MEETINGS The Undergraduate Economica Association is meeting today at 5:30 p in in Room 111 EMU, All un welcome to attend. The Incidental Fee Commit tee is meeting today at 3:30 p.m. in Room 112 EMU to con sider budgets requests for ESCAPE, Forensics. AJAS and the Drug Information Center. The Native American Stu dent Union is meeting Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. in Room 1T»A EMU, I .EC rru R ES/WOR KSHOPS A resume writing workshop will be held today from i :m t ■ p in hi' Room 12 -Hendricks ■ . Mail, Open to everyone Spun sored by Career- Planning ;and • Placement. ° ’ . ”Words for the Wild” Is. thii -topic of a lecture today at l .in » • p.m, hi the,EMU Forum.Room •Cues} speaker,^ Ann R<)iialds < 'U’cture“-is- sponsored*. by the- - .-English department ’ # °f • - A slide show on. mountain. ‘ . ’.climbing’ in Pakistan Wi!I • be shown .free at 7: io-’p ni; ’ it" . • Room retli i| I fail .Spoil’ • • .’ sored by the Outdoor Progrii'ih . ‘ “Adaptations j to Distur-.-. -Tbailees in Insects” is the topic/' ■ "of a lecture Tiicsii.rt at*4 ji'ih in •’ ”-. .’ Room - ,i 1 7..S( it;n.t c- **H.| Jl.mY; .’.VS, hji.wiilli-i. of entomology.mi * • Oregon .S'tafe l-biiyersit^,- •jvi’IJ.v .Speak as .part dl the ecology... ■ ‘ ■ colloquium . ■ ■ ’ --’'..y * • ‘'MISCEI.I.ANEbtrsV “ * Journalism . major's <.un . preregister for spring term jour nalism classes Tuesday through Thursday this week. Details are available in Room 201 Allen Hall. The Office of Academic Ad vising is now accepting ap plications for para-professionl positions. Applications available in Room 104 Oregon Hall. Deadline is Friday. Interested in RIM Floor Hockey? Contact the RIM office or Dan Hart at «88-fi336. ' Journalism Peer Advising is. now accepting applications for, next year. Stop by Room 31.1-D Allen Hall td.getan application form. . . Attention organizations: the * . .1888 Oregon Yearbook is.offer- ; ing fr»H.* doverage’l.o studepi nm/. orf student -oriented .. organize- , firms .on’d ampus . I’leatie r ail 342-6770-br ’b8B-.3f724 (message) '. If yoUr gmupdias not received a. ■letterJrofnous. ."*• " ' • . ■* •> •0 • . o <*> . pr’evhnw.iituhiuig. .(d.i‘os.of.o\v tiers, hi si dr it ^pht it os ,• of- events held, at’ fhedHeatur- *<’ • In, ct)l I -lyare n° Zi^jhaii* at MB7-S4ft|. '.•Tfie.hearing .biV.}he lima ter2.yti (I He Feb• 2 4 *at;Mf ' ‘pvhc’;in:°the McNutt- Rbbrh.,' 777'. IVarhSt: •*. ’ ’ • V-:. INTERVIEWS Submit bids for campus inter* views Monday through Wednesday each week, Room 244 Hendricks Hall. The follow ing recruiters will be on campus next week: Feb. 24: Black & Decker (sales, sales management); Monterey Institute of Interna tional Studies (graduate school}.; Carnation (sales m a nageme n-t de vel op m e n t program). Feb.. 25: Black > Decker (same);‘.The- Oregon Bank (financial, analyst, -commercial • Idap.officer, training prbgram); . Poacd'.'CorpS Kedruiting . Office - '.(volunteer); Feb. 26; Kaufman's (trainee at . manage me' n t'’• l.e ve I )•; Peace "Corps (same).’ •'/ ' • Ffcb. *27: Copeland Lumber yard s°,. • • Hi -{management ' t rair'ie^). / " ' ". -‘Feb.;. 28: ^ Public Interest • Research* Croups, (campaign s (icrrdhiator. .-politi<;al writers). ”-;Ni'gn-.‘up spVce is still /available- for* the" following • recruiter^: ' ‘ ••Feb.vilh ; Electronic, Data L'S^stftms', (systejns engineering de^elopm'dnt ‘ program); ° sc. • ..{oh(won .K /Son, ;Inc. (sales . .nlau.ijje'nip n14»|raiiiee): • -teHow tLtHgnijSystem., inc. (manage- . »*rifaiivjng\pj-dgram); Xerox '(•on,!‘45a{Bs representative). • ' .'