Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 18, 1986, Page 9, Image 9

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Duck gymnasts sweep Washington four-way meets
By Dean Connor '
• ()(III# Kmorald . ' ' •
The Oregon* gymnastics team started }he second
iialf of the season in styje as it swept. tvyo.cfour:way '
meets over the weekend in Washington, . .‘ •'' •' ' ;*;
The Docks’, who were coming off°threemWts5n;'six r
days going into.this weekend,*shoyy(ja;'hd'si'gh of*>
. fatigOe as fhey recorded ono nf.i he biggest weekends in:
the history of’Oregon gynmiist ics. “■ v:c/j'■'
• • On Friday, the Ducks were.iri Pullma.h, Wash, and1;
"scored 173-. 15 to'.outdistance . Stanford' University. .
. (172.3f,'Washington State't)/»i.yersity p'41 vfj.a'nd-the
4 .ihiiyia/sity qf Cuibrnia^lM.^1,- •;,
'• > Saturday', ^^on-..mbv'ed'’;over>^';Sppklam< and*
. finished qfP the wiatkeh'd^sWiWtu-with^vic'tdrieV sfwer1
Kmerild Riff photo
Cyndee Max wall and her Oregon teammates enjoyed six victories over the weekend as they im
proved their season mcord to 14-7.
Floor hockey meeting slated
A clinic and orientation
meeting fur anyone who may Im»
interested in participating
either in the upcoming floor
li<M gey intramural league or the
floor hockey open gvm nights
will he held tonight in 352 (lerl
i tiger Annex at 6:30.
, The meeting will he used to
go over floor hockey rules,
orient people with the game and
giye them a chance to play in a
short scrimmage, says |av
Walsh, one ol the organizers ot
tin- floor hoc key league that will
he started:fpr the first time at the
University this spring.
Walsh also says that, at the
meeting, uu open gym time will
lie established during which
time the floor hockey equip*
ment will he set up in 352 (ierl
inger Annex for people to use.
The gyms will be open for in
formal, drop-in play, hut people
will probably he organized into
teams for playing.
The recreation and intramural
department recently purchased
$112 worth of floor hpckey
equipment including sticks and
pucks to help get the league go
ing. and they will he using nets
borrowed from an elementary
Walsh says ho hopes the in
tramural league can get going
next term, adding that he would
like to get a lot of interest
generated this term
/• Spokane.V.(;onimunjty College. Eastern Washington
dJiiivorsity and the. University, of Montana,"
^ It was a :great Weekend for Oregon gyntnastics.’'
said()regon coach Ed -Boyd. “We just went.out and did
■,,\wliirt we know we could :do>- put together a consistent
■ Friday, 11 ight's; Yictories-were a total team effort as
four I tucks had al l-a'rnund, scores^ of 34.15 6r afxive.
Once againr] fi'eshmeri : Nicky •.Eden'- led the;; way. for
. Edeh;.whq fini8he.d .sej!phd;alKarodd4:in the rneet
with a score"o.f -3<5.2,.,.led Oregon in°aH dour e vpn(s, her\
top ••yed.t;.f)ding..t,hV! .nopr.^eiiil^;;with'’a;fcbrd:;ot:9.i5-.::
A Iso pacing t he^Wucks Kfiday;\y ei;q £y nrlee ,'Max'wel 1,
who.had..a;8ea8on.high;scdre;Qf#3A.!l5-, and- Stephartie -- .
• trv■v7 v->vi; ■
Marquett who scored 34.75.
Saturday, the Ducks had f& show what they were
made of. While warming up for the second event, the
uneven bars. Eden .fell off and injured her head. • •
■ With Eden unable to compete any further, the
Duck's regrouped. Captain Denise Garcia Tesporided, as
she had her test-meet-ever as a Duck, taking first in the
meet with an.a'lbaround'scbre'of’35-35:'-”'
With the'six yictdriesVthe Diicks.are'npw 14-7. and
^Unofficially . the Ducks arelin seventh Jnaceandare
fighting' witfv two -Tpther -teanis ‘for the- alhimportant
Sixthran’d laVt sbbt?in'the -Western 'ReKion./ v.*-'W'-'-’"
a nd last spot? i n;the Westerh 'Region.,'
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