TYPING/t DITING Call Sara DM4T39 4OSS MUMf TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING t EDITING Ratum**. P«P*»* That**, Dtaaaria non* Gradual* School approval ML WORK QUARANTtlD SUSAN 4MI4T1 _ MSSU" GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST U.mg ISM 8*<*ctr><: III CaH Mm* mimw 9 *m and 10 pm at M32S23 or nn» _406# MVY WORDS “R” US Brandy 404 *044 Shaw Naa Ml TOM Quality lypmg/word proeaaaing Papara. ratumaa. admng lapa iianacriptiont. manuaenpl*. m**#*rdi**artalion*. Grad School app «d ISM compaliOta . Mtftwi Word Procaaamg Oi*k Slorag* at a- —ri— *aa a< in aianlnna •HSIMI, MISiJPp, STVYW^pS SSTOIIn Ward Proc*»»tng"f.dllino«Raawma* Paai*Ac£ursl*rOiaa ttorag* CM** t*Ue4 O»Pam.l40 TOM __***»'.!" RESUMES PROP ESHON ALLY PREPARED (wrung* 0 alaakand* by appi Par* alona Company 144 1226 Vrao O Maatarcard 24 hour aarMoa -2-21 WORD process** Tam S«P*iC Ihati* manuaenpl* r**uma*. * cor ratpondanc* mail hnuiabai* ali:. Opart daily’ 12 ID# pm Saturday by ap ' potntmant Th# Floppy Otac. MS MM _1 2-22 Fa*! ProlaiMORM, Clot* |« U- ol O oa-ie^wi . i->4 WORD PROCCSSINCUTVPtNO AHordatMiCaoa«*ni Aulhann 144041* f ■ . • • • kir WORD PROCESSING BY KARIN I .»* ' dralt ‘tlrpaoa 683 im , .#441 HPM • . • . o ■ . . Sound Systems JIM’S ELECTRONICS. - • stereo wiFAiff I45;w#th M3 «WU fhru'FndaySarn S.pm ■ Saturday 9*m ign i • -.Jmsmfm Books • tOO,000 BOOKS INSTOCK '• ‘ • *" Sailing 40 SOSi'ott Mat prlca*' .••TailbookfClIII NoTaa'Magarinfa* , USED BOOMS SOUGHT ANDROID SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE ' • TO* Emi Uth tJMlir Cars a Cycles .tS^WTfSCIFTOM.lOO.Vmm.ifuiAl.' ■ ' T**** *arranV.‘ S2tf0 3**9128 Jaft aar." '*° «4192 *1' *• ■ **•* TOO.cah #Ly J*isSl tor *44 mrowgf^th# US Qoy#mm«ni? Q#l lo^f C*» 1412*42 1 M2.* t«i *1 ■ , ■. M ‘^SCOOTER". HONDA FAS SFO AT. (r°* •m“** ISOO OBO . HOWDY HI THERE !\ : FRIENDS A • - NEIGHBORS'. ■ Thti.i* your, ol' .'pat El MoniySlim swm har# »t wida Track-Honda In Wilmington .And hava.l got a'daaMor •jrowltt Thii RED tSYS'VW BECTLI <> |u*l waitin tor you todniaar. dm*' 22* ''M* chain* ; AM/TM caaaatta Whawaa and what a .dual lew you iAaducad not 20-Not M lBUT TSv. tnta waak only ONLY 11 MO a> boat ®JJ* 0-1 *“»» •• SSS-4MT day* or *** avanmga and kaap irymp ttn Travel FLY TO THE SUN during spring break SKI SUN VALLEY For as little as $102 Campua Traaal Cantor. EMU S4&5T2T8 SINGAPORE, SOSO Roundtnp, Group packaga Call aiban L. M2-ma Paadltna Fad 28 2 17 Wanted YOU WANT MONEY? I want a akataboard Call SM-4344 Help Wanted CAUISESHIPS HIRING' *16*10.000 Cambaan. Hawaii. Worldl call lor guida caaaalta nawaaarvical (SIS) 944 4444 Xuotagoncrulaa 224 AIALINE HIAINO BOOM' *14 5:19 000! Stawardaaaas. raaarvatiomati! Call lor CAUISESHIFS HIRING' 116 *30 000 Carrlbaan Hawaii. World! Call lor Sulda, caaaalla. nawaaarvlca 1916) 44 444.1 IVCWUH 14 Ornuon Dailv Emerald THE ASUO IS ACCEPTING applications lot Events Coordinator Monthly atl pond ol 1179 Of work study The coot dmolot organ..-** ASUO symposia. Spr mfl Slrool Fain. Brown Bag Lecture and other ASUO avanta Job descriptions and application* avaHabla al Sulla 4 EMU Apply by 9 pm Tuesday fjj*:. ,<»■ _ 6439Ml IMMEOIAEt OPENINQ PROOF BUN NtB. Poaltlon antaii* dalivanng copia* ol advertisements to client* in tha com munlty Hour* llaiibi# Poanion could load to mora advanced advertising work including aalaa, marketing and copywriting a* lima allow* Must have rallatiia transportation APPLY AT THE emerald Deception desk joo OAIN LiAOf RSHIP EXPERIENCE The