RESUMES MOrilllONAUV PREPARED. Evanlnga t waakanda by appl Parkatona Company 344X2J6 VIM 6 Maatarcard 24 hour aarviea 2 *1 Books too joe books in stock All Sailing 40 M% aN Hal pncat •TaatbOOkl'CHIt Nofaa«Maga/ina«< USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO SMITH FAMILY BOOK STOKE TOO tail ISM 4073:ttn Cars a Cycles 1004 INTERCEPTOR MO. Immaeulala only 200 milaa. lull warraniy S2460 345 0370 Jail avaa 6410 2 21 1600 MA20A QIC WAGON. Good tap** and aeonomy racoid Call 346-4064 auaning £_ 2 20 •SCOOTER HONDA PASSPORT. Great condilionl Low mil** VWO PBO 6033031_ ,218 HOWDY Ml THERE FRIENDS* NEIGHBORS ,» la your' <* pal El Monty Slim down'nkta'ai Wide Track-Honda in - WiimmotwTt An<1 hava I’gol a daal lor., •. MMtrjNo RED'IOTS VW-BEETL# i> • |u(T waiim lQi:you imdriva. a’i onia o • • ,N#w lira* ;ehama AMrEM-caagatle . Wbawea'and ; *n-ai a ^daal "lor you •" Rndwred.not JO'.Not.y) BUT. tf. ' .mw.waak only ONLY. 11300.or bail; •* * " «Na**%Call lOuai' '»i.OSO*3Sl .dayt’or. • 40SO307.e»eoinoa,aindKaeo uymoiin Travel ... j° .5 S KISUNVA LLEY ;;v r$uf$g§QHMnRffit f\ v- '. iriiy$£.for>j|£ftC2$ Vi .SAy,E ^38 5240 7 • V *.YnploWsWTa'fun' .4 ;* EMUtCA’MPU^travel ; '* *'GTR /-V.* 'Ji'/M ■* «.v * t Wanted YOU WANT MONEY*? Call Mt 4344 vr • .* • Help Wanted CRUIBCBHtPt HIRtMai: 11*430 000 ■ Carrlbean Hmki, World' call lor'guidfY'' tattetl* . newsservice! (9)6) 944-4444 ; • XuofiBonciuia* ■ ; v.' , « • 4734-; AIRLINE HIRING BOOM - »14 *39 oDO Slbwardeste* .r***fv*tif>rii»t*i.C*H for : fluid*. cassette.' nwiMl.ic4 «»#)■• * " 444 4444 „ «UAW17« ; .. . ,•> . . CRUISE SHIPS HIRING', 114 930 000*» Carrlbean h««4m. Wortd' 'San., for » guidif, c«*4*tt4 newsservice ' (9.T6)' « 144 44 4 4 XVCW1 It \ 3II THE ASUO IS ACCEPTING epplrcitions *or Events Coordinator Monthly *ti P*nd .of f 179 Of work study "Th* coO> dmalof or gen ires ASUO symposia Spr ln9 S*f**l f sue °Brown H*o lecture o *#«** anb ofhar ASUb events ■’•Jftb descriptions and applications availaM* M Suit* 4 EMU 'Appiy by 5'prn Tuesday SM> : tS. ° . ■ . 6435 7 1* WEDNESDAY IS THE EAST. 0 A..V TO'MIEU: IMMEDIATE OPENING ' PROOF NUN NIK. Position entails delivering copies ol clients Jit th* com munlty Hour* ilavibla' Position could i*4d to mors adv sneer) edvarhsing work including sales' marketing- and copywriting a* llm* allow* Mutt'heve . raiialii* tranaponalion' APPi y AT THE • EMERALD RECEPTION -DESK 300 EMU ■' • . • university or oreoon upward BOUND Program summer position* Rosidshj • Group Councilor* ■' Instate • loi* in. high- school math .residing .. writing . E8L. scMnce. health .speech social sludi** Full lima summer sas Sion 1966 only Safari** ,*1500 tor 8 w**k summer sarssion (Jun* 33 August 16) Jot) description* available at'Up ward Bound Oltic* 1659 E '15th Uni«er ■ Sltyot Oregon; Eugene OR 97403 Deadline March 3. I96t> Equal Oppor TualfyfAfflrrrrsttve Action EBiproyef ' . ■ 64363-31 - SUMMER E MPIOYMT NT Mountain Resort Employei