Hawks fly past the Blazers PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Reserve iorwarii Cliff latvingston stepped in for ailing all-star Dominique Wilkins and scored a game-high 25 points to lead the Atlanta Hawks to a 110 101 NBA victory over the Portland Trail Blazers Sunday, It was the Blazers’ sixth straight loss and ninth in their last 10 games. While the Hawks played well without Wilkins, the NBA's third-leading scorer, Portland obviously missed center Sam Bowie, again b« n chod by a bruise on his left leg. Wilkins sprained his left knee Friday night against the lm Angeles inkers, but the Atlanta front line Sunday accounted for 78 of the Hawks' 110 points without him. Willis scored 21 points for Atlanta and 7.-foot rookie center Jon Koncak came off the bench to score 18. Kiki Vandeweghe led Portland with 21 points, while guards Jim Paxson and Steve Colter each scored 18. . • '. • •> Portland led 28-25 after one quarter, but Atlanta started the second period with.an H-b run and never was header! again. • ■ ° The Blazers got within 52-51 in the third quarter before the 7-.foot Willis and 8-10 reserve forward Scott .Hastings asserted themselves in side to push Atlanta ahead 82-53 midway through the period. Portland got. no.closer than se,ven the rest of the way. '• /' • . ’ ' Atlanta Coach Mike Pratello said, “I thought we did a really good job holding them off the of fensive boards and keeping them on the perimeter.” "Basketball is not wrestling and not track and field," Fratello said. "It is a team game. The difference between how we are doing this year and last has to do with how we've jelled as a cohesive team. Winning on the road against a good team like Portland, after having learned you've lost your most dominating player, has got to be just pure guts." "This win will carry over to the rest of the season and hopefully into the playoffs," he added. "There's a fine line between walking the ball up the. Court every time and taking fast breaks when you have the.opportunity," Fratello said'. "If yyy don't run at all. you're iri trouble. But if you run too much, and end .up with poor percen tage shots, yqu are playing right into Portland's . Hands. Portland's very .quick and they'll get you on the break if you pull the trigger too.fast." ' Coach-jack -Ramsay, whose. Blairs hit five of eight thif*«-point field'-goal. attepipts against the Hawks, ifaid,,,"! don't -like how. we are playing. We have to wo'rk- nut.&el yes .out of-.it:/We aren't piaying hard enbugh. .yVe played only in spurts, like' when'wecut jheif margin'.db«vn*frqro 1.7-tq five. ;We.haVe/tq be pble to',-p!a.y With- that con-; • slstency.throughout the;game'."- •' . RENO. Nev.. (AP) *-• Lfv- ! ingstdne \BrarnbJa havered Tyrone Crawley- with strength-.’-' napping body punches,’ knock ,.' ad him down with a flurry to the • head. and stopped hint with: three seconds left in the'^iCh round to retain the World-Jiox- ’ ing Association-, lightweight championship Sunday. " Bramble, who-'calls himself' "The Pit Bull."- was just ion strong and tough.for the -‘But terfly” from Philadelphia- in the scheduled’ 15-rbund' fight Wat-' ehed by about -2.500 in a ballroom at the MC.M tirand and by an NBC-TV audience, ... ' . Bramble scored a flash knockdown about 57 seconds into the second round when he nailed Crawley, with a right lead . to the jaw-.. The challenger. ★ COPIES ★ . Krazy Kata Try Um! aaa East 13 th d STOREWIDE SALE 20-70% off WE LL MATCH OR BEAT ANY PRICE IN TOWN! WE GUARANTEE IT! 13th 4 I awfi-nce St • bU UOO Won thurs 10 b • (n S.it IQ 1 touched the . floor wijlv' jhotV •gloves idul took a jmarfdatofy? e i K h t-c!ou n t :11 e' d i d ndf '’aeerri' :Hurt:.; •.But' Crawley- def initejy was . hurt when• ( he wai^kn^cked down at abtiut 2:25 of'tfie; 13th,' Crawley ' had: his • lw<:k tovthe rope? hear his q'wncornhr;wheh ■ ‘Bramble nailed him vvith'a'shprt : right-left to the head. Jtramhle; followed Vyith a dltirry ‘ttv.’tHe' head and: Crawley crashed fd. the canvas. ’ ■ ,'t: He struggled tip but- seemed lost:’Then, after Bramble r.harg-. ed to.attac.k-, raferjae joey.Curtis quickly stepped in. to ,stop"’-thV . bout as Crawley. fell •' to - the ; canvas? .* ^1.. ' : V' ; ‘;'^'4-c Immediately after theiight . it. was . disclosed that Brambje broke* the . third finger .(in his jigtit;hand; ->THe /injury 'was ,T--. th(|ughJ;io.havp.occurred .in the ' >hinth or 10th rounil.' r Vi'1'**’ *T V*’"* ij* t • * ‘ v _ • * "l • ‘ .Bra.njbleV, known1 for his ;cojilh'terpu nc.hing,- sta 1 ked ■ C-Ira^ley/tjilroughdut ahd shbw signs’?from a year 1 laydff; °HiV;24th •yictqr.y] ,15 .by ''■iyibfekout! against one loss and one,«1 raw,;'carne one year to the day'dfter hWsibretl a unanimous /'It',Sirdun'd'-.decisiph over Ray ''.^Bwjm-w Bbqm-' ’ Mancini at , . Rbirib'., ’fief ribw has won 17 ' ^'straight.,fights. ' • / • •p-.,; The?l'6ss/fqr Cra,wley snapped / ai^-velghtfifigiit Winning streak ■■■; and was'his sec:<»nd against 19 victories. Bramble got $213,000. "^ Crawley’s purse was $71,000 .uni he earned every penny of it. 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