Letters legally owned trademark — "Star Wars" — is federally judged usable publicly to describe President Reagan's 0 Strategic Defense Initiative)." • T h t o°u g h o u t those propaganda-like slathering*/ the one . .word describing the shuttle's (rue. pririiaryvpuFpbse . ’ is rnissjdg. That word.?•Military.*: ;V '■■■f>ubV®rtecf.; 'to,:' military!;'; use;: , |iw;S((‘&ik;Sifently;i>.' s<: ierjtlfic"' -space-ex p I o ra t iori■>' • i’-i'1 n • V.V. v: • -i* v •. Pa»a -^(^^■hpi-ijelieyes tT?Si replace 1 Ke space shutt fe) know whatshe’s;al^tting?,Andwhat percent of kdrapareritsl,income is tax allocated (o the military? The bottom (missing) line causing governmental worry is not How many civilian passengers the space shuttles can carry;.- but how great a military payload. ‘‘•To the stars,” indeed. Kay Wells Eugene Dispel myths (leneral Foods insults women in its • . • . me.,offer- one revealiiig: ekaitipl.e y-V;~".• .v; ''V^acks- quptes',t he .=■ Neyv Yprfc the .use of ...S.oviet; 'military* ; : raw e.r y/j'nV.. Af g ha n i § t a'ri: * is •. ' Sacks' '>Thi8.i8-Becaii8e‘,,i’'SackB ^ amis .~equotuig thi! same Xinies a Ft icle T —': ' ^‘ i he *‘re^:o p s t'i t u't ed\' AfgKanTai^yylsrWillinjgita^n^^/: jOiit ground.'opeVations against ■ thelinsurgents!..”:'' » A-*;7 s'' ;i “> y e. •■?..•* v ' ‘ .«,^Here°;is . the 'Times’.' quote:"? v .1 his minimal Miseof, .Soviet military power.can be attributjpd to the ubiguity and effec tiveness of air power ihthefdrm of fighter-bombers and helicopter gunships and to the willingness of the reconstituted Afghan army : (my emphasis). The omission of the phrase .STO RE WID E— SALE 20“70% OFF WE LL MATCH OR BEAT ANY PRICE IN TOWN! WE GUARANTEE IT! Bor®/ /hi/hoo t3lh & Lawrence SI • £83 1300 Mon Thurs 10 - 6 • Fn Sal 10 - 9 “ubiquity and effectiveness of air power"is telling, especially conside-ing how ruthlessly the Sovietr employ air power against Afghan rebels and civilians alike. As I noted in 1 Never say die” (ODE Jan. 24), it is the Soviets promiscuous use of firepower (i.e. airpower) combined \Vith scorched earth tacfi.cs—that has “caused hundreds :.of thousands of "Afghan casualties”.(See. Cpm: 0me.ntary' i n The.Oregonian,. Feb• - 7)./ ‘ .left \flwusarids o.f Afghan v/iIjages. in. ..rui hs”.-(Helsinki VVatch-,: :Dec.. 1984) and made ‘p a-i t s o T t he.'f'.u n t r y; uninhabitable-,' . (IJ.S.‘News,- ; This is just one example of how Sacks misrepresents the Afghan yvaj;" l^"mdhipu lat ingin •fpr'nia t'i qh 4 ‘ frpptma jor bourgeois newspapers” to "support" his points. Mr. Sacks, consider a career in journalism. Send your resume and recent clips to Prav da — they’ll hire you. Tom Visoky journalism $1 off any pizza! name '_ (Expires March 31, 1986) 687-8600 1432 Orchard • Eugene One coupon per pizza. Sound familiar? Germany, 1938. We've come a long way. Since the war of 20 years ago, we have had a great depression, high inflation, high rates of crime and unemploy ment. Other nations ridiculed us. But all this has turned to the bettor. Adolf did away with ihe guilt for, the war lie gave us jobs, brought down inflation .. and made our defenses strong. V . .. lie calls gm>d what M gcK)d add’ .