ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 'Strange Snow’ portrays Vietnam veteran’s struggle to go on living ‘•Strange Snow.” the second offering of the University Theatre’s ‘‘Second Season," centers on the Vietnam War, but has universal meanings that apply to any era. Written by Steve Metcalfe, "Strange Snow" is the story of Megs, a middle-aged Vietnam War veteran, and David, his combat buddy who has never gotten over the horrors of the war. A romance develops between the ex uberant Megs and David's sister, a spinster school teacher. Together they convince David to leave the war in the past and get on with living the kind of happy life they have found for themselves. “ ‘Strange Snow’ is a reckoning for the years gone by and a commitment to the years to come." says direc tor Gray Eubank, a University graduate student. "These are people who are filled with anger, yet they have no one to turn it on," he says. Cast as Megs is Kevin Warr. a junior, theater arts major from McMinnville. Martha is played by Ellen jaffe. a student in interdisciplinary studies. Phil Shapiro plays David and is also in inturdisciplinary studies. The scene designer Is William Hevygley, a bachelor's degree candidate in theater arts; lighting design is by David Cautley of Eugene; and costume designs are by Dean Bourland. a graduate student in in* terdisciplinary studies. »• Audiences are advised that “Strange Snow”, con tains language that may be objectionable to some people. The opening performance is Thursday. Feb. 20. at the Arena Theatre in Villard Hall; Tickets, can be ordered by calling the University Theatre's box office at 686-4191 from noon to 4 p.m. Monday through Satur day. All tickets are for general admission seating and are $2.50 each. Additional performance dates are Feb. 2.1^2 and 27-28. and March 1 and 6-8. Curtain time for all perfor mances is 8 p.m. .'/• . * ,* • o . • rnoio By H'Mw»« iiifw r. Martha, played by Mien Jaffa, tries to, counsel her brother liavid. played by Phil Shapiro, who', suffers “ from the effects of the Vieinapi Wtlr.- •'. • •’ \ McDonald discusses Doobie NEW YOftfc JAP) — Michael McDonald doesn't think of himself as working in the fast lane “I look at myself as a turtle compared to a lot of hares around me." said the former lead vocalist, keyboardist and songwriter of the now defunct Doobie Brothers. “If I’ve learned anything, it's to go ahead and take the pace that's best for me. I don’t try to match other artists tick for lick.” McDonald and Kenny hoggins wrote the 1979 Grammy song of the year, “What a Fool Believes" and Loggins' hit “This Is It." With Carly Simon, he co wrote her hit. “You Belong to Me." His first solo album, "If That's What It Takes," came out in 1982, and his se cond. "No Lookin’ Back," was out in 1985. He’s now working on a third. Still, his solo career is almost reluctant. ' “With the Doobies. 1 knew I held one niche and I was very comfortable," he said. "If the band were still going, that’s exactly where I’d be now. For the Doobie Brothers, which folded .In 1982, McDonald wrote a legion of hits, including “Takin' it to the Streets." "Minute by Minute” and “Real Love.” Why did the Doobie Brothers disband? Said McDonald: "Nothing spectacular We kind of accepted Patrick Simmons (guitarist-Vocalist} as leader. pverybodv •• ’ got. to chime' in and feeKa.little- Hit of o themseives in the end products Then the . „ last -two albums were'like things assembled' around us,' Patrick- quit . It took'us awhile to comp to tenns with the. idea that it was really over.'*.. V McDonald "quit ’.next *'! was; caught. •; between.khowing.the other-guys wanted • to keep going and knowing this was'tny chance to.finally take'the'initiative on., my o.wri.solo carfeer.. McDonald> first UP came oqt in just as the Doobie pothers'-farewell'tour began,'and he toured solo ill '1983. : "Then 1- pretty much put performing- ■ on the back burner':" he said. He produc-'.' • ed a. record'fur P*ttt! foi • Ml ilj^fWl •one for his Wlfe'.. Amv Holland,. . Producing madevM<:i)onaJd put a studibrbehinii.hishouse.:-' .. "More :tha‘n anythitvg. the studid helped mV break put of something;! was burr\irig ol|t Ih .-/writing pop. rhpsii ‘’ in'-'said. . • . : ; /"•I hAd been. Vvritibg pretty nuu h^he • same\way for-20. year*.'.^6*.urttil I .rehearsed with the band or came, intp'-a studio did I start to-^arrange the music. J laving the studio broke that bu.bbfe for ime of gning"°bat:k add making an album the same way otie’rtiorw time’aiid biting • frustrated bv" not knowing' how. to do it - any ofher'way.-' ' •• • • • •' ’ ..; • CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT MMMfMT: AM mt% mutt am paid to* m adyaoc* unlass a CUtmg arrangamant has Oman atltNtahmtl Fo* Oditng at ranRamsms ptaaaa can (M till o* atop Oy th# EswaM Ctassrftad ottica jaoeuu RATES 17 cants pa* won) (or tha fi**t day and 14 cants per word (or con tacutma days tha ad is run oithool Chang* Tan-word naintawwi ctia*f* is *1 7* la* ItM firsl inaartlon and »1 40 to* can tacuUva insartiona 9-POINT (tmina) 12-POINT tSIJSAinal 18 POINT |*1 SOnmel 24 POINT <*1 75MfW) SOX BORDER *125/day DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE: SS.AOflneti BIRTHDAY BEAT: 25« DEADLINES LIME AOS: 12 noon I ha day batore publication DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS: 12 noon two day* befora publication Tha Of agon Daily EmarWd ia publish ad Monday through Friday during tha academic year (September June) and Tuesday and Thursday during summer session (June August) ERRORS: Tha Oregon Daily Emerald cannot be responsible lor more than one day's Incorrect advariiting insertion The ODE » liability lot typographical •'■ rota, Incorrect insertions or omissions to advertising published shall pa limited solely lo the cancellation, of charge*. concerning portion ol space relleclmg the error For Sale NICE TAPE DECK SYSTEM. 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IT! ivt been here ALL EVENING1 GUE95WAT PUKE'S HE'S DUK&A MORB THAN UXBLH DON'T 6 THIS A 5tCK SICK* YOU MAT JOKE, ZONKER* SICK* CHECK IS THIS SOME OUT THE BATH SORT OE ROOMS HERE. FREE SPECIALTY COFFEE Your choice of trench Roa\l. Costa Hit an. brewed de caf, or black tea with the purchase of any entree. Refills lull prut with I he sales slip Oprn Mon. • Thur. 4:30 - 10:30p.m. for ( offer St Pastries t 4ll (l ■! I lotfit HI I MU •ilimi flit I Nil NLiiii (hsk