National/Regional Recovery of rocket section could provide vital clue CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. (AP) — Engineers ex amined photos and the debris retrieved from the ocean floor Monday to determine if a submarine has located parts of the right-hand booster rocket implicated in the explosion of space shuttle Challenger. But NASA spokesman Hugh Harris said it probably would be at least Wednesday before a determination is made on whether components of the booster have been spotted. Recovery of rocket sections could provide a vital clue to what caused the tragedy because NASA launch PROFESSOR RAIMUNDO PANIKKAR Univeristy of California at Santa Barbara Department of Religious Studies Distinguished Visiting Lecturer, 1986 will present a series of lectures on: HUMAN LIBERATION AND TECHNOLOGY Tuesday, February 18: THE COMPLEX MEANING OF HUMAN LIBERATION Room 167 EMI). 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, February 19: RELIGION AS A CHALLENGE TO TECHNOLOGY Room 167 EMU, 7:30 P.M. Conversation with Professor Panikkar at Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid . . • R»: University Students, Faculty, and Friends ! , time: 3:30 - 5:00 P.M., Wednesday, February 19 AUSPICES: Campus Interfaith Ministry and Religious Directors Association • lecture. spmtsorrf l>> the Department of KchginUN Studio amt the l enter for the •WIM; You must hove can undergraduate degree to business administration to get a master of business odmintsfra tion (MB A) degree ° * PACT: More than 60% ot the current MBA students hove ’■ r undergraduate degrees m other fields. . ' ' UO Seniors* Come and get more facts about the University of Oregon Master of Business Administration Program It will oe on mfor mol session for you to get information about the MBA program to meet students, alumni, and faculty, and to nelp plan your future Refreshments wilt be served Presented by the Graduate School of Manogment 'Especially for UO seniors, but everyone is welcome to attend TODAY! 3:30 p.m. Gerlinger Hall Alumni Lounge photographs show a puff of black smoke bursting from the booster near a seal on liftoff and a tongue of flame spewing from the same area 59 seconds into the flight. Challenger's fuel tank, holding nearly 500.000 gallons of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, explod ed at 73 seconds, eight miles high. All seven crew members were killed. A presidential commission investigating the acci dent has focused on the right-hand booster as one of the leading theories for the explosion. The crew of the four-man research submarine Johnson Sea-Link 2 reported Sunday it had photograph ed objects believed to be sections of the 149-foot rocket 1,200 feet down in the Atlantic about 45 miles nor theast of Capa Canaveral. Officials said the photographs and videoOnas were brought back to the Kennedy Space Center for initial study and then were flown to the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville. Ala., which oversees NASA’s shuttle engine work. The photos are being compared with pictures of the rocket taken befor the Jan. 28 launch. AuCoin announces he’ll seek House re-election . BEAVERTON (AP) — U S. Rep. Us AuCoin announced Monday he would seek re-election to a seventh term in oCongress." . ° c4. . AuCoin. a 1st District Democrat who has sensed in the House longer than any other member .of the current Oregon congressional delegation, said his goal is to ensure that Con- ; gress gives high priority to the state's economic”* development. ' "My vision is to make Oregon Ih# breadbasket of the;. ' Pacific Rim .and a leader in international trade,"-the 4.1'-year ." *,• . old congressman said. • • .- • ;. . . .'•■■[‘I’-: ‘AuCoin, the only Oregon me.mber "of the- House.Ap propriations Committee, promised to fight'a Reagan- ad-; ' ministration proposal to sell the. .Bonneville Power -Administration.. ; ' ■ . '_*. v#*. ."With the Bonneville Power Administration, and other. ; vital regional assets on the atipi ion. block hack .in the nat ion capital, this is time to be sending.a freshman-hack' ■ to. Washington, ‘D C.-." AuCdin'"said at- a Beaverton-'press ‘ conference ‘ ^ . •; He said, .his position on the appropriations committee would be important when budget-cutting decisions are*made. *’ ; . especially- Since the passage of the ‘.Gramrii-Ru’d man deficit ■ reduction law. ", ; .j • "Most of Oregon's problems are the result of taxing and . spending priorities. I-consistently opposed.". AUCoin said. ' ... "Blit rather than point the finger of blame. I've rtillifd-up my- * ” .; sleeves and gone to work The results are now- Jobs and new .Rope for a state that needs Rope, end-jobs, vriry much."," ■ .. Au(loin, who voted for Cramm-Kudman. said* he thought; • the state could be protected.from major budget cuts ithd.fluif : the law instead' would force, big reductions in the defense' budget. • . . ‘ 14-year-old AIDS victim is anxious to return to school INDIANAPOLIS ;(AP) - AIDS victim’Ryan White'said Monday.he is eager jo return to school ..this week hut nervous, about the reaction by parents of otfier students-, ’ .•••••, 14. who contracted the disease through treatments for hemophilia, said he,is most ner vous about "some of the parents that are protesting; 1 think thero .might be some people there’8, when he shows up for class. Fri day at Western Middle School near Kokomo. : "I'm nervous about meeting my friends, too," Ryan told in terviewer Forest Sawyer on ‘‘QBS ‘Morning-.New;*‘Vf-on • Monday.,-: . • whd lwon the.;right to return to.classes overllhi-6bie<: 0 , tionaof. WesternSchobIC'orp officials and some parents jn the school ay stem 7 appeared on the C6S program With his mother. ' Jeanne White.. • .V*- f. V Ryan., excels > in math and Kriglish; hir mbther saTd; and is not nervous about, catching up after ..- following^ classes by •.telephone . hookup • tom his home since the fall whenever he was physically-able. ? ' "I think I'll do pretty well. I kept up fairly, well,*'• he said.. STOREWIDE SALE 20-70°/o OFF WE LL MATCH OR BEAT ANY PRICE IN TOWN! WE GUARANTEE IT! Bgcq/ fMfhoo 1 3th & I .iwri-m r Si * bJj HOO Mun Ihurs 10 6 • hi Sal 10 0 l 3 phon« _ g (Expires March 31, 1936) 687-8600 1432 Orchard • Eugene g One coupon per pizza, g