Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 1986, Supplement, Page 6B, Image 13

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    Students compete in tournament
can pre-register for spring term
Tuesday - Thursday, Feb. 18 - 20, 1986
Details available in 201 Allen Hall
By Eric Bottjcr
Of tlM fnurtlf
Competition in the EMU
Recreation Center recently took
on an intense nature. For the
past two weeks, students have
been participating in a national
collegiate tournament involving
various recreational sports,
Roy Singer, a management in
tern at the Emu Recreation
('.enter, organized this year’s
tournament. He said about 3l»
students entered and competed
in eight different sports: chess,
table soccer, backgammon,
billiards, bowling, doubles
table tennis and mens and
women's singles table tennis.
All competition is finished ex
cept for the blliards tourna
ment, which should be through
by Thursday,
Dexter Simmons, the EMU
Recreation Center Manager.
° said some players were ex
peeled to win while other
results were surprising. “Jay
Collins, last year’s champion,
won the chess turnament
again." Simmons said. “But
Marcos Coleman, who won last
year's local and regional
backgammon competition, was
upset by Kelly O'Neill."
Other winners included An
drea Spross in table soccer.
Peter Lo in men's table tennis,
Ann Miranda in women's table
tennis and Sriram Natarajan and
Imran Siddiri. who won in
doubles table tennis.
These winners will take a bus
to Pullman. Wash. Thursday to
compete in regional champion
ships". They will be joined by
Darren Thompson, runner-up in
the backgammon competition.
Arnold Arizala. runner-up in
men's table tennis and an eight
member bowling team: Jim
Johnson. Koy Singer, Tom
Johnson. Dave Stevenson, Chris
Passat, Lisa Kosse, Virginia
Olson and Kevlaen Fennell.
The University competitors
will challenge players from
other universities in the Pacific
Northwest. The tournament
will run Thursday through
Saturday. Transportation, lodg
ing. and a meal allowance for
players will be paid by the KMl f
Recreation Center
The winners In billiards,
howling and table tennis will .
then compete in a national tour
nament at a. so far. undctermin- .
ed site. '
These annual .local and
regional touranmentja ! 'were .
created by the Association of •
College Unionsdntfrnational.
• an. intercollegiate organization.. .
devoted to - rec-ruatoiv. The.
University of Oregon has held ■
the tcipmaments since-105(K .
Ski team results
■ After finishing -the regular
season ranked in the top five jh
the Southern Division.' qualify
ing them for the regional.meet,
the Club Sports ski team took 18
members to compete in the meet
' held in Whistler. British Co|um
hia.last weekend.
• Barb" Rogers, the .women's
coach. -Mid the team did hot
place .well -in Whistler but was
■ happy- taking as many iip; they
did'to .the regional meet
'v.^t.'the end.'of the regular
; season.;the women's alpine and
• riordic -.combined | team was
, r‘anked.“ser ond‘In the division.
while'.the men's alpine team
.was*, .ranked first
Peer Health Advising
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Sun Valley trip available
in three different packages
The EMU Recreation Center is
organizing a ski trip to Sun
Valley over spring break. Three
package deals'are available: For
$102. you'H-get five days of sk.i
lift tickets, free ski shuttle to
and from lifts and a discounted
meal and refreshment package.
..For $202. you will get the.
above along with five nights
lodging, daily maid sarvtee and
• free use-of hot tubs and sauna's
There is also a $.122 package
• that includes all of the above, as
.well'as round-trip air fare and
• inou nd-trip Hus t ransportat ion
*’ Dexter Simmons.* EMU
Recreation Manager. >s organiz
ing the event. He says student's -..
. making.the-tHp are in "fora rear)
• good time. Aa'many as a thou-,
sand -students from the* West.
Coast -should he there/" Sim
mons says. "So it. should be
•pretty much a. p a Jt y*
• atmosphere.”*- • .*,"
The.sign-up deadline is next t
Tuesday. Those interested.
. should contact .the- Campus"
Travel Center • at .6?7;M5®^or
.342-3170. . * ' ' •*.
See a Peer Adviser
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ships- undergraduate research opportunites.
and graduk'e-schoois; ■
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sider career options
Business Administration
271 Gilbert x3302
M-H 8:301 ISO. 14:30
Computer A Info Science
4 PLC *4469
M 83012-30. 1:302:80
U 11:30-12:30. 2 304:30
W 8302:30
M 11:001:00, 2:303:30
F 11002:30
418 PLC X4674
M F 8004:30
110 PLC *3911
M 1.00 2 30. U » 00 10 00
W 2:30 3.20; M MOIIWO
f 1:00-2:30 by •ppomtmant
175 Education *3530
M 11:00-1:30 2 30 3 30
U 11:00-5:00: W 2:30 5 00
H 11 00 2 00 2:30 4:30
f 1:00 3:30
now taking application*
lor Spring larm
Human Services
105 Hendricks x4189
M 10 00 1 00. 2 30 4:00
U 0 30 5 00 W 1100100
H 5:30 5:00
204 Allen x3715
CaU lor hour*
Leisure Studies A Services
104 Essiinger x3369
Mon Fri 030 4 00pm
Now rocruillog!
Sludonl/Facully MU*f
Comine Soon
333 Fenton *4713
M 10 30 11 30 2 30 3 30
U 10:30-12:30. 1:30 2:30
W 10:30-11:30. 2:30-3:30
H 11:30 1:30, 2:30-3:30
F 2:30 3:30
OAA/SS Pro Major*
164 Oregon Half x3211
MID *30 12:00 1 00 3 30
U 11-00 2:00
141 Straub *4936
M f 0:30-3:30
709 PLC *6012
M 10:101 20
U 0:00 11:00, 11:30-6 00
W 10:30 1:20, 2:30 6.00
H 0:00 11:00. 11:30 12:20
f 11:30 1:20
Speech: RhCm
211 Villard *4171
M 10:30 1 00, 1:30 2 30
U • 30 1030. 1100 12:00. 2:30 4:30
W 0:16 10:16. 10 30 11:30. 12:30 2:30
H 0 30 10:30. 11:00 1:00
f 10:30 12:30, 2:30 4:30