ESCAPE Field Sludte* Program will ba accepting applications lot the lot lowing position* lot Spring Term Application* duo by: Outdoor School Division Head 2/17/86 Bet real Coordinator 2/20/86 Publicity and Recruitment Coordinator 2/24/86 Registration Coordlnalor 2/27/86 Office Managar 3/3/86 Job descriptions and application packets tor all positions are available in the ESCAPE office. Mitt. EMU For more information call 686 4391 ESCAPE is an affirmative action equal opportunity employer 6464M7 0 0 V E R N M I N f . J O B B-. IIMXlOIMOOOryr possible All OC ' cupel ion* Call 1-806-687SOW Eat R8S42 ' MW SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Cokwado Mountain Resort Employer Is seeking mala and tamale appttcanls°tor .Retail Sale* Food Service and other retail, oriented |6b» Openings from May thru '• September •located in .Estes Park.lli% SSLfBEN^cji health epaiiich ' socialaiudtos" 'Fulltime ;«mw session IBBS/only -Salaries IT500 lex I ‘•oak/ aummftrya'asion , (Juno 22 Apgusf *,16|' ■ Jop‘*deecrlfcllpha* available at.Upward Bound S.OUico" IBM E °18th UmvO.eily pf Oregon .Eugene QR 91403 DsMdHne Malrch 3 Iwfe ’ Equal 'OppprlunitylAtiirmelivo Action' .Emptier-: B>-»i; EDITORIAL f- \.^':PAGE. EDltOR" WANTED The' Oregon Daily Emerald i»0looking tor.'aninloimod- issue-conscious per eon to-'wfite edi)o«ele'Pe.reonmust da willing. lu. work .long .noun and assume mochresponsibtluy on key part . ol' papa> Pooilion' lav non" •brSstudy Application's, and a job description are ovolloOlo oTlhb OOC oIIkjo' Room'300. EMU Deadline I6r application' la Wad : Feb: 19 .The Emerald la° an Equal, Opportunity tendbyw-; ■ EI’GEXE’S FAIL CREEK NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE ' Hbvr Lunch or a Light Maal with Ual TODAY’S MENU: • Ham t Chooao lilted crolaaanl • Poppy Rood crolaaanl •lib Alton* Hard Cbooao • Broccoli A Fata Chooao crolaaanl Straight lorm tho ooon 11:00 am M-F 7 30-6 00 Saturday 8-3 861 E 13th 4641863 Roommates 1148 PRIVATE BATH, bright turn room in pluah homo with 3 others Barbara 485-0460 2 17 ATTENTION Fomala roommate wanted lo share 2 bedroom apl on 15th and Mill $137 50/mo Move in now and gat February tree Call Joan 687 9478 or Triah 344 1043 2 19 For Rent EUGENE MANOR ONE 6 TWO BEOROOMS High riae living at II boat Near campus 484 7441 6386;ttn UO FAMILY HOUSING, married couples and single parents, possibility ol tm mediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting Hal Westmoreland furnished apartment. 2 bedroom S144/mo. 1 bedroom tf 15/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom t120fmo Future openings ••peeled, all areas Contact UO Nous inj Dept . 686 4277 _4942 tin •END SKI HOUSE. Three bedroom, tut ly furnished, spa. sauna, sleeps 8 SBMtOO pf day 368-1636 V S7 THE SERENITY OF THE FOREST 2 Bedroom IVY Bath 1300 A *315 Private Balcony Fully Appliance Carpeted A Draped Sauna A Pool Excellent Bus Service Fbresl Village Call now 687 1318 ___ 6420 2 21 FURNISHED LAROE W2 bedroom, cam pus *2457*325 No pels 486 2823 6433tln. ONE ROOM APT. *176 50 includes utilities Share, kitchen Private’ bath/relngerator Call 485 5720 2 16 QUIET COUNTRY LIVING ; In trie southwest : hills' Beautiful 1 and 2 bedroom*apis with view, tennis,-pool tec room, laundry ' Close 10 city bus line Prospect Parti Apts 17U> Nor Ihview Blvd . 