* ’ ’ evil whut is evil:,-The Olympics ’ ’> . fwo ° yeifs- ago /sfitiwecJ^io ' tbd^;f V .v^drld.'how ^e .Germaos cari'ex o ,(■ cel. Mow ourmat ion' is ’staiitii'rig • . ;lali y Sure.? sumo- say tIjat the , i y ,v;secrof /; pplteir^'•res.ye^eryy^here V Y IO^t:h.ac°»nd.^errrSr;A had rv UjtV .<; .V^.jlYyanv ^ybuhg; and- cari"d remember tfie war.(. Hut I do • ■. ^yliWmehibBr,wMji'^fplio wedT t and r , h()W. we,pii lleti-ourselv.es.oui of ;? -*• V - t He mud:; Iji^i .projid ?p-be V( J*r-,'. ! 'man';and- mat.:l am not-one of v - . those weenies. Jews and Gom .»• nnmist s:; w^.^ay^r-dx'pidlfiSd.C. tKirgreat nation' long enough. I am a German and I 'feel good about it ; ;f oNo^de.t us, switch; the; actors. timeandjdiKeofourstory-The iumn,.«ou.'-Auulf- is Koiiniu'-)t. The, Committee,/for}Musical. Arts exists largely to bring,guest in u s i c i a rj s' t o;t he.t inlVe ifs i t y,; W/;, •. strive Yo provide; evont^-\yhic:h: woviW o^Kerwish bii" UnaVijlliible . i n h i».com m U-ui fy-^xb «•; tijfscYivhbi are;-mot 'in* the "HU'tjdp^m of^VVi^i^h;; music. xludjbgjYhote^o^ojheTjCultuyeij a nrf t hose .'perform i ngila t e 2 ot h century., or * modern music; or. music. ' ’•'.* • . . I„ t.. « T-i,~r- '• • **i'~ *# • - ••9* Jibcaiistf our guests,;ant,often not weH k^p^pi^iS'espwdaily. usefuito have the Krneraitl help ’• thecpmmlttee inform': the Cam pus community offthese.events. This is a university, and as such, must offer myriad oppor t unities .forth;*? enjoyment vand edification of 'its students. The Gonifinaitteis' for * Musical Arts selves as one organ of the Universij'y, to provide such opportunities. I hanks to the Kiiitnalu fur iis help m publicizing the oppor tunities .it this fine university The Committee’s next event is the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet. Man I| 9 Ray Morse ASIIO Committee for Musical Arts Military tools Flack of another kind than from the exploded space shuttle Challenger now rains down. Media bombard us about technological spinoffs from shuttle research — innovations enriching our mundane lives. Polls hastily taken ensure us, yes — the majority "want the shuttle program continued" (regardless of: cost in tax dollars, the deficit, the nation's safety net); yes, the eager public, "largely unafraid," would feel honored as passengers aboard future shut tle missions. “To reach for the stars" has an emotional ring dear to the ears of our histrionic govern ment (less so, perhaps, for film maker George Lucas — his Coin** 13th * WMyird oh lion lh« n*o Skim) Me»»l odtfillon I ji aaaoanoDoa m&PZKWG nA-i oarfmoc Phone 343-6234 1 DOGQOOOOOQ MJtjrBAVM* I ^ oonoooooooonoonooooooooonm 3i Ii*' Special Peking Dinner For 2 or More nflar r\r\r\tA linn .TKur I I I I I offer good Mon.-Thur. Includes Egg Flowers. Velvet soup Appetizers Fried Wonton Fried Shrimps Mar Far Chicken Entree Chicken Almond Sub Gum Chow Mem Pineapple Sweet & Sour Pork Barbecue Pork Fried Rice Tea or Coffee & Fortune Cookies Now Serving Beer, Wine & Cocktails SAVE *2.00 $3« per*#* Reg. *6.00 per person Try our Special Lunch M-F (open 7 days a week from 11:30 to 10:00 pm) S1 95 of the Month Brazil Bourbon Santos 585 lb. -K85 $Q00 O Valb. KINKO’S 860 E. 13