Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 1986, Supplement, Page 2B, Image 10

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Sidelines Staff
Sidelines is the weekly sports supplement published every Wednesday
in the Oregon Daily Emerald.
Sidelines Editor. Allan Lazo
Copy Editor: Diana Elliott
Photo Tech: Ross Martin
Production: Manuel Flores
103 Gerlinger Hall
*4111 or *4121
*4113 or *4121^
6-30pm in Gerhnqer " lots ol tun! rci up
amount ol playing time, asw^ 21 al 5:00pm. . you’H
*»«* ■gBKgLiners
cost tor toumamentis^. 25 at 5;30pm.
nament run Tuesoay^^URn^”
RUN - Wednesday, March 5 4-00nm ’
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ng the course is posted in the RIM office M«li u! 5K C°urse- A ™P show
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fauna and flora. °me out and en)oy pur Oregon weather,
or take a new one and enter in th^ixth^nrmal S" ol.dDJavor«te sport photo,
There are two categories for entries Sport Photography Contest.
S^P^StIplhSto^^J^^^gro“Por an ewmt. ■ . ' _
Competition is open to IJO A , ^ n individual,
white or color prints Each entnf *y an<^ sta^- Entries may be black &
than 8",10”. All ent^mZ^ mo^,S *han S"x7" no larged
«” c°ntest a^teuteg?
Racquetball Singl«
Swim Meet - T«nn
Free Throw Contest
Mar Iso QuintlnaUa
Dennis Tee
Phi Pei
Chlorine Crew
Brent Newton
Marcella Don
Sean Blanchard
Sigma Chi 1
Swimmin Swahtl
Mike Ostrom
Miller presents this page as a service to students interested in recrea
tion and intramurals Publication of RIM news should not be interpreted
in any way as an endorsement of the sponsor's product by the University
of Oregon
Great thinkers- come check out our
Philosophy section. One of the greats
the University Bookstore. In the Book Dept.
Drug controversies
spreading in athletics
Steve Howe. Chuck Muncle. Ozzle Smith, John Drew,
Todd Bell. Michael Kay Richardson. Walter Davis and, most
recently, Lawrence Taylor. °
The list could 90 on and on. And It docs. " 1
It used to be that newspapers depressed me - you cduld
only take so much about rape, murder and International
I tried to alleviate the problem by boycotting everything
In the paper except the sports pages. Unfortunately they,
also have become somewhat depressing with Individual and
team drug scandals showing up In the sports sections
almost every day now. . •
From the Sidelines
by Joe Arndt & Dennis Fernandes
— -—-—mi---------rr>-----r
The media should shoulder most of the blame for the
negative publicity. The post-Wood wards arid Bernstein's, even
some sportswrlters. have Jumped.Immediately on any coh • .
tro'versyv Sensationalism feeds on the personal, problems of
athletes! ./ •’ ‘ ;*./* * ' W°'» '
rio one ever made a big.deaf of . t he party, habits of hatn
Ruth, Mickey flanjk.or Carf liiler.;" ’• a r ■
There certal.nlylsa problem these days.' Y.et;4donft‘ • • ... ••
thfnk it’Is reflective of athletics but of society In general, for
every jock hooked on .drugs, there are 100 other’abusers oi/t
of the spotlight. . ° ”* ;
• A 'lot has changed.In sports ln addition to the change in
. newspaper ethics.' Big money contrac ts and .the acceptance
of'cocaine as a recreational drug were0 hot around until the
last .decade. • • r °V. * „'*• ° . *\ tv
"• ■, Athletes] howevVi dp have a’ public responsibility
■. especially to the fairs and, to teammates: lirug'abuse’T'ai
nishes $n- image t he! c hi Id tratl ijffg’ ba se bal RCardsih as. -arrd
drug abuse can hayeanelh. t on f^'perjbf^ peffg'n^ante.,'
I . . Officials fn the National football Teague national ;
I Basketball Association and” m'ajorpleagu'e'baseball lali.acifnit
I there Is'sornething wrorig ' .f ‘ ' '
I ; The NBA has. offered a helping hand to ijs players arid
employees; pro.vidlhg^w;tg-r;c-lVa'rtiljfalign:a|i«*rlt he ,f.itsi;i\*o
(ruldehtsbut expelling the .offender (tom fhe league fo.r Tile
. ‘ on. a third pffensr;. ' .a .' 5 : ;
• . Major league b.aseball lH'lH gjrifrlrtg to-takir a s.tep. jn the
right directio.n..’t>aist surhm'eif: as the PiVtSburghcociilmtrlaI
. gained natlbnaf atteVjTlcrn.-basebal! i omrhlssiotler Pet. i
Ueberrgth stepi$ed-up efforts to steady pubjiV per'ceptl<)(i
. • Ueberroth Suggested'mpndatorydxugtes.tlrigfbr afl
players..' managers:' front office pierSonncl and the; like.
There certainly is a problem these days.
Yet; I don’t think it is reflective of athletics
but of society in general. For every jock
hooked on. drugs, there are 100 other
abusers out of the spotlight.
In all, some 6.000 people would have been directly af
fected. however. Major League baseball Players Association
President Donald Tehr resisted major league player par
ticipation in the program, terming It unconstitutional and
unfair to the players union.
The players themselves will not participate until the
union gives its OK.
Continued on Pax* SB
Pick up on Friday
Return Same Time
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Dim Sum
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879 E. 13th. 343-2832
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