World news Aquino encourages non-violent protest of Marcos’ election win MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Cora/.on Aquino called Sunday for non-violent protests against newly re-electjad President Ferdinand. E. Man.os, who’declared, ■“! am thepresident. They are ROf going to drive me out.-':',’1 ;ir. s Man:os. president'for 20.years, also an • nounced. Sunday tf)e-resignation of-his .most powerful ipilitary commandar.Gen-. Fabian C.. '.-Ver.- '. .vV.vjvfv',^ •', /‘W v aftpr; d|Ve\:Nftibnal y'issemb.jy .'.declaredMirrens .Vvifm’er'pf an efectKin marked •by'ohargi^Hf.fraiTdidnd^terrorism. more than half a' million .4',iji|Jinos joined bis opponent in a downhjjw-in jVjirk,Tally a.fnuch bigger rally a...”.-. rhat iiad' gathered 'in the campaign tKe Fiib 7 presidential election. ; . 4 «... :>thrih leading..! ‘.yc Aqiiifijo calleiFfipr: strikes and schiwjhshut downs 'on iju*. day sifter Marcos’ Fab.. 2b |hr viniguratibn^ fpV. a'iiew siS-yeaf term, anil urged a boycptrdf banks andvnewspapers owned by . Mafi:osV‘-'i:hjiVii1*s’ V" Aqurjto’ wfuit had yowed to lead daily \^mbhatr¥tioni4ifft4iHft;Wa.ti,i beali‘(i at (be poljs, {dsp cHlieil on lbe military and police to disiitMiyLiiSrders that went “unjust." I „• • )’ ' p* -V'j. though uharmed. 1 feel like the young boy: I )siv idpre pared. ,t d; face the gi si lift • CJpl iath •‘idib;'saidi-!.;>lf4.edriath';fefuMjf'fd yield, we shall ;i»^l^dpurhiinrvio.leitt struggle ‘ In a news conference at the presidential palace. Marcos again rejected charges he won through fraud and said he would not step down.. W:. • “I am the president. They are not going to drive me out. The people are behind me," he said Marcos also announced that Ver. the arm ed forces chief, had resigned, and he had ac cepted the resignation. But he said Ver would, remain”available as a consultant. ' ‘ " Constabulary. Chief LI. Gen. Fidel V. Kamos vyas appointed interim chief of staff/ Marcos said.* . . J; . Ver. titi, was c:harged jn the August 1983 a.ssassinet ion of Aquino's husband, opposition loader,'Benigrip Aquino. But a. court,later ac-i ^/i>nSlliwl''.Kitn!i mi-lilurir num° *c %$;vpffitd?ls,^cdhcerried abi)ut a growing: com muniitt-insOirgenGy in die Plii Oppi des;-saw Vbr as a h'ihdran'(a?,.fd mi-litarv reforms. .. ' •••. Vv6- *° V ^ \ er's Hin was ,uuunfnfce$.a day before Marcos, AquiniVXnd':-otlm>-'Ki-Mibno '■ leaders were* to meet w;ith Philip llabib-; a special envoy sent by President Keagan to observe the aftermath of the divisive election. "I am Convinced that If. there was any fraud, it may have lieen Committed by the lower levels and was not authorized by the up per leadership," Marcos said. "Probably that might also-be true about the opposition." , 1 A»ked to comment on Reagan's statement that liis victory over Aquino was marked by f^ld. Marcos said Keagan "has been wrongly informed, and I intend to see to it that the cor rect information reaches him." AqUinO called for "a day of standstill” after Marcos' inauguration, advocating work stoppages and school boycotts. She urged Filipinos to withdraw deposits from seven major hanks controlled by Marcos friends, boycott newspapers and companies identified with Marcos, and delay payments of water and electric bills. She called for nightly noise demonstrations. I I BUY 1 get 1 FREE WATERPIPE5 • POSTERS MARTIAL ART • GAG GIFT5 Free poster w/this ad • With all regular-priced waterpipes only LAZAR BAZAR 16 year minimum 1038 Willamette • 687-0139 12” HOAGIES 2 FOR $5 or 3 FOR $7 with this coupon •BRITISH Roast Beet. Turkey. Ham S2.99 •ITALIAN Salami, Pepperom. Provolone S2.99 •AMERICAN Ham. Salami & American Cheese $2.99 •GERMAN Pastrami. Salami & Swiss Cheese $2.99 •FRENCH Salami. Roast Beet S Cheddar Cheese $2.99 •LATINO Roast Beet or Turkey. Avocado & Salsa .. $2.99 condiments included FREE DELIVERY ■ Less than 30 minutes...guaranteed each bogie made to order 6pm-2am daily X. Throbbing head? Quaking body? Has Monday dealt another crushing blow? Revive yourself with a well rounded meal from Domino’s Pizza We’ll help smooth the wrinkles out of your day. Call Us! Eugene 683-7325 toCAT'° 1856 E. 13th Avem 485-5675 2260 W. 18th Avenue 461-0842 1580 North Park 344-2904 1566 Coburg Road Sheldon Plaza Hours: 4:30pm-1:00am Sun.-Thurs. 4:30pm-2:00am Fri. & Sat. Our drivers carry less than $20.00. Limited delivery areas. * 1986 Domino * Pizza, Inc i monday madness Get a 12" 2 item pizza for only $4.90! Good Mondays only. One coupon per pizza Expires 2-28-86 Fast, Free Delivery* Good at listed locations. PK235/DE2