CALENDAR: Feb. 20-22 (Thursday Saturday): MEN’S & WOMEN'S SWIMV ING — PacWest Invitational a Moscow, Idaho. Feb. 20 (Thursday):' MENS BASKETBALL - Arizona’at McArthur Cburt,. p.m.‘ • ' • : ' . , . ■ Feb. 21 (Friday): . WOMEN S BASKETBALL * Washington State at; MoArthu Court, :7:3b..p,ni . . • '• VVRESTL,INQ Vr • bregori Stat ’ ’ at Corvallis.; YX WX.' , • .. 'Feb>.22 ‘(Sa'turday):: i ’’ •; .WOMENS BASKEIBALK : •/.*' . VVAshino.fdr) ..-at'; M^A, X •• •• . Feb./23 (Sunday):v' ; • MEN S;- BASKETbalLY' . r.. Ari2on.a State^ .at-•' Me Arthu • Y. Court; 3 -q:rn^ •■'/-v v --y^ 'V ■■ OUTDOOR / » . . PROGRAM: /../• Feb.'19’(We°dne'sday)V;. viDEb NOON. x The.;letes adventure: " videos ' featu'rei - ,'eaeh . Wednesday at lunch Outdoor Program office, 12:3t • p.m. VV..V ' yiDEQ NlOHT Y- .The last in , ;• series 'o(;iT)oy.iii8 ranging'fron .'Vi. sailbpardihg to skiing Vael * Wed’nbsday night This week whitewafer 138 Gilbert. 7 3i p.m! . 'Xt Feb 20 (Thursday): SKI DAY ~ trip sheets for : ■: day of skiing go up ever / Thursday for various day trips r. Outdoor Program office . -. . V..: Feb 25 (Tuesday): BICYCLING-r”:A •how-to’’ pu / yoxir-bwh'interpatibriai bi'cyeu vacatfort 'tpgether If ybuYi planning' a; trip this summer • - now is' the.tirne to start getting .it together.'Keith Nelson, wh< •. V .;has planned many trips, wi,l lead the’discussipn Outdbo Program office. 7 30 p m RECREATION AND INTRAMURALS: EVENTS: Volleyball Doubles: Entr} deadline: Feb. 21, Start: Feb 24 Scotch Doubles Bowling: En try deadline: Feb. 24, Start Feb. 25 RESULTS: BASKETBALL: Monday. Fob 10 Man a I Sigma Chi I d SAE I. 40 33 Kappa Sigma d Warriors, Forfeit I Felta Thigh d Theia Chi A, 54 39 Man a II CHUD d B52s, 71 38 Ultimata Dudes d Theta Chi Seniors, 43 33 MARV1 d. Frosty Pounders, 53-46 Contraband Colonels d Blue Thunder. 71 51 Caswell d Serenity Lane Demons. Forfeit Man a III a Dorm Oredlocks d Nel Flux 49 43 Killer Toxins d Philo Orangemen, Forfeit . Pot Pounders d DeBusk, Forfeit Coed Varmits d. Net Assets, 47 46 ■ Jacks and Jills d C O s Only Hope t Women Clark Hall d Spankers, 23-16 Army ROTC d Ferae Natural. 25 18 Tuesday, Feb 11: " * Men a I: - 3 Birring Potatoes of Death d Betas 73-60 - ' M Train iv.d New Edition, 73-56 • Min ‘a II: . * . . Vanilla Waters. ■ ;• j . Phi'Psi It d Kappa Sigma It. 3628 . Thursday; Feb 13, .' ■ Men s I • . 1 - Straight Shots d N A F A , 65 50 1° T wine d SigmaPhi Epsilon, 7158 y r.Me'n:a Ih}^ '-- V.-'-.V . Penumbras d Sigma Nu 6. «« 22 . Beta • Best rby era’d H igh; Whites ■ 67-62 ' The VVave a ImiqmaNue, 62-57; ]' Atomic t>ogs d- Arc Stfijts', 30 20 Rocky y d Cod Squad '50 40 v.' ., . The learned Hands d Tangle Foot Five, 5748 U; S igma _C.hi It AdSA E lll. 45 38 Men s' ill A Dorm • " Fear A loathing d Penguins. 