it seekfhg mat* and lemal* applicant* lor Retail Sales. Food Sendee and other rataii oriented job* Opening* from May thru September Located in Estes Park. Col or ado For further information writ* Na honal Park Villag* North clo Mark SchU toms, 740 Oxford Lane. Fori Collins CO 60635' ■ ■ 3 21 CHILDCARE Our 3 mo old son needs an experienced and caring person for on* day of chddcarefweek Spring term Call 345 93*7 V.3-31 EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR WANTED Th* Oregon Dally Emerald is looking tor an Informed, issue-conscious per son to writ* editorials Person must be willing lo work long hours and assume much responsibility on key pan of paper Position It non worksludy Applications and a |ob description are availabla at the ODE offlca. Room 300 EMU Deadline for application l* Wed Feb 19 The Emerald It an Equal Opportunity BjwtHoyr. 2 19 WITH ELECTRONICS background 10 modify court ftpoflmn machine 4861962 baton 9 pm 2 20 HOMEWORKER NEEDED *100/weakor mor» filling orders Sand BASE to Vam CO PO Boa 10994 Eugana OR 97440 2 ta LOOKINQ FOR THE BEST Part lima C around? Tfia Naval Raaarva now mora lo offar than avar before Find out how Iha Naw Raaarva 01 Bill can make a big dent in the coal of tui tion while you have an eaceilent pan ittMjgfe £*! SKMmrm muu Apply for Contemporary Issues „ Coordinator with the Cultural Forum Doadlin# F#b 19th Ap'tona available *n th*° Cultural Fo Ml - Porum Qffic*: Sulto 2. EMU-6424 2 19 Roommates ATTENTION.. Female roommate wanted lo share 2 bedroom- apl. on tSfh and • Mill *,137 50/mo,-Move-'’ and pel February.Iran . Ciur Jean' Wf 9478 or. ..Irish 344* 1043 •- , ■ ■ ;2tf ' /Adelphe}touse' ' alien 'lAlralViei*. a '/'r. r.n •. I-.CflMEPl--,,-._...._'4jPP . __ Sf IK INQ3 ROOMMA TELTQ Share, I Vo .bed'ioonj'-ao'eilineiil Lour blocftv'fr'om . •Pl'C’pFuintanifitPllvmp' lob* Vaundry f.arililiat' ^137‘50/mo Call ,343 1991 * e..%■.; ,vTV j <:*;*v ; WANTFOr f.1 MALE?to SHARE..‘i;.Jrb.t “4p!;»1?l^.i>cy/l(o&hH»miilJy i Fumiahed’. .wiih.eoFy.fuepieck end-balcony Evan . 7???‘ fvr '*■% t°. */N «... •- •> *. ■*. For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING mar.nadcouple.'‘ inijr»ingie;:'paiifnl*’:'po»»ittility,'pf/im TvuKjiale occu (iah'c y'or plecaiitoor sal i'orv ■ wari=,li»i Wejfmejaland'rfurnilhesj -A(HKtmant;i .7 b«Ktfi>6m::'4t'4irrto'V-i «•. badfjoom’.i 11 5/mo,. Ama/on u nig rril shed - ■ ;2' tvedioomiSI apimo/. Futura. opaninp. ■ eitfeel^l.'.all^ateaik Confacf UOTfjoij. ; r. ii'ng,OSpt'*5B6‘42^? /494? ttn:; ;■ ■ *.. •, . : ONE.ROOM JUfT.-t-U7jrS0oinclude* 1 •ultima'*' ?Shara 2aifchen ■..Ptlvali' ibathrrafnparafiu Ceil :485 y?0 =7,18 . HOST* FAMILY * OF FE Rtf F bnaon' alo . ,danl't;roonJ,>‘na,*f .'cwnpua .'.Include* .. . meaHL.liiundVy'sanrtc# and'aome.fuior. •ing4*300 ■■'i4v*llab**--Mlf ehR|» 48513301. ■ .atfar-fc'30> '^s-SrJ-' *’EUGENE MANOR it ONE A TWO BEDROOMS v.