National/InternatiQnal Federal programs could suffer severe cuts WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation's budget balancing law will require cuts of 25 to 50 percent in most domestic federal programs, with even larger cuts possible in certain law enforcement ureas, according to a private analysis released Monday. The study by Management Services Inc. and the Center for Defense Information said the impact of the Gremth-Rudman Act would be far more severe than previously Indieved. The report, billed as the first full-scale study of the long-range impacts of the law, said deep cuts will occur even if Congress raises taxes and stashes defense spen ding. "There is little to avoid this If the act remains un changed." it said Management Services Inc. is a consulting firm that makes private economic analyses for a wide .-radge of . •• private and govern mental' clients. The-.Center fur Dtferiae.‘Information is a private, non-profir organixa • tibnthat studies.a variety of military-issues. Beth am . • baseddn Washington, Q.C. . - • ~: If th« law's constitutionality is uphold by the Supromo Court, and Congress doesn't subsequently modify it, some law enforcement areas — including the FBI — could suffer cuts of up to f>3 percent by 1990, the study said. The reason for this, it said, is that Congress, while shielding some sensitive programs like Social .Security from the Cramm-Rudman cuts, neglected to make pro visions under the law for fully funding some critical law enforcement programs. These include the U,S. prison system, protecting the president and patrolling U S. borders. » • . ° The Cramm-Rudman Act, which requires a balanc ed federal budget by 19t$l. is named for its principal sponsors. Sens. Fhil Gramm. R-Texas, and Warren Rudman, R-N.H. •’ * • Automatic .cuts triggered under Cramm-Rudman would chop away at law enforcement. programs as much' as they would other programs. But the study •assumed that Congress would-not permit a reduction in * prison guards, border agents, or in the Secret Service force protecting the president and other high ad ministration officials. *‘To the extent that officials in Congress and the ad ministration find that some areas of spending meet critical national needs, cuts in other programs will have to be even deeper,” the study said. Thus, under terms of • the law, ' other law- ' enforcement areas — especially the FBI. the Drug En forcement Administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms — would take the brunt of law , 1 enforcement spending cuts, the study concluded. This could amount to cuts of 63 percent by 1990 if Congress goes along with President Reagan’s plans to. increase defense spending by roughly 3 percent above inflation in each of the next four years, it said. It.could result in cuts of 4Z percent if Con gress meets deficit-reduction targets by making equal cuts from defense and domestic programs, the study idded. ' . .. ’• ’• «• • mm Israeli forces strafe villages BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israeli helicopter gunships. tanks and 600 troops swept through south Lebanon villages Monday In response to the capture of two soldiers by Moslem guerrillas. IJ.N. sources said. Timur Goksei. spokesman for ihe U N. peacekeeping force in the area, said Israeli a unships strafed suspected guerrilla hideouts In the rugged hill country He said Israeli soldiers ferried by helicopter stormed at least 15 Shiite Moslem villages searching for the two men. who were captured inside Israel's "security tone." Lebanese security sources said the soldiers were seized at about 1 p.m. Monday. The Israeli assault began an hour later After dark, the sources said, gunahips dropped flares to light landing zones, and the Israeli pushed as far as Qaaqaaiyet. nearly 12 mile* north of the buffer zone. Israeli forces spent two hours searching the Qaaqaaiyet area and then began withdraw ing from two assembly points on the outskirts of Haris and Sroubine, about four miles north of the security zone, the Lebanese sources said. Helicopter gunships were seen airlifting soldiers back to Israel at about « p.m,. nearly six hours after the drive began, they said C.oksel said the Israelis had “at least two companies of mechanized troops pushing on several fronts and landing helicopter-borne troops in several villages '* Beirut state radio quoted its reporters in south Lebanon as saying the fighting centered around the villages of Deir Ntar and al Sultaniyeh, about seven miles north of the frontier, and Haris and Kafra. three miles far ther north. tt reported hand-to-hand combat in al Sultaniyeh and said the Israelis pushed the guerrillas out of ICafra after a two-hour battle. Five are killed in Johannesburg rioting ; JOHANNESBURG. South Africa (AP) —' Day long riot* „ rhged Monday, in ” a. black township »Hat forma a pocket,of squalor amidst .-comfortable. ' . white suburbs north of'Johan- . nesburg . Residents ■ said -five ■ people were killed, including a ' black policeman. . Witnesses said the rioting was the Worst in the three days” of .bloodshed . In ; Alexandra toWnship that started Saturday • after ’funerals for two . anti--\ BUDGET FARES! EUROPE? ASIA? Plan summer Travel now! • Rail Passes • Charter Flights • Work Abroad • Language Study • Hostel Memberships • Budget Tours • Student Fares 715 SW Morrison Suite 1020 Portland, OR 97205 1 -800-228-2854 apartheid' activists. ” Confirmation of the deaths ■Monday, would bring the death toll for the ihree days to eight. Police said three people were killed in Alexandra over the weekend, but did not haye com plete casualty figures for Mon day. They confirmed that a mob hurried thd black palicerhan's home, shot him dead and set his bodyablake. 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