50 42 Women.'. Yellow Snow -A 4 Dwarf s d Gamma Phi 1 Beta 42 34 I • • : Friday, Feb 14 ’ Merisi , Eliminators ; The Truth" d POT T 60i53 ■ Men s I . The Runs d SAE It. 46 41 Firiadene d Big Time Major Dudes. I F prion ■.-■■■ •'-r: r Men s III 4 Dorm Casuals d Lou s Auto Body, 44 35 BricS House d Hellcats, 4138 Women , . .- . Pol Pounders d The Hooplas, Forfeit I Swim Meet: Wednesday. Feb 12 Team-Men First Phi Psi Second Sigma Cdl I Team-.Coed First : The Chlorine Crew Second The Swlmmin' Swahilis Diving First Phi Kappa Psi (101 20) Second SAE (94 65) 200 yard medley relay First: Chlorine Crew (1:53 37) Second Sigma Chi (*:53 89) 100 yard novelty left Jlrst relay First Sigma Chi (2 58.7) Second Phi Kappa Psi (3:36 1) 50 yard freestyle: First Bill Koll (24 5) Second Mark Cambell (24 9) 100-yard individual medley First Donham Prescott (1 00) Second John Fitzgerald (1 0317) 100-yard butterfly First Eric lake (58 03) Second Grant Faust (1:02) 100-yard freestyle First John Warner (54 33) Second Kent Lultrell (58 61) Food Vans. What you’ll find fast at the food vans... ¥• Sandwiches ¥• Cookies & Brownies ¥* Fresh Fruit ¥* Yogurt ¥• Fresh Croissants «k Hot & Cold Drinks ^ AND MUCH MORE 13th icon from (illbvrt Hall from 8 am to 2 pm. and at thr llbtarv turnaround Irom 9 a m to 2 p m 50-yard novelty kicking with kickboard First; Kevin Dana <33 57) Second; Mark Wlllhoft <37 68) 100-yard backstroke: First Donham Prescott (1:01 4) Second Jim Hayden (1:02 07) 100-yard breast roke: First John Fitzgerald (1:10 58) Second: Brian Magamis (1111) 200-yard freestyle First: Grant Faust (2:04.15) Second: Lee O' Conner (2:05 79) 200-yard freestyle relay: First: Phi Kappa Psi (1:42.31) Second: Sigma Chi (1:43) 500-yard freestlye: First: Jim Hayden (5:25 6) Second Pat luby (6:30 1) ★ COPIES ★ Krazy Kata Try Us! 8*4 East 13th *1. r I i i i i L. SYD'S Creative . Salon PERNS *19.95 long-hair extra • good thru 3/28/86 . 1122 Aider • .485-8597. WAKE UP to fresh, hot coffee, tea and a full breakfast menu during our new MORNING HOURS OPEN AT 8:30 BOOK and TEA open 8 30 - 6 daily *10-5 Sunday Off the southeast corner of campus 1646 E. 19th • 344 3422 FOOD VALUE Adjacent To Campus On Franklin Blvd. TREE TOP 64 oz. Apple Juice REG. KEG. 53c r— coupon — HOT DELI CORN DOGS (thru 2/25/86) -with this coupon v^mJ I71SC0V6KJM6 tw His FUyfliu puppy, WW), HAP LOCKED HIM OPT* OF THE CAR HE rented from national, Rooneyranp&ph settles DOWN FOR A U»Nfc evening, THANKING WS iVCKy ^Rjimreopo^ 5HORTLES5CANT REAc^ THE PepAL. MM National Car Rental Wt* feature GM tars like this Chevy Cavalier *98°?. •:r week I Ml frm milt * l/« |-i milt- lot