-r High riU''living at if bast ’.Near campus 4B?:79»Vt 8388'tin BEN0 SKI HOUSE. Three bedroom lul lyi. tuiAi.had ap*. sauna sleeps 8 lay 389 1835 V37 THE SFRINITY OF TMF FOREST 2. Bedroom'tft Bam $300 .'S' $315 Pnvat# Balcony Fully Appliance Carpeted 4 Draped Sauna S 'Pool Excellent But Service ■ For#*! Villege Call now 887 (318 6470 2 11 FURNISHED LARGE 1/2 bedroom cam pu* *245*325 No pat* 485 2823 8433 tin HILYARD QUADS Wsll maintained unit available for immediated move-in. New mafress, nice kitchens on-site mgr. $ 155/mo rent plus deposit $50 cash rebate for move in before Feb 15. Call Jay 485-6120 after 3 pm or visit no 24, 1750 Hilyard. 8380 tin QUIET COUNTRY LIVING In the aoulbwaal bill* Baautilul 1 and 2. bedroom apis with view, lanni*. pool, rac room, laundry Close Id city bus line Prospect Par* Apis 1710 Nor Ihvlaw Btvd 484-6553 6445.2-20 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WOOOSIOE MANOR 1810 HARRIS Furnished quads now aval stable with shared bath or private bath Utilities paid, covered parsing and laundry facilities available IDEAL CAMPUS LOCATION Managers no.139 344 2887 Bennett Management Co 1143 Oak St Suits 300 _ WS891 tin Quads t CAMPUS COURT QUADS |llBl-k,lnf|L a,■■■ Mu sia,.-,,, •IIBf wttw wtOwR ttvill WOW tWPOBWjf kinM raitiinai (lm •V^^w • WWWWy I^N ^^F Wl^R ■ ^Elfi Private refrigerator and V5 bath from *189 Bob or Kelly, 1544 Alder no 21, 344 5713 Bldg managed by St Clair Properties 5962 tin KAMPUS QUADS Vi block from campus. 1138/mo. utilities included IMS Harm. Mat number 4 347 4261 #378 Ifn Dohm Contracts 7UE BCCR AND MONEY to anyone who buy! my dorm contract Sue 4868644 ______ 2-21 DORM CONTRACT POR tala Call 344 7778 Mona 218 Lost a Found FOUND: MALE GERMAN SHEPHERD. Garden way area, fairly young 741 2718 or 746-4325 2 18 Food a Drink •EUGENE'S' FALL GREEK BAKERY NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a ' • Light Meal with us! TODAY'S MENU:. I * Turkey A Cheese.Riled croissant * Spinach ■» Cheese lilted croissant ' Straight t/omtha oven 11 00 am M7 7 306 .iat'Tt 1310 ^atuTday 63. . . 4641802 - TACO TUESDAY 3S‘ ■■b-» ■ . W 1 1»*1 and Aealf f „ NEXT • f 0 UO.BOOK STORE T NEW HOUhS- • ■ CON.TINEhITAL - •: BREAKFAST *• .. v. : - •/ v * •#/• • .I'TWOM «• • • - • * • , .FEATURING cream cheese.pastry.. ;_»• and cpllee or'tea Monday Friday -ErciEtfE’H' '• • FALL CREEK BAKERY lAMuyuiiuyvvvutfWiniM M F '7 3D6D0 . Saturday 63-’■ 881 EM 3th 464 1862 Events PRE-PT, OT. : OPTOMETRY Tha Admissions Duet I or from Pacific University will conduct a workshop tomorrow in 164 Oregon Hall 5 pm PT/OT 8 pm Optometry ' 8001 2 18 DEFINING ACQUAINTANCE RAPE Speakers from Rape-Crisis Network and Men Againal .Rape will discuss marital and date tape Pail ol the ASUO Rape Awareness Symposium Tuts. Feb. 18 7:00 pm EMU Forum Room Wheelchair accessible, childcare pro vided. and hearing impaired accom modeled Call the ASUO for watch rr. OR/5 Id PflEAMMG AMIN. \ Tha Institute (Of Policy Studio* *nd Itw Council lor Human Right* In Latin