Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 1986, Supplement, Page 3B, Image 11

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    Fraternity members fight
for charity Friday night
By Eric Bottjer
<M I hr Kmrrald
On Friday night, about 20
fraternity members will don
16-ounce boxing gloves and
step into the ring to fight for
charity. .
The fraternity fighters will be
competing In the annual All
Fraternity Boxing Sntoker.
organized by Phi kappa Psi
fraternity with. proceed* going
to the March of.Dimes,'
While the event usually pro
mises to Imj exciting, .spectators
shouldn't expect to see another
M. u- h a m in e d A °l i o r
‘"Marvelous'' Marvin Hagier in .
the ring. ken'Larsen, .whir will
be the referee for-the'.,smoker
fights, says the .event is set-up
for novlce boxyrs only,
.‘-'Someomf w.ith over • 15
amateur fights has°no-business
“‘"being- in this," .Larsen says!,
■ “We.want guys with litt-le or no
; boxing experience."
Boyd Sherbourne falls/info,
that. category! .■Sherboufne. a
, member of the Phi Delta Theta
house, will fight ip the
. heavyweight .class,' despite
never having boxed, before.
• ' • 'Tmdoini* *ii for a new ex
prienoe." Sherbourne says. "A
'• 'friend of mine wiui fought in
' last'year's smoker suggested it,
and-.! thought 'sure'.'why npt.‘ *•'
Barry. Steinbock;'who fought
in lasV year's sindker', says he
probably, vyiii. box again: this
yeai. "I'm. having .a little pro*
blem with my.weight,'.' he.says,
‘".I'm a|. 150 right now,- and I
need;5 to drop five pounds to
fhake the; light weight liinit
SteinlsH k; a phi; kappa Psi
member; says hti will tie boxing"
for two reiisbns; "it feels,-good
to.do something for charity, and
at the same time! do sbpiething
to Support miyffaterhity.',r '
Although the fighters will be
going at each other with all of
their might, spectators also
shouldn't expect to see any
‘'bIood hath |ype'' bouts,
lursen is a seasoned boxing
referee, and he says if a fight
becomes too one-sided; he'll be
quick to react. " .
"A referee's.responsibility is
to ensure the fighii?rs safety,"
he says "If I see 'someone get
ting hurt. 1 won't hesitate to
stop the fight." •
That’s not to say the bouts
won't be exciting. Fighters have
only three one-minute rounds
for each fight, leaving tittle time
for dancing around and jabbing.
The boxers will be classified
in one of four weight classes:
lightweight. 145 pounds and
under; middleweight, 146-165
pounds: heavyweight, 166-185
p o u nds; ana super
Photo bv Kom Marlin
The seventh annual Phi Kappa Psi All-Fraternity Boxing
Smoker is slated for Friday night in the National Guard armory.
The chartty event will feature fraternity boxers in four separate
weight divisions. Tickets will be $2.51) and available at the
heavyweight, 188 pounds and
All of the boxers competing
are required to be either
members or pledges of a
Last year's smoker raised
Sl.ttoo for World Vision, an
organization combating famine
in Ethiopia. Larson says he
hopes to raise at least the same
amount from this year’s event.
The smoker will lie held Fri
day night at 2515 Centennial
Hlvd. in the National Guard ar
mory. The first bout starts at 8
p.m.. and the entire card should
last about three hours.
Eric Larson,.a Phi Kappa Psi
member and chief organizer of
this year's tournament, says the
smoker will help shine a
positive light on the Creek
"Events like this show that
Creeks do a lot of good for our
community." l^irson says. "YVe
want to dispel the image that all
fraternity guys do is drink beer
and raise hell."
Beer and champagne coolers
will be available at the event
Tickets are $2.50 each, and will
tie soid at the door.
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