Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 1986, Page 4A, Image 4

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    College students can get credit
cards even with student status
Since the film's completion nine top military leaders in
the former government have been tried, of which five were
convicted and four acquitted.
Munoz said the mothers now “want the military to
release the files of those who disappeared, telling who look
them and where, how and where they were tortured, and
where they were buried.
The Saga Continues
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By Mike Rivers
(M the Emerald
Access to credit may now be just a phone call
away. Students wishing to cross their palms with
plastic may now call the College Credit Corpora
tion. which upon request will send a kit contain
ing credit applications from major credit card
companies and instructions on how to proceed,
There is one hitch, however, in order to be
eligible, a student must be a junior, senior or
graduate student.
Ed Soloman. president of the College Credit
Corporation, says that 10 years ago it was ex
tremely difficult for a student to obtain a credit
card. “Students were routinely turned down
because they were college students.” he says.
Soloman says that student complaints about
this discrimination prompted him to set up a
business marketing credit card applications to
students. Soloman says his company represents
and markets a number of large companies in the
credit card business.
“We help students establish credit with top
line companies like Sears. Zale's and VISA,' he
Soloman's company usually works with cam
pus student organizations that need to raise
funds. In addition to making money, student
groups utilize his business in order to gain prac
tical business experience, he says.
When a student calls his company. Soloman
says they screen the student for his or her
academic status before sending the student a kit
explaining the program.
The kits contain several applications.
Students are encouraged to return the completed
applications, which art) then reviewed for com
pleteness. If a student forgets to sign on the dot
ted line, the company will return the application
to the student before mailing the application on to
the credit card company, Soloman says.
"Thts is a special college program."
Soloman savs. "Applications are given special
consideration It’s the best chance a student has
of obtaining a credit card."
An estimated 1.000 to 2.000 students from
the University utilize the services of his company
each year. Soloman says. Students interested in
obtaining a kit can call 1-BOO-245-6665.
Students can also get their own credit
through direct contact with Sears, says Susan
Duchak. a Sears representative.
While Sears does occasionally use Solomau s
service, they also have their own direct mailing
program, Duchak says. The Sears company has
had a program of marketing applications to
students for more than tO years, she says. «
"We consider the market to Im important to
us." she says.
She says their program is also geared mostly
toward students who are upper cfVtnnen. She
estimates they reach 85 percent of the upper class/
student market either through direct mail „or" by
means of campus advertising, suchaa^posterlng-'
and newspaper ads.° .* „ : • • . •»
When asked about the. risks associated With
student applicants. Duchak says her company
believes obtaining credit Is a gocfd. learning ex-.,
perience for student's in tornjs of. learning to mefet.,'
commitments anti taking:on responsibility. Jhalso.
helps students establish a credit background,'s|ie„
says. . ' ' . ’• 1 .• '''•
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