Amortca ■IS Mill Argentine Filmmaker SUSANA*BLAUSTEIN MUNOZ •Hill a apodal (Rowing ol hor film LAS MADRES (The Mothers) Evory wadi, the mother* ol the au*p paarad" gatharad in tha Ptaza da Mayo and damandad tha tha brutal military government ol Argentina account lor their mltdng aon* and daughter* Thl* I* their couragaou* and trua itory NOMINATED FOR AN ACADEMY AWARD: BEST DOCUMENTARY TUES FEB 18 7:00 PM 1236. Kincaid St. (bahmd.tha U 610 BodkMor*) Co-*pon*« Ibcally by, EMU Cultural EoSum. Canter tor Study el Woman In Society, Woman Studio* and Inlam*. • •• • •' llonal Studio*.' . ■ . . v. - * AaSR i t* Ok ° ". t ’.r^u'ra Invliod'to »ubmit» * I * ° V-..K •' ‘ SC^LAFLY"'.. WJEDDINGTON r DEBATE 10 Dfrryi'at.’ihfccuiturat Forum, Suit* - v v.;, - • Entertainment * Hot Fudge ^S&Sunidaas:; r; 996 .; f . EVERY TUESDAY, . - BBS S. IJSi.” * niltvWINamdtp rrvti » A"/*, ••.V*- ~ THE BIJOU at i, ini' ' FACE-POPCORN 1A4AUUI ,f .. '; .':•**»«*« ,' ; I TUESOAYy ,, \ i thrill N livmillii WinkltT Mitrviirrlhr mu Irutin SI IEER MADNESS t.iTnittijIfnan :. 7 nnihm ifinihl\ h/ iniimf. I nttumrultlr ttHH h’ ■ tftiirru Vifti* I i// •• ' V Coming Soon... • Greek Gays ofGiyirti Feb.-2'3-Mar; ,. . Let’s all get, involvedjsnd : j make this year better v V . • than* ever! ' f*. ° '6000:2-19 DON’T MISS THE DEBATE ZX J.R.: Here's to latenight- picnics, il roses, and the best Valentine's Day ever! LOVE. NANCY- ** ' 2 18 SAE Tony Marsh Get some class 2 18 Andrew James R A S and A L S love you' Happy late Vetentine's Day! 2-18 LIMN GIOIDSBY: III be fine cause you're (still) a friend of mine (Right?) ENGINEER 2-18 TERRY LEE You. me and Andre Koie at the Hult Center K's gonna be a magical night! I love you! PAVE. 2-18 ALPHA CHI OMEGA KRISTIN: Why the warm acknowledgement in front of the cottage? That's so unlike you 2-18 0UANE: Vince's clerical stall is sex by and you are sexy They stand corrected LOVE. JANE 2-18 WE ARE RETRACTING MICHAEL HAR TINO due to the fact that last Thursday was not his birthday_ D.G. Kimberly Thinking of you. Dennis A MILLION THANKS to those who made my 21er a most memorable evert! !H Here's one more toast to legali ty (Finally!), the Country Squires (He • was loo short anyway), locked apart . ments-(NO you can 't sleep-here), the dreaded M pver fl qfways stay in bed un til 4 00) undying cuteneSs (Everyone . loved us) and the quest lor MEN who really and truly deserve us (Need i say more?) LOTS OF LOVE. STORM • , . LAURA:'Move you' BARRY CHRIS SCHULTZ I .guess- Vince messed up your Heart .Throb'We ll see .if he gpts it'right this tjme Happy late V-OQsy 'O.E.T. 218 ; PHI PSI i SMOKER Friday Feb.21 . .8:00 pin at. Nat’IjSuard Armory .• ' ’.s . Admission-$2.50; • » Beer and ’ •/ ■ Chanipagne Coolers ■ served with v . proper ID; " Proceeds go to T % March of Dimes' ’ %. Come support your - favorite boxer! - »;»*•-* Call 686 5277 . , for more info ■ 720 •TKE BOB: Thanks tor-everything! You “are a great b