■ wmm mi rntfivm **&*••*c* *4 *« v « * i * i t « » i • t « i i i i « f"’'T « i iHr Dental hygienist will provide a new 'dimension’ to center r /ft » • « I i u « * rfl * - s*9*9m* BUY 1 get 1 FREE ■™»3 »"! WATERPIPE5 • POSTERS MARTIAL ART • QAQ GIFTS Pree poster w/this ad * With all regular-priced waterpipes only LAZAR BAZAR 18 yui minimum 1038 Willamette • 687-0139 AMSTKAUA N£k> 2EAJ-ANT> • • SPECIAL STUDENT AIRFARES WITH • .* SOUTH PACIFIC ISLAND STOPOVERS. • Camping/adventure tours • INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CARDS • • Los Angeles/ Auckland frbm„$427 o/w • San Francisco/Papeete from $323 o/w * " - ... Vancouver/Sydhey from. $450 q/w- '.»\. STUDENT TRAVEL NETWORK . 2500 Wilshire Blvd , #507, Los” Angeles. CA 90057 - .. . .V ; • (213) 380-2184”. , \ C %»• By Mary l.ichtenwalner (M I hr hmrrald It has been almost one year since Universi ty student Todd Saunders presented a platform In his campaign for ASl JO president a push for a dentist at the Student ‘Health Center, , • And although he did not win the race,. Saunders says he still has kept his- word Earlier this month., the Student Health Center Committee'agreed unanimously to develop a program to include’a dental hygienist at the health- center" Saunders says the. program should he available fall term, '. * Students won't ,be paying for the prograni, • out of their own pockets, however,.-Saunders: says. .Services "will he offered at minimal cost. but-the .construction and additlon'of.jhe dental facility Will be-pa id for out.of the heafth ’ center's " $40O,()()U surplus/ that has ';uc? * cumulated oyer several- years/he says. - '•'.We/need to .haVtf i£ surplus "-every ' •year, but ! ;thrtnk'$40<),00'» . •”*• • Saqiiders ^s'that'fleiilar exaYhs’wi1 frost • ' ,wfdent,s°'aSfut '$’l6. ''''But ^personally/1 jhink it" : Vsluiuia.-bn^freeC';.he'sa’ys* Ibuvlding X-rays-is • .ipothtf^ service'he says' he would- Ifke'to.see! •'.'• ■■' ’-I C-Al.’.-ri.-C ■ ■ J-.. M. I:!-. • 1_ sioh’easier.;.. 4 . y.Health Ce'i\tpr..Medical Ad|hinistrator!Bob-; ^.Petit.says details ■ such aslicerisinfl. still need "to l*e{wdrk'ed';6ybfor the" program.'”Blit it's a 'pmgram jve re actively’pursuing,'.' he says'; ’ • l, So. far,” plans indicate that tlije facilify would .be.located upstairs in the health center. - near', the* women's clinic. Remodeling at the . ; plinic Tnay be dohe in order to ensure women the necessarv confidentiality. • " - - < ‘ .. ■ • ' ••:••... .• Pe.tjt, says several local dentists „.volunteered .to advise the health center..oh:; planting the.facility. ■ • 'It'S really ip the planning stages.” Petit says 'The. dental hygienist program has ap parentlybeeh discussed for years, and last spr ing -the health center and the committee looked at'the possibility (if putting it into the works’”. Kyery year a needs assessment survey is takeh by an outside agency, ranking the needs of the students. Saunders says. According to recent surveys, the need for a dental hygienist ranked near the top. • The dental program is an additional at traction for the University. Saunders says. “It adds another dimension to the University,. • showing that we offer more than just an educa tion .-fr we offer an excellent health service," lie says. * v. Give your resume a professional look, by having it typeset at the Oregon Daily Emerald Graphic Services Department. 3Q0 EMU 686-5511 Print America 519 E. 13th 485-1940 3 FREE SESSIONS when you buy our package 12 SESSIONS FOR $29.95 (offer expires 3/15/86) -other programs available •No Burning •Full Facial Tanning •Private Rooms •Stereo Headsets 2160 W. 11th Eugene 484-5254 convenient hours 9am 8pm Mon-Fri 10am 5pm Sat iilx/er' sal ALL FORMER OREGON COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDENTS Today there will be counselors from your previous Oregon Com munity colleges on campus. They want to talk with you about how things have gone for you at the University. They'll be in the EMU from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Here are the colleges who'll be here and where to find them. COMMUNITY COLLEGE CENTRAL OREGON CHEMEKETA CLATSOP LANE LINN - BENTON MT HOOD PORTLAND SOUTHWESTERN UMPQUA ROOM IN EMU CENTURY ROOM A ROOM 110 CENTURY ROOM B ROOM 111 CENTURY ROOM C ROOM 108 ROOM 109 CENTURY ROOM E CENTURY ROOM F YOU'RE INVITED TO STOP BY AND VISIT WITH A REPRESENTATIVE OF YOUR PREVIOUS OREGON COMMUNITY COLLEGE.