U.S. role in Philippine election sparks a variety of comments By Amy Moss Of llw Kimrald Ferdinand Marcos declared himself winner of the Feb. 7 presidential elections in the Philippines on Saturday. The announcement means that Mar cos. already in power for the last 20 years, will serve another six years. His opponent. Corazon Aquino, accuses Marcos of stealing the election and held a rally Sunday at which her sup porters endorsed her as the winner, President Keagan denounced the election Saturday, saying that '* the elections were marred by widespread fraud and violence perpetrated large ly by the ruling party," Previously. Keagan declared there was no strong evidence of fraud, despite findings by the 20-member team sent to observe the election that fraud had oc curred in favor of Marcos. Campus-area students have differing opinions regarding what actions the U;S. should take on reports of the fraudulent election. Andrew Morehouse, a senior studying pre-mud. believes preventative action in the form of observers possibly would have prevented fraud. Streetwise ■'Maybe Ihey could hold another election and have more observers of the ballot boxes if that's what it takes to have a fair election,” Morehouse said, "We should confront Mar cos,” said Dominic O'Dierno, a freshman studying music/ "We should threaten to stop aid and put some pressure on Marcos." Bonnie Plant. a junior study ing psychology, believes that while the election presents a difficult, situation, Reagan should lake responsibility for his statements of wanting a fair election. But Plant brslieves in volvement by the United States ' should not go too far. "I. don’t think wo should step . in and legislate democracy." Plant said. "If (the Filipino peo ple) • don’t want Marcos, they should' kick him out themselves!" . "Economic action is probably one of our only choices." said Ian" Barrett,. a junior studying ” telecommunications. Barrett believes report s', of a fraudulent election should be met with reduced aid in certain areas, but ho adds that "whoever won. the loser would say it isn't fair." Brian Chilcote. a senior stu dying geography, sympathizes with the difficult position the U.S. government is in. "1 think they are handling it as well as they can by publicly denouncing it. It's tough to go in there and say let's do it over, especially with the Philippines being so strategic.” Chilcote said. He added that the U.S. should let the Philippines have some autonomy. Idrus Shahab, a senior study ing philosophy, agrees with let ting the Philippines have in dependence by not becoming involved. "Exploitation of the Third World by the U.S. has p(rp9()y Itruunn Haiti/ .Knintalli . *We should confront Marcos. We should threaten to stop’ aid and put some p r e s s u r e o n Marcos/ ... :-r- Dominic O’Diemo 7 don’t think we should step in and legislate democracy. If (the Filipino peo ple) don’t wanfMar cos, they should kick Him out themselves — Bonnie Plant been too much," he said. "It’s very strange for me to see that the Americans sent a committee to observe the elec tions." said T.Y. Yoon, who is seeking his masters in business. He believes the United States does not have any intent to help the Philippines move towards democracy. "The more basic in fant (of the IJiiit^r) States) Is for *Maybe they could hold another elec tion and have more observers of the ballot boxes if that*s what it takes to have a fair election. * — Andrew Morehouse 7 think they . are . handling; it as well as they ‘.can by. publicly denouncing it. It's tough to go in there and say . let's do it over, especially with the Philippines " . being so strategic. ' Brian Chilcote ■It-s very strange for me to see that the Americans . sent a committee to observe the elec tions. The more basic intent (of the United States) is for their own interests.' — T.Y. Yoon their own interests,” Yoon said. Bill Ullman asked whether the United States should sup port a regime that is “totally in ept.” He believes the United States should cut economic aid. "From the reports brought back it would appear that it’s a dic tatorship. It's hypocritical to send a watchdog over there and th^ij pot use it.” [i^German £ A UTO SE RVIC E VW’S MERCEDES BMW’S DATSUN TOYOTA Reliable service tor your *lAO OQiO 2025 Franklin 8lvd foreign car since I96J I £. Eugene Ore 97403 ESPRESSO BAR Serving fine coffee, teas.and a full service menu all day to: LIVEN UP YOUR MORNINGS AND RELAX YOUR AFTERNOONS BOOK and TEA .• Open 10-6 daily • 10-5 Sunday. on the southeast corner o!-campus 1646 E 15Hh • 344-3422 iA ' ' . ’ • j&T’- AStIO STODEWT HEALTH INSURANCE ;. ; ;just,fi2 ! .. - . Covers’ypu through September 2 r, jy»6 ■ ' ‘or ■ ■ ' - •. V • by.thetermonly *75.*00 ..Also; available... v. ' s ✓ Depehdent Coverage ✓ Catastrophic-Benefits ‘ Ask about thevDentiplari. 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