Et aL MEETINGS The Native American Stu dent Union is meeting today at 4:30 p.m. in Room 15A EMU. Help the University of El Salvador stay open. The Sister University Committee is meeting today at 3:30 p.m. in Room 337 EMU. The Golden Key Honor Socie ty is meeting today at 3:30 p.m. in Century Room D. The up coming elections will be discussed, and certificates will be available. The Undergraduate Economics Association is meeting today at 5:30 p.m. in Century Room D. All are invited to attend. LECTURESm ORKSHOPS “Defining Acquaintance Rape” is the topic of a presen tation tonight at 7 in the EMU $1 off any S pizza! S name .. . :_ phone __ (Expires March 31, 1986) 687-8600 1432 Orchard • Eugene | One coupon per pizza. Business Administration 271 Gilbert *3302 M M 8:3011:00, 1-4:30 Computer A Into Science 4 PLC *4489 M 03012:30, 1:30-2:30 U 11:3012:30.2:304:30 W 0302:30 H 11:00100, 2:303:30 F 11UO 2:30 Economics 418 PLC *4874 O F 800-4 :30 Forum Room. Helena See and Karen Kane, both from Rape Crisis Network, and represen tatives from Men Against Rape will speak about marital and date rape. The event is part of the ASIJO Acquaintance Rape Awareness Symposium. Pre-PT, OT, optometry students: two specialized workshops will be held Wednesday in Room 164 Oregon Hall by the Pacific University admissions director. PT/OT workshop will be at 5 p.m.; optometry workshop at 6 p.m. Sponsored by Academic Advising tfc Student Services. Argentine filmmaker Susana Blaustein-Munoz will present her film “Las Madras" free tonight at 7 at the Latin American Cultural Center. 1236 Kincaid St. The film is the story of the mothers of those who “disappeared" at the hands of the Argentine security forces. The event is part of the Third World Women’s Project, spon sored in part by the Council for Human Rights in Latin America in Eugene. "The Streets of Naples: Ar chitecture and Tradition in Ita ly” is the topic of a lecture tonight at 8 in the Eugene Con ference Center downtown adja cent to the Eugene Hilton. Speaker is architecture Pro fessor Rosaria Hodgdon. “Adaptations to Distur bances in Insects” is the topic of a lecture today at 4 p.m. in Room 317 Science ill. Tim Schowalter, of entomology at Oregon State University, will speak as part of the ecology colloquium. MISCELLANEOUS Journalism majors can pre register for spiring term jour nalism classes today and Thurs day. Details are available in Room 201 Allen Hull. The Office of Academic Ad vising is now accepting ap plications for para-professional positions. Applications available in Room 164 Oregon Hall. Deadline is Friday. Interested in RIM Floor Hockey? Contact the RIM office or Dan Hart at 686-5336 journalism Peer Advising is now accepting applications for next year. Stop by Room 311-D Allen Hall to get an application form. 0 . Attention organizations: the 1986 Oregon Yearbook is offer ing fret; coverage to student-run or student-oriented organize-' tions on campus. Please call 342-6770 or 686-3724 (message) if your group has not received a letter from us. Sign up for interview times with the (Career Development internship Program in Room 221 Hendricks Hall from todav through Feb. 28. Interviews will be conducted from Feb. 28 through March 7. The Historic Review Board requests persons with any in formation about the Mayflower Theater — previous building plans or owners, historic photos or events held at the theater — to cail Karen Zisman at 687-5481. The hearing on the theater will fie Fob. 