> itsserted that the Sandinistn i. February 19: RELIGION AS A CHALLENGE TO TECHNOLOGY ; .' • ; Room 167 Kill ; 7:30 P.M. Conversation with Professor Panikkar at Koinonia ('enter. 1414 Kincaid M»R. University Students, Faculty, and Friends TIME: 3:30 - 5:00 P.M.., Wednesday , February 19 At spu rs Campus Interfaith Ministry and Religious Directors Association I nlwis t>\ llu- IS |wrliiHnl at KHigtmis MaaRrs xml ikr < ruler for the IliinixmlH-v SHOP MARK-N-SAVE EVERY WEEK AND SAVE AT LEAST 10% ON YOUR WEEKLY FOOD BILL! QUALITY GROUND BEEF Reg. Grind Farm Pack Hormel CHILI 15oz. Sunkist Navel ORANGES 1h$ Jumbo ■■■ iTlb. Nucoa MARGARINE 1 lb. quarters SUN DETERGENT $Q88 147 oz. V r-1 ! WESSON $-4 99 ! I OIL I | | 1st 48oz. Jug PILLSBURY CAKE MIX 1st two