Student group meets to work for peace in Central America Quiet. garden tel ting Prorate apartment in httlortc haute Short walk, to Sth Street Market, Halt Center, d&vntotvn, river, park* | «r CountTVcrw | Garden 5/® 245 Pearl Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 By Deborah lanes Of I hr Kmrrtld A group of University students has inten- , sifted its efforts to work for peace in Central America in anticipation of President Reagan's request for $100 million to fund the Nicaraguan rebels fighting the Sandinista government. .. -t <•„. During a Monday night meeting, a hand ful of students'linow-n as the laitin American Support Committee outlined possible options to encourage the U.S. congressmen from this area to vote against the upcoming Contra aid „ request and opt for a peaceful approach to resolving conflict in Central America. \ : LASC, now in its Voth year, .works jtdf . educate other students.about.batin American"", issues.’according to Co-chafr Grog- Rikho.ff.;' » "North Anfericans ofteri .have an incredi-. . bl.e misuijderstandihg that Central’; • our '■ backyardinstead of .adding, * them-as. ."sf>>cereign'nations.with their.own dignity4aiul; . V:uLture/>Rlkhoff said.;-, ”v*" ' . ■y . To cotinter:.that •misL,q"h'ceptioi]i.',l' has co-8pon,sofed'(:’ulTurai°eve!)t8.ethis^year,8Uclf as ... a^NicaraguanodanceArou'p iind.'aljKKileafi folk iingir.-iif add i Mon J heqtro'up holds week I y i n - r^bfniation^^m-wAings ^to - d il^jisirf recent* ■ dey.elOpmepts^HIhe region ’and plan wh!at ac-; . tion A'btt*;-.• ■ .4 "Jjometlmes'ajhstudlHnts we^fbrget we can : -do anything, but with this'group wefc’an "bring •the-energy- together.ancrreaI iz.e w'e can have an '• j^jj|t|teJlK6f^ct ion. I .ASK-” recently - .’started a letterj'olAjjcto’vtjice student opinions -o *•.; - j/6 • . **; i: / '*£;•* ' • / •“ on the upcoming congressional vote on the Contra aid. LASC has provided writing materials and information at a table in the EMU to generate on-the-spot letters by students.. "The letters can elucidate the issues students think are important, such as opposi tion to Contra terrorism activity, U.S. interven tion or funding," Kikhoff said. Students particularly should be interested in the funding issue, said Chris Orsinger. a staff member for the Council for Human Rights in Latin America who helps facilitate LASC meetings. Reagan's budget calls for reducing student ^financial aid by $200 million, while asking for' ■$H)0 million for the Contras. Orsinger said. .LASC has focused on encouraging Sen. . Bob'.Packwood and Sen. Mark Hatfield to not ■°only’vote against Contra aid. but to take an ac- • . 'tive'role .in opposing the funding. • . \ : '* With °tHese" powerful men In .key. pdsi- ■ ’ finance committees, we want them . to throw* th^if weight around to push, for the. " /Kontaddfa plan,8" Rikiioff said. ° • The/Cmntadora peace initiative., designed / (n January,'. 1 '183, by leaders from ..Mexico,.. * •.Venezuela; ’-.Panama and/Colombia, calls-for ‘ . 'L removal ’bf, all foreign military bases and. adoV < yisere. from. Central iArnefica and renewed’-ef-'./: forts°to reach aVdacn settlement..'• Because thcfslicaraguan government-;n§s > .■> - recent (^suspended some civil’libertiesT mbre cpn“gressiTien~ .may. be willing tor;* embrace ? ; miijta^r-a)d$ta th*.'Contras, said Rikhoff>t * i\s>m > jmt. ,_,__ „ lo by Drrrvl Hewitt ■PVBMMI niet issues concerning Central America. k *» * *\*.\** y Continued from Page 1 cpit^fpf-the «y«^ni:dver »(«r period. will be $:»<) mil'li6n.°.fle said the project will be funded by * of the new .systemv ‘’ . •• . Afifer a vendor.'s bid, is accapted, implementa tion of the computer system will take between ~ three and five years, officials said. Four stale institutions currently keep their information in a centralized computer in Cor vallis, hut the 10-year-old computer system, the System Support Service, is outdated, Chereck said. “It’s just an old system that needs to be replaced.“ Chereck said. STOREWIDE SALE 20-70% OFF WE LL MATCH OR BEAT ANY PRICE IN TOWN! 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