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the McNutt Room. 777 Pearl St. INTERVIEWS Submit bids for campus inter views Monday through Wednesday each week, Room 244 Hendricks Hall. The follow ing recruiters will be on campus next week: Feb. 24: Black & Decker (sales, sales management): 0 Monterey Institute pf interna tional Studies (graduate school); 'Carnation (sales, management development, program). Feb. 25: Black &' Decker (same); The Oregon Bank . (financial analyst, commercial loan officer training program): • Peace Corps Recruiting Office (volunteer), ' ' . Feb. 26: Kaufman's (trainee at management level); Peace Corps (same). - • ' Feb.. 27: Copeland Lumber' Yards'. Inc! (management trainee). Feb. 28: Public Interest Research Groups (campaign coordinator, political writers). „ Sign-up space is still available for the following recruiters: Feb. 18: Electronic Data Systems (systems engineering development program); S.G. • Johnson ft Son. Inc. (sales management trainee); Yellow Freight System, Inc. (manage- , ment training program); Xerox Corp. (sales representative). ■ Feb. IB: Dun ft HradstrOet (business analyst); K . Mart (assistant manager trainee, ap- > pare! manager trainee)' Feb. 20: North Pacific Lumber Go. (lumber trader trainee); Sears Roebuck ft Go. (retail management trainee). . "• Feb. 21: North Pacific. Lumber. •’ Co . ' ( s ft m e ); I n t e r.s t ate Distributor Company (regional -. ■ sales representative); • Sav-On .' Drugs, Inc. (martagejnent, t'rainee. storedevel): ° ■ Deadline for submitting Ft.als to the'Emerald front desk, KN-ftf . Suite 300, .vis; noon the. day. before' publication.- Et-als are. . • run only once,.depending upon' • space availability' Events with a' donation'or- admission .charge.- ‘ -will considered .Events. -. occurring nearest the puniica . tion date.Vand campus-oriented • 1 events,-will Ire given priority « « S • - - i % $ Shop til you drop S s Patronize Emerald advertisers <* •, '.'• •. ■-. '. ."'• 0 ' W\\\\\\\W\\\\VV\VV\\\\V\\\\V\\\\V\\\\\\W\\\\\\\\VV\\>\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\VA\\\V\\\ GET BACK ON TRACK! see a Peer Adviser Today What Do Peer Advisers Do? • Analyze and assess progress toward general University of Oregon and specific departmental graduation requirements • equip students to make the most of faculty advising appointments • design academic pro grams and plan class schedules • explore on-campus and off-campus intern- / ships; undergraduate research oppbrtuhites. and graduate schools • ~ ••. • become aware of and make the best use of... University resources • realistically-con-.. . sider career options English 118 PLC *3911 M 1:00-2:30; U MO !MO W 2:30-3:20 H 000 10:00 F 1:00-2:30 by appotntrrwnl Education 175 Education x3530 M 11001:30, 2:303:30 U 1100500; W 2:30500 H 1100200. 2:304:30 F 1003:30 now taking app«calion» lor Spring term Human Service* 105 Hendricks *4189 M 10.00 1:00, 2:10 4 00 U 0:30 5:00; W 11 00 1 00 H 9.30-5:00 Journalism 204 Allan *3715 Call lor hour* Leisure Studies A Services 184 Esslinger *3389 Mon Frl 9:30 4:00pm Now recruiting! SludonVF acuity Mixar Coming Soon Mathematics 333 Fenton x4713 M 10:30 11:30. 3.30 3:30 U 10:30-12:30. 1:30-3:30 W 10:30-11:30. 2:30-3:30 H 11:301:30.2:30-3:30 F 2:30 3:30 OAA/SS Pro Majors 164 Oregon Hall x3211 M S W 0:30 1200. 1003:30 U 11:00200 Psychology 141 Straub x4936 M-F 0303:30 Sociology 709 PLC *6012 M 10:10-1.20 U 0:00-11.00. 11J0-5O0 W 10:30-1:20, 2:10 6:00 N 0:00-1100, 11:30-12:20 F 11:10-1:20 Spooch: RhCm 211 Vlllard *4171 M 10 30100. 1:10 210 U 0:30 10:10. 11:00 1200. 2:10 4:30 W 0101016. 10:10-11:30, 12:10-2:10 H 0:10-10:10. 11:00-100 F 10:10-12:10. 2 30-4 10