Letters Examine polls * A couple of years ago, ! received some literature from a group that defends abortion. 1 found one brochure, a poll on public opinion concerning abortion, quite fascinating. I ac tually discovered that since I felt abortion was Justified if the mother's life was in danger. I “strongly ” supported legalized abortion. Huh? This national group combin ed those who supported legaliz ed abortion (whatever the cir cumstance) and those who could think of a situation where it might be justified into the "strongly" supportive category. Using this tactic, the brochure claimed over 80 per cent of Americans wore "pro choice" (support abortion .'on demand). • o Given three choices in whjch - you could basically.only answer as never allowing . abortion,, sometimes allowing itor always • V a.l 1 o w i‘n,g‘ it;; I would . o .have---answered in Hie-' sometimes, category-if'they’had" contacted me. Hut. how-honest “ ... •; is- it. to, claim that oved 80 per-'. ’ dent of the"people support,your . agenda if you pn|y.allow such a v: > ”n«jpw choice and ..then lump ' - i the large'st cat'egory lwmietiniesl w i t Ik t h e ‘a bort ion.-© n • .% j demahders? Such tactics make'” i • - T4‘e .; KREMUN REQUIRES YOU TO CANCEL THE CUBA PfcANS" AND PROCEED DIRECTLY’ TO ' MOSCOW C STOP. ; , • '"Glen. even.articutate.'w.elb; .constructed argumnhts bocpme bland: washed-out andtifesome“: . after the" seventh or eighth presentation. Yours brought tears of boredom to my eyes pit. ’..the second reading. ; . .X C If .you ftail compelled ;tp shared •your unsolicited perceptions of wprid .. politics;, please , show some compassion . for it^he- in tellect of your audience, and spirie it up a bit! ' v°C:.'-( Alex Gardner .. Student Morals dictated During the past few" weeks.01 have watched the abortion debate with my usual fascina tion. And I must admit’ that L never cease to be amazed anci-ir ritated by the semanticMegerde main the "pro-choice" folks use to gussy up what is a rather grim and nasty business ^ .kil ling unborn children by dismemberment.. ’ Yet there is one argument that is so unthinking, so exfradr-1 dinarily diddle-headed. that it never fails to get my dander’up. That argument is a variationoL ^p— .-~t\ "You can't legislate morality." Oh yes. you can. We do it all the time. If students learn nothing else about law before they leave this university, they should learn this: l.aw is legislated morality. For the hard of hearing. I repeat, law is legislated morality! Think about it. What are laws but command ments, a series of "Thou shalts" and "Thou shalt nots”? Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not bear false witness. Thou shalt not beat thy wife. Thou shalt not employ children in por nographic enterprises. Thou shalt not get liquored-up and drive backward down the freeway. Thou shalt not discriminate. Thou shall give X percent of thy income to care for the poor and needy. (I call this compulsory charity; a con tradiction in terms, admittedly.. . but true nonetheless). The • question, then, is not "Shaji we legislate nlorality?” Rather/ it" is "Whose morality • shall we legislate?9' ; • . - rom Visoky ‘; . Journalism Unfair attention ■•vin-ffi/erence tpJjav^'Paqu^h's: „ • l^tter|(Feb.:-1Q)^abput-fraternity, ■ Caperl'm, sjiiriB -the ^fraternity 'system would agree..With °me; , -when i-say, that l'm' sick and 'tiied pfireadihg. abbiit -spell . .: issues ’J Hat make' it ' look ’is 'if; ■< ..phiy.! h‘appenS;;-al v •fraterniUps. • v-V ■ '*■ . V. ■ tjrantedr l’ve hoard, of .^uch, . . Tmfbrturiatehicide’rtts that-have * .ihappehed at certain .fraternity/ . hous‘d Buf havp you-ever heard* . of • •‘iti.’ happening at -private-. homos;, apartments or-.' the;’. ■ o-.ddnhs?-«Moiti people "nave; I'Ve . . lived in the°dorms;for,tw« years. and YES" V.it"; dpes-.Oc’eur 4h'ere- • too.-' ■ _ ,* v.;*: - Why then is it that the frater nities'are' always, singled, out from those other entities and ac cused? I believe the reason for iRe cbhstant abuse is that we are in;th’e scfcial 4eyi .more than ahy other organization. This is your : ° i-definition.' of’ "bullshit,.”” Mr. Paquiri.’ *•: "• ' ‘ \ . 9 i, f ^ ^ ‘ r «o * , Alj thajt ham saying is that I’m. ysp ,t ireid of theJraternity. system being singled out and blamed for such occurrences When they * • a.lso • occur elsewhere. If •'something is to be done about this"problem, ” it should be on a c'ampusW.itfe basis, NOT jQST TO; 'f,H°E E R A T E R N l T Y '. system.- : v.7• . .: .. Mark W. 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