Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 17, 1986, Page 6, Image 6

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Ship sinks off New Zealand coast; at least 8 missing
Zealand (AP) — A Soviet cruise
ship carrying more than 700
passengers and crew struck
rocks and sank in stormy seas
Sunday night in New Zealand’s
Cook Strait. Officials said eight
people were not accounted for
and there could be more.
Earlier they said 34 people
were missing.
Les Goss, the cruise manager,
said many of the approximately
400 passengers — mostly
Australians and New
Zealanders — were elderly. He
also said there were no children
on board, but a New Zealand of
ficial said there were 25.
Officials said today that 666
people who fled the sinking
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Mikhail Lermontov in lifeboats
were taken aboard rescue
vessels and brought to Well
ington. 35 miles across Cook
Strait from Port Gore whom the
liner sank.
Six people were hurt, in
cluding one with a broken leg;
they said. Passengers reported
seeing a woman survivor who
had a gashed head ;
Rescue officials said they
were checking the ship's
manifest against known sur
vivors. and 18 hours after the
sinking it was still unclear how
many people were missing.
"At the last count, we believe
that there only eight people
who are unaccounted for at this
moment.',’ Bruno Deliefsitf.’
board chairman of Marlborough"
v Harbor near where the ship
ment y$wh. 'told Radio -New
Zealand this"morning.'.°'°.. r..
° . But' he said 'that" "cannot be
taken, a*. final , because''there
were three ships.involved in the
passage‘ of• survivors to Well-.
. "ington. There Will be twime dif
ficulty- ge.t.ting a :finalxpunt
’ ’ Australia's^ lCfacituarJe na-j
tional radio;had sald 35 pe<>plo
were.unaccounted for. . ■ . ■ .
^ ^".We’ haye / khsplutely no
record of any lives being lost
; .r " -
and w« have no concern about
fatalities." Harry lames, head of
the Wellington Rescue Coor
dination Center, was quoted as
saying in Monday's Dominion
.Survivors said in Wellington
that passengers and crew began
fleeing the 20,000-ton liner in
lifeboats about 1 Vi hours after it
began taking on water and
hours before it sank fust before
11 p.m. Sunday. "
Efforts to rescue the people
from the lifeboats whre
hampered by darkness, driving
rain and^lS'mph winds.*A New
Zealand a-ir . force! recon
naissance' plane and helicopter
and police and navy patrol
boa'ts: resumed 'the search for
"siiry Ivors'Mondiay!
. James .estimated there were
. about 4t)0 pas'snngursoand some
; 300’ Sov let crew members The
Wellington Evening Post had
reporterT Saturday.. when the
vessel was docked there on its
T4rday .cruitfe,«that 340 ,crew
and 40t) passengers wore
But Deliessie. the Marlboro
Harbor official, said there were
-crew and passengers
Bhagwan leaves Nepal,
’ might head for Europe
KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
the controversial Indian guru misted from theUnlted States
three months ago; secretly left Nepal for Thailand and is pro
bably on-his way to Kurope, his disciples said Sunday
kajneesh, whn’arrivod in this Himalayan kingdom Jan. 3.
flew to Bangkok oh Saturday with five Western aides, his
Nepalese devotees said
“We knew hie would be going to visit his (disciples) in
other countries but we did not know when.” Swami Anaiul
. A run said.
One Nepalese disciple. Swami Goyinda Uharati., claimed
there was a conspiracy behi nd.Kajneesh's sudden departure
"We are anxious the way they carried awnv our
Bhagwan." he said. "Even hi* life is,in danger.'"
Thai Airways International officials said Kajneesh was
ItOoked only to Bangkok, but his disciples said he likely is
headed for Europe.
"We expect him to go to Rome or Greece," Swami
Anand Aron said. "Bangkok may be only a transit point."
Kajneesh returned to India on Nov. 17 after pleading
guilty to charges of violating immigration laws in the. United
States, where he set up a controversial community in Oregon
He left for!Nepal after Indian authorities refused to ex
tend the three-week tourist visas of his foreign aides.
—UO Bookstore—
Attention Freshmen!
UO Bookstore Board of Directors,
Freshman Representative
There is an immediate opening on the Board of
Directors of the U of O Bookstore for a Freshman
Representative. To be eligible, you must be a Freshman
at the U of O and maintain a course load of 12 units
Student Board Members receive a stipend of $20
for each monthly meeting from October to June This
term of office will run until May 1987.
Applications are available at the Administrative Of
fice of the U of O Bookstore, and will be accepted
through Monday, February 17th, 5:30 p.m. For more In
formation, contact UO Bookstore General Manager, Jim
Williams at 686 4331.