464-6663 6445 2 20.1 ; UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT •„ “ WOOD8IOE MANOR » • • ’ 1*10 HARRIS „ •*. Furnished Quads now avatarabia with Shared bath or .private bath utilities field covered parking And laundry I acuities available • • . . • IOEAL* CAMPUS LOCATION . • ■■■ . ’ FROM *1*6’ *. ■ “ ' ManagArs ng 1.3* . .. • 344 2657 Bennett Management Co ’. ' . .. Yt43'0eb St Side "300« » *.•• • 4666001° *. ■ ■.■'••5686 tin .-.•■• v... > HIUVARD qOad.s Wall maintained unit, available for immejdiated move in. New matrass;.» •' nice kitchens: onsite mgr. 1155/mo rent-plus i deposit $50 cash rebate . for move in. before1 Feb ■: 15; tefl Jay 466^120 after .3 pm or visit no 24, 1750 Milyird.:^' ■’ '••' •■■’.'v'- *■’-tisaiieW. Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS • Ant on* Mock from lha lHwwry Now ranting tor Winter, Tarm Private rafrigaratot and » bath from *iA#'Bob or Kally 1544 Aldor no 21 344 5713 “Btdgmanagad by Si Clan Propdma* ■ »’•■ ■ n.:v kaSipuI'.ouai?* i-i&Jv .IV.: block from campus. ti59rmo. ulilitiaaj included 1886 Horn*.- Mgs number 4 34? 4281 6379 tin Dorm Contracts rate act* ANO MONEY to anyone who ' buy* my dorm contract Sue 486-9844 ;■ ■ - 221 DO AM CONTRACT FOR Ml* Call 344 7779 Mona ' . 2 18 Lost & Found FOUND LARGE MALE DOG. Black with brown flock* Found In vicinity of 14th and Hllyard Plans* call 746-illB., 2 17 FOUND; MALE OERMAN SHEPHERD. Qardan way area; fairly young 741-2718 or .746-4325 „ . 218 OREY LEATHER GLOVES loft in 201 Vlllard Thursday morning Sentimental iriBUR - 485-0811. • ‘ 217 iiiiii iMiii W1- - Events PAKISTAN! A Jra* slid* show nl a first *«c*t>l cllmb.ln lha Karakorum rang* will b* presented TONIGHT by Tom Bauman at 7:30 pm In 177 Lawrence Nall.on. campus Sponsored by ilia U‘of O Outdoor Program For more inform# tlori call 8664385 - 6458 2^17 THE SEARCH Workshop. Astrology and Personality will b« held Saturday and Sunday Feb IS and 16. In 176 Educa lion from 10 am to 4 pm Tula workshop will examine astrology, and personality and behavior Ula cycles and transi tions phases In human development will be presented There Is a S1S fee Call Rainbow Jackson at 344-0178 to register 6412:2-14 The Institute lor Policy Studies and the Council lor Human Rights In Latin America present Argentine Filmmaker SUSANA«BLAUSTEIN-MUNOZ with a special showing ol her Him LAS MADRES (The Mothers) Every week, the mothers ol the "dlsap pear ad" gathered In the Place de Mayo and demanded the the' brutal military government ot Argentine account for then mlsslng sons and daughters' This Is their courageous and true story NOMINATED FOR AN ACADEMY AWARD? . • BEST ; Vr DOCUMENTARY FREE 1 TOES FEB *• 18 7:00 PM .1236 Kincaid. St. . “ ' (behind the U ot.O Bookstore)- . iucnKy by CSCtt C^Bere! ■ “Forum. Center lor Study ot Women-in Society. Women Studies and Interns' ■>. • Hone! Studies' •„ ’* .* 645g2-18. ^ (; Four* ImM to submit . • ' QUESTIONS - * ‘lor tha *. • . SCHLAFLY v • •' VS ’ > ‘‘V ‘ WEOOINGTON DEBATE to Darryl at the Cultural Forum" Suite 2,- EMU by Monday, Fob 24* " Entertainment Oregon From lore* Hire Fab. 20 Show* Fit 4 Sat. r:20 S 0:1$ San. Hire Thar. TOO S 1:4$ San. Bargain Matinaa 4:30 tout# Bluia Ih* Itory ol 76 year old Mack musician. Howard Armstrong, had audtonca* chaartng and critics anclalmlng at this year's Haw York Film Fsstlval With roots In tha coun try culture ot Tannassaa. ' Armstrong Is a tiddler, a tale spinner and artist and a student of human behavior. UXJIE BLUIE IS also about tha spiritual stamina out ot which Mack American music came, showing us an enormous soul ol tha sort who made itM noaotbt* • THE BIJOU * lliitm.i Viiiiif.t s« li'-'iiljir \\ inkier \lar_'.irrtlic \