Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 17, 1986, Page 20, Image 20

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As men, we need to realize our responsibility
for rape. We need to ask ourselves if we have in any
way contributed to rape - been rapists, given other
men permission to rape, or helped to create a
climate where rape occurs.
□ Have I ever used physical force to have sex with my part*
ner, wife, date?
□ Have I used the threat of physical force to have sex?
□ Have I used intimidation (unspoken threat implied by
size, strength, status) to have sex?
□ Have I used a position of power or financial advantage to
obtain sex? ° „ . *
Have I taken advantage of someone sexually (such as hav
ing sex with someone who was drunk or not aware)?
Have I not listened to a woman saying "No," and
badgered her to say yes to my sexual advances?
Have I been physically sexual with someone (such as.
pinching, patting, touching, or pressing) in an unex
pected or unwelcome way?
Have-I condoned rape by telling or laughing at-rape. .
Cj Have I condoned rape by seeking it as entertainment in
movies or TV?
■ . ■ • ; . . • . • '
□ . Have I talked, thought, or fantasized about rape as a sex
ual act rather than as an act of violence? ' • .■. •
□ . Have I encouraged men in doing any of the above (such
as laughing or remaining silent)? .• • ...
Most men will answer "yes” to some of these questions.
What can we do to stop these things from occurring?
• Acknowledge your own actions and accept responsibility
for changing them,
• Show* this ad to other men and ask them to answer the
-above questions. ' .• . . •
'• Help support the work of Rape Crisis Network (485-6700) •
and other agencies working to help stop violence against •
women.; * ■; ■ ; • ' .j r
;£•, ° ’ . . . . ' ' . • '• ■«
As women, we live in a society which promotes
direct and indirect violence against us. And, as we
are all potential victims, we must learn to recognize
sexual assault in all its forms.
Have I ever been physically forced to have sex with, my
partner, husband, date? "" '' . •
Have I ever been threatened by physical force to have
sex? ■. ‘ ••••.' •:
□ .
Have I ever been intimidated (unspoken threat implied by 0 .
size, strength,,status) to have sex? • ■/
Have I been forced to have sex with someone because of , .‘ v
the perpetrator's position of power or financial; advantage? •
Have I been taken advantage of^by someone because. I ! .
was drunk or not aware? •% \ ’ .*
Have I said "No," but was badgered irtio haying sex?.v ..: ••
Have I experienced physical assau.lf (such is'being' pin -
• ched, patted, touched,’or pressed unexpectedly or. ip‘.art ■■
'. " unwelcome way)? ■ . ••
□ Have [.experienced verbal, sexual assault (such-as heavy. - ■ r
breathing oVe’r the phone -- —.-ft
the street .or .classroom)? .
• breathing oVe’r the phone, or offensive‘.Sexual comments' in ' ?.
>orn)? .* * #• # .■ ■ * . *• •* -o* •• .*•
Moat woman will answer, "yes", to some of ’these
»*• • ■ o •’*
questions. What can we do torecoghlsewhen we >
have been assaulted? •*. v?W :*
Trust your- intuition, if. you.. JpSl;vijqlatdici^^metyimg 4s- ‘.&h f-yi
wrong! •• V
. * ■ ' ■ «ti .w*. «■ •• .I* • .. • AAr- v- ^ "■ • y,■' t
Speak’ Out! When events are ujigbhifb'^able;or.painfUl tb. :.
you, tell others how you feel. It-fs yoUr-V, >.'* '*V.' ’" ; S
Help SubDort the work of aaencieswhich'Work to Helb. T.
stop Violence, against women. ,. .* .\£ \K^-Sr.
Strive, to. be clear in your daily.' -*■
that rape is an act of violence-an'd.pbWer, .'not.a sfexua'l, - *!'•
act.-' .. . ■ ■ . 9
All victims deserve support. If you have tieen.as^iilted-,- •
seek help from others or call thfe Raj^,Crisis Network':
Hotline, 485-6700. (Rape Crisis Network isibcat€ld-ar358 y';
West 10th, Eugene, OR 9740i).. '■!'/•;> V-.. . /• ,V.
v. • y
V S3 .
* l
For more information about how you can help prevent rape 000 0794
on this campus, contact the ASUO Women's Task force. vOO"u/«“