-Feb,. /Hi:" D.uu'si jtradstreel • (business ilhalystj: Kmart (assis ’!«t if. 11 id f i age r . t ra i net >-. a ppa re I •'.manager,fr^ing^i'../ J.„ Feb". 20: North Pacific Lumber. Forecasters warn of floods . heavy snow ■ ‘ By The Associated Press A .cold front tergod.intqthe - .state. * Sunday r 'promp.t(ng' travelers’ advisories for^nuch of ’ northern Oregon and flbod-war • pings for put* of the WUIan'iett e Valley. i. : ,t\ : . The National Weather Service warned of locally .heavy snows • through this morning. in the northern Cascades;. one - offhe ' areas placed under .a" travelers’ advisory.. * . ■ Forecasters also, issued travelers'advisories for the nor; thern Cpast-Range, the Cb.lum bjia River (ior'ge and” the ,. metropolitan . Portland.- .vyhere snow wits expected, above 500 feet -. : i ' .yy. S Arctic’, air froin .the Ihrff- df Alaska wfl.l . lower 'freezing Hevtds in tho'slate’.ii-.northwest •’corner"to near ’or. below/1 H)00 feet, capsidg nnxmj.‘rahr and • snow; at low. ejovatiOnsV-and snow .accuiations above' 500. feet, forecasters said. • • . - TbsSnHtinr .service jnwtml flood- warnings for the Upper Tualatin Ri\ier at IJilluy and.fhe Marys River near philomath.0 A flood warning remained in effect for (ohnsbn - Creek in. southeast .Portland. The Upper Tulatin at Dilley . ^ahd.^the. Marys.-near Philomath ;wjre expected "to exceed flood > stage this mpnilng/ • ■ PortM astiirs saici the Pudding" \. River, at Aurora. the Lukjamute ' :; RiVer.near Suver- and the South «'Yamhill River near Whiteson should approac;hflpod, "sfage . today.. Warning sighs were posted at several* locations along -Foster ■ the Johnson Creek area, where muddy* water spilled off ■ steep-hillsides and. across the r6ad.'> ; Smallslides were reported on . secondary^ • roads- in Lincoln County: , and standing water Hampered 'travel -on U.S. 20 laliout 17 miies'east of Newport, saidRo na ye Ty I or. a Lincoln County-police dispatcher. . ' Abundant rain1. Washed- parts of Western Oregon while lesser . •afnbunt$.° tell east of the Ca'scadesrv ' KaihfaUaniounts in a 24-hour ' period jsnded Sunday afternoon included -3.32 inches at* ' Newport, "1.10 Inches at Salem, 105 inches at North Bend and 1:6?. inches at Pacific City. Media One Presents Friday • February 21 Hult Center $ 14.00 • 8pm Tickets: GI Joe’s & Hult Outlets • ON SALE NOW! Co. (lumber trader trainee); Sears Roebuck & Co. (retail management trainee). Feb. 21: North Pacific Lumber Co. (same); Interstate Distributor Company (regional sales representative); Sav-On Drugs. Inc. (management trainee, store level). Deadline for submitting Et ais NO.1 IN TEST PREPARATION . - CLASSES.FORMING NOW AT KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER , Tn( f»r»pf»on SpeoaUts ■ a Smc# 1938 •' . For Information, Pleas* Call — 485-5699 —— to the Emerald front desk, EMU Suite 300, is noon the day before publication. Et als are run only once, depending upon space availability. Events with a donation or admission charge will not be considered. Events occurring nearest the publica tion date, and campus-oriented events, will be given priority. CLIP COUPON— 1 FREE Soda plus 1C0 OFF I v any slice Coupon good Mon - Wed 11:30 • Midnight. Mon. • Fri.. 3:30 - Midnight. Weekends 1211 Alder on Campus . . 686-9598 Sy's New York Pizza coupon expires 2/19/86 ■———CLIP COUPON.—. to save you money! Deluxe 3x ; . prints from your, color printfllms..*. on professional semi-matte paper Why take chances? WE PROCESSjAU BRANDS Of FILM ; One Day Service ' f • Wl SAVt YOU MONIY COUPONS EXPIRE 2/24/86