Continued from Page 4B “D.A.W.G.S” which means Descending Accurately With Grace and Style or Speed. As 1 start my next run. 1 see a yellow cross on a wine-colered parka. The cross represents a member of the ski patrol. He’s waiting for hazardous skiers who ski too fast and out of con trol, or both. He's just spotted me. but this time. 1 am not pursued. If he does catch me, he can warn me verbally. If he catches me a se cond time, he can pull my ticket. I don’t like that. Ski patrol members an; a part of an elite team, and they are effective for skier safety. They are the mountain-area law. I'm far enough away now. 1 switch to roach speed. I love this part. I sometimes pretend I’m being chased like in a James Bond movie or a contender for an Olympic gold medai. I'm in control My body is low for less wind drag, skis shoulder width apart for more stability. My hands are straight out in front of me. so I keep my weight slightly forward. Hup, hup. hup. My legs are starting to bum. I’m breathing heavily — but I'm still smiling. Skiing the bar The lodge is coming into sight. Time to ski the bar. This sport is almost as excting as the mountain sport. Now, 1 can use a hockey slop for a dramatic en trance; nobody really secs me or pays any attention. After getting my skis off, I separate them so they are less likely to be stolen. lust walking up the steps to the lodge is a workout. The lodge is big. wooden and noisy. I see lots of faces, fashion and laughter. Everybody is smiling. 1 go up another flight towards the roar of the crowd. I order my favorite imported beer. I see some friends at a table by the window. I sit and talk of the need for new snow. 'Riding' Elevator Shaft After I get to the top again. I yell to some ski DAWGS to take ihe Elevator Shaft, we all line up with our tips hanging over the edge. Gus is first. Me makes it look easy. My turn: I make four turns and yell hup! Hup! 1 Ju*. 296 E. 5th 485-2005 Sweetheart Sale MANICURES Women’s...........®800 Men’s....S7°° Sculptured Nails, reg. $30.00....®25°° For unt: «d theb tolerance would be considerably less. • ’ ; Sports canRot becondemned for. all of this. Por every Don Keese. there Is a JOliu^ Ervhig: for every Billy KayJ^ates. a Dale Murphy.. . .-. •* J. . / . I think the biggest setback lies with the fact thafspei^ty r . finally realizes being a member of the athletic ejite dbes%not constitute immortality, but that.athletes are merely .. • beings. • ’ ' * See the full line of JOSTENS Graduation Rings available at the Information Counter. ~ K.imim mi |'i.iii*.i'.uUil*fc t I'*h*i.)«»•.!• n» Ini Your store since 1920 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 S 30 SAT 10:00 3 00 Suppliaa M6-4331 emerald read the emerald read the emerald read the emerald